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Sylvia Plath-inspired The Gift wall by TNS @ Dying of the Light


Finish Buffy Defence essays
Get Copper's website up
Beta BL
Buy new shoes
Tidy room
Call Cat
Call Lizzie
Email Lisa
Arnotts icons
Find H birthday present


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"There's a fine art to growling. Most men will never get a real growl off in their entire pathetic lives... a real growl starts deep in the chest and rumbles up. If you growl when you've got someone pressed against you, they should be able to feel it. Feeling the way it rumbles is part of a growl -- but if you're really good at it you can get 'em from across the room, just by hearing it."
-- Diebin, Every Noisy Inch




l Monday, April 28, 2003
H's been watching Home and Away, with their Big Murder Mystery.

It's utterly hilarious, and what makes it even better is that all this comedy is utterly inadvertent. Someone seriously needs to apologise for the acting, the scripts, and the entire, overly contrived, plotline.

The show has always had zero credibility, but that rating just plummeted to about -3,590.

I've finished the new icon site, but to put it up I have to upload about 151 new icons (a series of Ani DiFranco icons I've been working on, I've redone the Mercy songset, all the Arnotts icons I've finished thus far -- over 60 of them -- a number of The Princess Bride icons...) and I don't think that either my connection, computer or bandwidth would appreciate that at the moment.

Methinks it will be a long-ish process.

Heh. Mum and Dad are watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and Molly Meldrum's on. "Molly! Molly! Molly!!" Hee! It's turned into the MCG!

Although I think Molly's about an inch from a heart-attack. Do they have people for CPR there??

edited because Ian "Molly" Meldrum just won $500,000 on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire... and here in Australia, no one has ever taken out the $1,000,000. Oh. My. God. I think that I'll wake up in the morning to the news that a rock guru has had a heart-attack over-night though. He's been shaking so hard. We're watching it thinking... my God. He's going to have a heart-attack.

$1,000,000 question, no lifelines.

Mocha, a choice variety of coffee, takes its name from a seaport in which country?
a). Somalia.
b). Yemen.
c). Oman.
d). Djibouti.

What's the answer?

He's narrowed it down to two answers... and neither are the right one.

He's taking it. Thank God.

Believe it or not, I hate this show.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:51 PM [x] ::

I'll admit it.

I have a soft spot for mushy, happily-ever-after endings.

There. I've said it. Happy now?!

The main way I can get that, of course, is either in trashy paperbacks (Mills and Boons etc) or watching romantic comedies. To quote Camilla Gibb in The Petty Details of So-and-So's Life, they're "like cotton candy -- sickly sweet, all fluff and melt, immediate gratification subsiding into craving for substance leading to yet again more sickly sweet."

I'm a little picky at times with romantic comedies, but I have to say that my all-time favourite ending to a romantic comedy?

It isn't when Tom and Meg run into each other at the top of the Empire State Building in Sleepless in Seattle. It isn't when Bill Pullman proposes by dropping the ring into the booth with his family all gathered around in While You Were Sleeping. It isn't that scene with Andie and Hugh in the rain at the end of Four Weddings and a Funeral. It isn't when Richard Gere drives up with the sunroof open and flowers and climbs the fire escape in Pretty Woman. It isn't even Buttercup and Westley's final kiss as they ride off into the sunset in The Princess Bride (someone get the smelling salts for Leelee).

<ot> What category does The Princess Bride come under? Is it a romance, a comedy, a spoof, a fairytale..? I don't think it could ever be classified as a "drama", but that's about it. I remember reading in either an intro to a latter edition of the book or in Which Lie Did I Tell William Goldman saying that the studios had great difficulty in trying to classify the film so they could a). make the trailer, and b). find a target audience... I think I can understand. I just classify it as "great fun". </ot>

My all-time favourite ending, no matter how contrived and unrealistic and so never gonna happen it may be, is the press conference at the end of Notting Hill. It's mushy and stupid and something that would never happen, but I don't watch the classic chick-flicks for realism. I think it's the goofy grins on both their faces as the photographers go into a frenzy as they al realise that it's for real <sigh>

Now I have the urge to watch all of the films mentioned above...

Feeling guilty with all these feedback surveys around... because I've been a lazy as all hell with feedback for some time now <sigh> You all know who you are, and I'm sorry. I promise, I'll try to lift my game somewhat.

Maybe I should just start with a copy'n'pasting of my IMs with Copper <g>

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 5:18 PM [x] ::

l Saturday, April 26, 2003
Mum, Dad and H got back just before... so I'm raiding the candy they had for in the car.

Kool mints (mints addict), Allen's Strawberries and Cream, and Starbursts... I'm only raiding the lemon and orange ones, though.

Mum and Dad had to take the trailer they borrowed back to our friends in town, which is a half-hour drive away. The cat went into ecstasy as they got back... and now I think he's convinced that they've abandoned him again, although the fact that H is still here is reassuring him somewhat.

They laughed at the box of kleenex sitting on the computer, though... I was reading Beholder, okay?! Excuse me if I needed them there.

Heh. I remember the first time Dad caught me sobbing over fanfiction at the computer... I think he thought someone had died. "They did," I told him, hiccuping through my sobs, "Angel died, and now Buffy's all... and it's just..."

Needless to say, he thought I was insane.

Still haven't found the fic <sigh>

Taxi Ride
You are "Taxi Ride!"
You probably appear happy
but in actuality you've got a hidden sadness.
Tori Amos: Which 'Scarlet's Walk' song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 5:43 PM [x] ::

l Friday, April 25, 2003
I'm looking for a fic.

I've searched through over 100 pages of Google results, and frankly, it's driving me insane. I can't remember the title or the author, which might be having a slight impact on my lack of results, but I remember the plotline perfectly.

The storyline goes:

Faith walks into a bar, where Buffy is drinking. She spends time trying to get through to her, how she's wasting her life. Angel asked her to speak to Buffy... Buffy is bitter... Angel gets a normal life, Faith gets a normal life -- a usual life etc -- but she'd sacrificed too much in order to save the world to ever get that.

It goes on a bit, but in the end, Faith is watching, helpless, as Buffy walks out of the bar. And Faith realises all that Buffy has gone through and how no one ever said thank you... not even her.

It's driving me insane, and heeeeelp!!!!!!!!

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:17 PM [x] ::

l Thursday, April 24, 2003
Well, they didn't say anything.

So I'm guessing that next week, I'll be back to online-during-the-day dole-bludging Smurfy, or at least for a while.

Everyone should worship Diana coz she's offered me webspace <dances>

I'm thinking that I need to go to Melbourne for a weekend. I haven't been all year and I miss people. I also miss JB-Hi Fi and Borders, but not as much as I miss people. Both Cat and Lizzie have other-halves I'm yet to meet, and I still have $50 in vouchers for Angus and Robertson Bookworld from my 21st I'm yet to use (we don't have one around here).

I'm thinking the weekend of the 11th May; catch the 11.30am bus/train on Friday (the 7.30am one only goes as far as town, and not to the train station) and come back Monday evening.

Of course, having said that, something will probably come up. But I'm really wanting to get down there soon.

This morning I had the third example in six weeks of why I need to get some form of independent transport... my bus broke down. I fell on the way to the bus stop, tearing open my knee but I didn't go home to fic it up due to bus missage. So I walk there with my skirt hitched up around my thighs to keep the blood from staining it (what a sight it must have been!), and stand at the bus stop in this drizzle-rain-mist (which got me rather wet in the end), blotting at the blood with scraps of newspaper that was in my bag.

For half an hour.

If Mum and Dad had been around, I'd have walked back home. But I was still running early enough to know that there was no way the bus had been before I got onto the street the bus comes down. So I had that hope.

Then this car pulls up in front of me with two vaguely familiar people in it... it was one of the regular bus drivers, asking if I was waiting for the bus.

So I was driven into town in a 33-year-old Valiant by my bus driver. Very different way to start my last day of work experience.

Now, though, I have no excuse to not get that icons site up at last, and to finish beta'ing certain things that people other than the author are harassing me about.

The cat's psycho and stressed because he's not used to being at home all day by himself.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:43 PM [x] ::

Watching channel 7's breakfast program because Today doesn't start until 7am, and I see "Australia's Holly Valance the next 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'".

Quote, unquote.

So the first thing I do is jump online (running a little earlier than normal, so it should be okay) and Google.

I'll take my initial 'huh??' and raise it a WHAT THE FUCK??

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 7:10 AM [x] ::

l Wednesday, April 23, 2003
I just watched the final scenes of Awakening.

Cut beneath the surface screen of what we say and what we
seem, Is a trick to be seen, She keeps crying out your name,
But her scream sound the same, How fickle fate can be.

Okay, we'll go past the utter irony of me tuning in specifically for the most chemistry-free sex ever seen on TV (not saying the couple because of the Google factor... I get enough crazy searches anyway) and I'll just come out and say it.

So Surprise.

He so said it.

He said it. There's no getting past it. It was clear. I didn't know when he was going to say it, I thought it would have been after he rolled off her and so the fact that he said it when he did... it was sooner than expected and added to the squee factor.

It may be several months after everyone else, I swore I wasn't going to watch it (but N was watching and I could hear it and couldn't resist), but now that I know for sure there wasn't thousands of people hearing things I'm going to do the dance of joy.

And go sleep. Long. And deeply. Dreaming dreams of B/A.

She cries your name,
Twelve times again,
She cries your name,
How long can this love remain.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:53 PM [x] ::

Oops. Forgot to tape McLeod's Daughters for Mum.

I know that I had all this stuff I wanted to post today... but I forget them now.

But big congrats to Molly. USC!!! Squeeeeeeeee!!!

One last day at the work experience... I know it's their current receptionist's last day, and I don't know if they're going to ask me on or not. And I don't know how I'd feel if they did.

New default icon at the LiveJournal, from a fantabulous songset to Ani DiFranco's I'm No Heroine (and before Cat runs over there, I'll add that it is a songset to Buffy pictures <g>).

Jasper's been alone in the house all day and going crazy. Must go.

p.s. Remembered that I wanted to tell everyone to read today's Non Sequitur... just change that to "Then you get to work all day and pay the bills whilst saving the world all night long whilst I can eat all your food, freeload for months on end and say how much better I could do this and how selfish you're being."

Obsessed? Moi?

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:05 PM [x] ::

l Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Well, Mum, Dad and H are off to Wilson's Promontory. I'm as jealous as all hell.

Not only do they get to go to the Prom (not the dance), but I'm not at home to get online 24/7.

I spent Easter Sunday watching Sense and Sensibility (see, Trix, you weren't the only one who had to get it out).

Of course, it took the entire day because it's on VHS and I had to keep stopping it to avoid my classic "hiding under the seat" syndrome.

Note to self: replace VHS copy with DVD.

I have envied Kate Winslet or her character in a total of two roles.

The first remains Titanic. Back when Leo was cute (I maintain my biggest lust-moment for Leo is the first view of him in Romeo and Juliet... smoking under that arch). I don't know if it's because of Jack dying to save her life, the "I'm flying, Jack!" moment (shut up), or that gorgeous dress she wears for the latter half of the film (from the moment she gets dressed again after the portrait sequence with that fantastic piano piece by James Horner through the sinking etc). You know, the white, empire-waist with blue and... sigh. Love that dress. It's the kick dress of Titanic.

The other moment? Having Alan Rickman as Colonel Brandon lusting after her, staying steadfast despite being the most pathetic (and selfish) being on the face of the planet, and then when he's reading poetry to her as she recovers? And when he sends her the piano? I'll turn into a romantic fool who carries on like a pork chop if it'll get him looking that way at me!!

Have eaten way too much chocolate.

Since I'm rereading 1984 for the gazillionth time at the moment (it's my mother's old high school copy no less... it has her maiden name and "11H" on the inside cover, as well as all her notes), I'm experimenting with layers and text for a 1984 layout. No pictures, just lots of quotes and fading effects... it's interesting.

And not being made to celebrate the return of Australian Big Brother on the 27th. There goes channel 10's credibility for the next few months...

Had an interesting conversation with H Sunday evening.

For those of you who can in at the Live Journal stage and skipped the blog, my brother N is one of those crazy people who thought AtS season 3 was the best thing since sliced bread, and loved the Angel/Cordelia plotline. He continually told me how great it was around the dinner table, and I swear I didn't explode or rise to the bait. Much.

Anyway, H has been borrowing Restless a lot of late. He keeps asking me about the symbolism therein, and I think I've explained the "seven thirty" thing to him at least twenty times.

On Sunday evening, he asked about Spike on the swings.

I related Kita's recent posts to him, but then mentioned some not-so-Spike-friendly spoilers I've heard from people who heard them from Shawn.

It turns out my sweet, innocent little brother is a Spike fan, Spuffy and redemptionista all in one.

I'm thinking I could get away with a plea of justifiable homicide. Molly agrees, and all I have to do is find a judge who may agree I'm doing the gene pool a favour.

Seriously, I could handle the Spike-fan. That's easy. I'm fine with that. Spuffy... well... yes, I can handle it. I don't think he feels the lure of the cheekbones, and I'm thinking I need to have a good long conversation with him on what constitutes a healthy relationship and how to not psychologically abuse your partner, but I can handle it.

What broke the camels back, however, was the redemptionista part. Like, the part where he said that yes, Spike was redeemed and a fully-fledged good-guy by the end of season 5.

It really is something we need out of the gene pool, stat.

There has to be something genetically wrong here. A season 3 fan, a redemptionista and me (let's face it, I'm not exactly the picture of normality here) in the one family. I think it's mum's fault. She's the one with the dodgy fangirl past... she camped on the pavement for tickets to see the Bay City Rollers.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 7:53 PM [x] ::

l Sunday, April 20, 2003
Okay, here's something for Diana...

... and anyone who was wondering what it is about this "The Glass House" thing I keep going on about...

Devoted to the Stickiest Chicken now has a (semi) detailed episode guide up. Including quote highlights, discussions, and more.

Such as:

Ben Lee: I just thought it was exorbitant the amount of money. There are so many tv sets that could be recycled. Do you remember that show 'you can't do that on television'? I would love to see General Tommy popping out of the locker, or if he says 'Saddam'...
Corinne Grant: He'll get a bucket of water over his head

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:38 AM [x] ::

I'm scared.

I'm very scared.

In two days, I had two hits via Google for "Mrs. Homn".

Either there's someone out there seriously looking for this character who never existed in any series, or I've been outed.

In any case, very scared.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:10 AM [x] ::

l Saturday, April 19, 2003
Well, I survived the hot cross buns.

I hate crowds. I think I've mentioned this in the past. I hate being in a room filled with people with no way of escape. And when it's your own home, I think it's almost worse... technically, I could go into my room. In reality? That's not an option. At 21, that's rude and unacceptable.

I wound up sitting in the corner keeping Jasper company, who was going psycho with the number of people in his house, and hiding under the table.

Emily, you've corrupted me. I just typed "table" and now am thinking in terms of table sex. You are evil.

Sudden images of parents and table sex. I need to go gouge my eyes out now...

I skipped the Good Friday service... sleep. I needed sleep. I wanted sleep.

Although I'm facing eviction if I skip Easter Sunday, so... Mum and Dad say we can skip every other Sunday to the year, but Christmas and Easter are days where we have to attend church if we're living at home.

Am busy making Mulder dools for the blog... I think I needed to get out of the Dan Radcliffe droolage stage (although he's also a drool for the future on the blog) because... well... let's face it, he's 13. Dammit!!

But as for the David Duchovny droolage? I blame Leelee, Trix and Lyss. Just so you know.

Watching Chamber of Secrets... God, I love Alan Rickman. Remind me next time I'm drooling over Dan, get out CoS and Alan. Or get out that VHS copy of Sense and Sensibility. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Must download pics. New drools. Must make Alan Rickman drools.

Need to convert all those .png drools to .jpg. The page takes too long to load now.

Alan Rickman. Mmmmmmmmmm.

::cough:: Sorry.

And now Leelee has me feeling tired. Damn you! Of course, Dad has to take a 6.15am Easter Sunday service tomorrow <evil laughter> They so aren't getting me to that one.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:29 PM [x] ::

l Thursday, April 17, 2003
We have a gazillion people coming over for Hot Cross Buns tomorrow morning.

I've said I'll go to the Good Friday church service.

But what gets to me is... Friday, I'm at home during the day, and I won't be able to chat <sigh> And even if I did, Copper won't be online <sob>

But hopefully will be able to on Monday, coz Easter Monday is also a public holiday... and then there's Anzac Day the following Friday, too (Jennem, think Veterans Day or something, 'kay? I'm bound to post on it, too).

Quick question: what kind of parents would name their child Charles Mason?

Yes, that's Mason. M-A-S-O-N.

But I bet you looked twice.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:32 PM [x] ::

l Wednesday, April 16, 2003
I just read some spoilers about how they're going to end Buffy.

As in, end the series. Full stop, end of story. The series finale.

This is our last goodbye
I hate to feel the love between us die
But it's over
Just hear this and then i'll go
You gave me more to live for
More than you'll ever know

I've been a big proponent on the idea that the series ended with The Gift. With what I'm reading right now, just that one thing that I hope to God is a foiler because if it's true then, as Emily says, it "will be all about hunting down Joss Whedon". She also says how I'm meant to post reassuringly, and tell everyone how false it is.

Sweetie, you know you're chatting with a massive pessimist, right?

This is our last embrace
Must I dream and always see your face
Why can't we overcome this wall
Well, maybe it's just because i didn't know you at all

If this is how Joss wants to end it... and notice that I'm not going to say what the spoiler is, so I'm sorry to anyone who hasn't heard it... if this is the end, I know that the first thing I'll do is make that There Is No Spoon clique. Because this is not the show I fell in love with.

I know that Molly and numerous others have been not liking Buffy, the character, this season. So maybe they'll say that this is what they expected of her; no more, no less. And part of me will cheer that took this action, that she might turn her back on all the pain and the angst this has caused her.

There's a part of me that would cheer because I consider her family and friends to be ungrateful so-and-so-s who trust her to save the world but not make her own decisions, who expect her to be there for them but are never there for her, and I could go on all day (and have done so in the past). I think I wanted to issue a challenge to certain people ::cough::Trixie::cough:: after I first read spoilers for what will happen in a few weeks that did involve Buffy packing up and leaving.

Kiss me, please kiss me
But kiss me out of desire, babe, and not consolation
You know it makes me so angry 'cause i know that in time
I'll only make you cry, this is our last goodbye

What I cannot fathom in these spoilers (and okay, so I'm going to come out and say it) is that Buffy choses to live as a normal girl. Yes, we've had her wishing for "a normal life" (some might describe it as whining) time and again, but... when push comes to shove, she always chooses to be the Slayer.

I know she's tired. I know she's had the weight of the world on her shoulders for way too long. But... it's what she does. If she doesn't save the world, who will?

I can see it being acceptable, if done well. I'm afraid I just don't trust them to manage that.

If Faith voluntarily stays on the Hellmouth (if she's placed as leader of the gang...) it might work -- Buffy saying, "well, Faith, you're leader now... you can feed all those mouths, pay the mortgage, take the responsibility and the shitty dead-end jobs and sacrificing everything that matters to you time and time again with no one to say 'thankyou' for everything you've done for them -- I'm going to go and live life."

But that won't be how it's done, if it's done at all.

Did you say 'no, this can't happen to me,'
And did you rush to the phone to call
Was there a voice unkind in the back of your mind
Saying maybe you didn't know him at all
You didn't know him at all, oh, you didn't know

I'm heading over to the Babble Board for the first time in months, to read some of the reactions to this. There are some pretty good ones, with everything that this foiler script doesn't explain. I'd hope that, as they know damn well this is the last episode, they explain things a little better than the average run-of-the-mill series finale might do so... but then, I hoped for the same with The X-Files and I don't know that they succeeded there.

Maybe it's true. Maybe it's not.

I just know that "this is the sound of breaking up".

Well, the bells out in the church tower chime
Burning clues into this heart of mine
Thinking so hard on her soft eyes and the memories
Offer signs that it's over... it's over

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:21 PM [x] ::

l Tuesday, April 15, 2003
It's fucking freezing. I'm sitting here, shivering and shaking, waiting for that fire to heat the room sufficiently so I can feel okay again and that damn weather-pixie-thing says I should be wearing a short skirt, t-shirt and sandals.

They need to learn that temperatures are relative. Seriously. They have that picture in summer clothing at 12 degrees?? It has to be at least 23 before I take off my jacket, let alone wear open-toed shoes. At 12 I'm well past the stage of getting the woolens out of the closet and cursing that I didn't bring my coat with me.

Maybe the international types are laughing at me for thinking this is cold. But then, I don't consider it warm until the mercury hits at least 30.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:45 PM [x] ::

l Monday, April 14, 2003
Well, I've survived my first day on my placement.

I haven't updated here with the details yet, have I? I was actually placed with the people who ran the training course -- they're a New Apprenticeships/Group Training organisation, and I've been put on their reception for two weeks. It's not a permanent placement; it's the two weeks' work experience necessary to complete the Certificate II course I was undertaking over the last few weeks. So I'm not getting paid-paid... I think it's something like $5 a day, just enough to cover us under workers comp. Goodie, I say, that will pay for half my daily bus fare (it costs me $4.30 one-way on a concession).

But working for these people is okay... they know about my "special needs" and don't have the "let's throw you in the deep end with concrete around your ankles and we know you can swim" attitude I got when I was The World's Worst Receptionist.

It's for two weeks. At the moment, I'm not in the realm of panic-attacks and curling up in a ball under the front desk. I'm also not the sole receptionist; there are always at least two people on the front desk. This indicates that there's so much work that they need more than one receptionist, but today was a quiet day and please leave me to my comforting delusions, okay??

I've got three public holidays over the two-week placement, which is a comfort in many ways. There's Good Friday, Easter Monday, and Anzac Day on the 25th (the one day of the year I feel the slightest iota of patriotism... and someone catch Jen, I think she just passed out from the shock of me ever feeling anything like patriotism, however vague that feeling may be).

I had some general "housekeeping" notes I wanted to say... hmmm...

purple_smurf, purplesmurf and purplesmurfette over on DeadJournal need to be severely scolded for taking my handles. And all those journal programs that won't allow funkypurplesmurf to be a handle because it has 16 characters and they only allow up to 15... well, sucks to be you.

I'm seriously considering making a separate LJ icon site, because maintaining it as part of the blog is giving me a massive headache.

Molly needs to check her dingo's groupie hotmail address.

I had computer problems yesterday and missed speaking to Copper for the last time in three weeks <sob> I'm going to send her ::hugs:: here in public because the next three weeks are not going to be the best... and not just because she's deprived of my company <g> If you see her (if she come out of hiding long enough for people to see her hinthint -- yes, I'm evil), give her hugs.

Finally, narcissistic idea for a "my fandom" icon... "my fandom has me... what more do you need to know?!"

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:29 PM [x] ::

l Saturday, April 12, 2003
I wasn't going to update today.

I wasn't.


But then I found this page, which is part of Fangirl, and Copper said "you've *got* to put the link to this page at your blog/journals"... so I am.

"Joss was quoted a couple of years ago as saying that the trick to making the show work is to keep Buffy miserable. The trick has certainly worked well for years now, but while looking back at Buffy's life as the Slayer, I gotta wonder if just maybe this one person's been through enough..."

Go read the summary of Buffy's Parade of Pain.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 5:59 PM [x] ::

l Thursday, April 10, 2003
Notice for Australians:

I was looking through today's Green Guide (keep in mind this is for Victorian programming!) and noticed that both Buffy and Angel are repeats this week.

For the benefits of the international types, Australia doesn't usually show repeats mid-season, but plays the 22 (or however many episodes it is) straight through.

But on the 15th and 16th of April (or maybe the 14th and 15th for NSW and Queensland residents) we have repeats.

The Buffy repeat is fine; I have it circled with stars everywhere. They're repeating Once More, With Feeling, so it's pretty safe to watch (I just love it when Angel turns up at the end to help save the day... who could have seen that one coming, what with the ban on crossovers and all??).

However, I have blacked out the AtS episode... or should I revert to CtS for this episode? I think they're showing the Big Joss Episodes from the last season of both shows.

Yes, it's that one that can make even the most positive fan bitter and wondering what the hell has happened to their show... they've decided to repeat Waiting To Claw My Eyes Out And Rinse Their Oozing Gaping Sockets With Acid.

Normally I don't even look at what episode's screening, choosing to ignore it. But I glanced at it this time and... well... I thought people might like the warning, if they skipped season 3 AtS but are watching season 4. Or if they decided that sitting through that episode (like I'm typing the spiel out again <snort>)

Well now my body's weak -- so just give me a reason
And my make-up's off -- so just give me a reason
And my defence's down -- so just give me a reason
Give me a reason
Give me a reason

In other news, I need to be hit. Hard. You know that list from earlier today? I was wandering around my little country town with Mum, and both Sanity and Myers had Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets available for purchase.

But I decided that I was just going to rent it this weekend, and buy it Monday week.

And I couldn't afford to buy it today. Well, I can, but I don't want my bank balance to go down below a certain point.

So, despite the fact that it isn't available to rent until tomorrow, despite the fact that it was out for sale over 12 hours early... I didn't buy it.

I think I need my sanity checked. Stat. I'm a bad fangirl.

19 fandom icons

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:22 PM [x] ::

I feel like I'm stuck in the dark ages... I left my phone at home!! I had to call Mum from a payphone to tell her, because I'm meeting her here for coffee when I get out. H has band practice until 5pm (he plays the drums) and she has to go to Centrelink, so we get to have mother/daughter bonding time.

I'm eagerly awaiting a number of CDs, books, films and DVDs at the moment, so I thought I'd make a list of my top five.

1. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. How many sleeps until 9.01am June 21st again..?
2. A new Sarah McLachlan studio album. PLEASE!! I want one!!!!!
3. Return of the King. Or at least The Two Towers on DVD -- the extended version, of course.
4. A new Dido album. She's in the studio, when is it coming out??
5. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. One sleep to go!!

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 12:31 PM [x] ::

l Wednesday, April 09, 2003
I was walking past Toy World this evening, and I saw a Midge & baby Barbie in the window.

I had this sudden thought... what if Midge's child was Ken's?

I mean, c'mon, it would make a fantastic Days of Our Lives/Bold and the Beautiful/Young and the Restless/Passions/random-soap tie-in.

Ken would have cheated on Barbie with Midge, and I'm assuming that Mattel hasn't bought out a single mother doll, so Midge must have cheated on Mr. Midge. Barbie and Mr. Midge mustn't know that Ken fathered Midge's child, and Midge would be blackmailing the cheating bastard for all she's worth.

I think there's a fanfic in this. "What really happens inside those plastic boxes..."

I'm addicted to toy stores. I love them as much as I love book stores and CD shops. I'm usually found on the boys section (I was always drooling over the Star Trek action figures) but ever since I heard about Molly's 18th birthday presents (Lana and Chloe Barbie dolls), I've been craving a Barbie renaissance. So what you really have to worry about is if this Barbie fanfiction comes in pictorial form.

I've been making more "my fandom" icons... thus far, I have 17 made, in four fandoms. But a question for everyone... what is the official legal age of consent in the USA? I'm pretty sure it's 16 or 17 in Australia (it was never a huge issue for me, and you can take that any way you want), but I keep running into things saying that it's 18 in some parts of the USA. I'm particularly after California and New York. I don't want Utah or somewhere where it's 14 <g> (apologies to anyone from Utah reading this!!).

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:27 PM [x] ::

l Monday, April 07, 2003
As many of you may or may not be aware, I was once a rabid Trekkie.

I was never anywhere near the level of the people featured in the Trekkies documentary (although I do know the Brent Spiner woman, or did once... we were members of the same board, I visited her website/Data-boards when she pimped them and I think I exchanged the odd email with her), I do have a massive collection of TNG merchandise. I have the collector cards, t-shirts, communicator pin (shut up), puzzle cubes, board games, computer games, figurines, micro-machines, novels, episode guides... much as I use fanfiction to escape problems now, Trek was a bit of a lifeline from the age of 12-15, and as my family didn't have the internet at the time, my version of fandom was contributing to the fortune Paramount, Berman and Braga were making from the stuff they pumped into stores.

When I finally accessed the internet, the first sites I went to were Star Trek websites (not to self: must go visit).

Eventually, as my RL friends (this was when I was still in secondary college and had RL friends) didn't get this Star Trek thing, and as they and I became more and more obsessed with Buffy... well, TNG had decided that "all good things" etc etc and I was always the real TNG girl. I'll readily admit to the complete and utter superiority of DS9, but it will never hold the same place in my heart as TNG. TNG had my first real ship (Riker/Troi) and my first slash pairings (Data/Geordie and Picard/Q). So I drifted, slowly but surely, away from Trek and into Buffy. As my fellow Trek-obsess-ees laughed at how obsessed I could get with this other TV show.

Anyway, last night, I spent some time going through my harddrive and opened up my Star Trek folder for the first time in waaayy too long.

I'm suddenly hit with the urge to start making LJ icons with my favourite quotes.

I'd want these to be flashing between the speakers, of course, when there are more than one.

Kirk: The name of the game is called... Fizzbin. Each player gets 6 cards, except for the player on the dealer's right, who gets 7.
Thug: On the right.
Kirk: Yeah. The second card is turned up, except on Tuesdays.
Thug: Tuesday.
Kirk: Ohh! Look what you've got- 2 jacks. You got a half-fizzbin already.
Thug: I need another jack?
Kirk: No. If you got another jack, why you'd have a shralk.
Thug: A shralk?
Kirk: Yes, you'd be disqualified. No, what you need now is either a king and a deuce, except at night, of course, when you'd need a queen and a four.
Thug: Except at night.
Kirk: Right. Oh, look at that, you've got another jack! How lucky you are! How wonderful for you! Now if you didn't get another jack, if you had gotten a king, why then you'd get another card except when it's dark , when you'd have to give it back.
Thug: If it were dark on Tuesday.
Kirk: Yes, but what you're after is a royal fizzbin, but the odds of getting a royal fizzbin are astron - Spock, what are the odds on getting a royal fizzbin?
Spock: I have never computed them, Captain.
Kirk: Well, they're astronomical, believe me. Now, for the last card, we'll call it a kronk. You got that?
Thug: What?
(chaos ensues)


No, I'm from Iowa. I just work in outer space.

Enterprise to signaler on planet's surface. Identify self. (Reads answer) "Hip hip hurrah..." and I believe it's pronounced "Tally ho."

Gillian: Are you sure you won't change your mind?
Spock: Is there something wrong with the one I have?

Khan: Where am I?
McCoy: You're in bed, holding a knife at your doctor's throat.
Khan: Answer my question!
McCoy: It would be most effective if you would cut the corotic artery, just under the left ear.
Khan: I like a brave man.

McCoy: I don't see no points on your ears boy, but you sound like a Vulcan!
Data: I am an android.
McCoy: Almost as bad.

"Mr Adventure": No destination orders, no encoded IDs...
Uhura: All true.
"Mr Adventure": And what are we going to do about it?
Uhura: I'm not going to do anything about it. You're going to sit in the closet.
"Mr Adventure": The closet?? Have you lost your sense of reality?
Uhura: This isn't reality - this is fantasy.

I can't change the laws of physics!

N... C... C... 1... 7... 0... 1. No bloody A, B, C or D!

Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us, "Revenge is a dish that is best served cold"? It is very cold... in space.

I shall appoint you my executive officer in charge of radishes.

Picard: Abort autodestruct.
Computer: Riker William T, do you concur?
Riker: Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur wholeheartedly!
Picard: A simple "yes" would have sufficed.

I am NOT a merry man!!

Worf: Congratulations. You are now fully dilated to ten centimeters. You may now give birth.
Keiko: That's what I've been doing!!

Worf: The computer simulation was not like this. That delivery was very orderly.

Jenna: What were you just thinking?
Data: In that particular moment, I was reconfiguring the warp field parameters, analyzing the collected works of Charles Dickens, calculating the maximum pressure I could safely apply to your lips, considering a new food supplement for Spot...
Jenna: I'm glad I was in there somewhere.

Data: Yes! I hate this! It is revolting!!
Guinan: More?
Data: Please.

How to eat a chocolate sundae: First of all, you have to spoon the fudge around the rim, leaving only the ice cream in the middle. Then you gently spoon the ice cream around the sides, like you're sculpting it. Relish every bit, make every one an event, and then, with the last spoonful, close your eyes.
Riker: I had no idea it was such a ritual.
Troi: Chocolate is a serious thing.

Timeline? This is no time to argue about time, we don't have the time!

This is getting on my nerves, now that I have them.

Guinan: I hear they've drummed you out of the continuum.
Q: I like to think of it as a significant career change.
Guinan: Just one of the boys, eh?
Q: One of the boys with an IQ of 2005.
Data: The Captain and many of the crew are not yet convinced he is truly human.
Guinan: Really? (stabs Q with a fork) He seems human enough for me.

Odo: Every sixteenth hour, I turn into a liquid!
Lwaxana: I can swim.

Bashir: What are you eating?
O'Brien: I'm not eating, I'm chewing.
Bashir: Chewing what?
O'Brien: Gum. It's traditional. I had the replicator create me some.
Bashir: They just chewed it?
O'Brien: No, they infused the gum with flavour.
Bashir: What did you infuse it with?
O'Brien: Scotch.

Odo: I heard an interesting rumour today.
Quark: Only one? I started at least twelve.

Bashir: If you lie all the time, no one is going to believe you, even when you're telling the truth.
Garak: Are you sure that's the point, Doctor?
Bashir: Of course. What else would it be?
Garak: That you should never tell the same lie twice.

Dax: And, as the 34th Rule of Acquisition states: "Peace is good for business."
Quark: That's the 35th Rule.
Dax: Oh, that's right. What's the 34th?
Quark: "War is good for business." It's easy to get them confused.

Bashir: Wait a minute, aren't you two wearing the wrong colours?
O'Brien: Don't you know anything about this time period?
Bashir: I'm a doctor, not an historian.
Sisko: In the old days, operations officers wore red, command officers wore gold.
Dax (entering): And women wore less.
Bashir: I think I'm going to like history.

Odo: Klingons?
Waitress: Over there... and over there.
Bashir: Those are Klingons??
Waitress: All right, you boys have had enough.
(Everyone turns to look at Worf.)
Odo: Mr Worf?
Worf: They are Klingons. And it is a long story.
O'Brien: What happened? Some kind of genetic engineering?
Bashir: A viral mutation?
Worf: We do not discuss it with outsiders.

Gah! And that's on my limited-collection of quotes. Then there's my collection of answers the crew would make to the question "why did the chicken cross the road", and I have no idea where I got it from but there would be some great LJ icons in it...

"You chicken bastard, you killed my son...YOU chicken BASTARD, you killed...my SON...you CHICKEN bastard....youkilledmy...son!"

"KLINGON chickens do NOT cross roads."

Of course, my favourite one is "The chicken, in observing that it was on the opposite side of the 20th century Terran paved roadway, was aware that its immediate goal should have been to traverse the distance without interception by an kind of combustion-propelled personal transport vehicle, but I am unclear as to why any kind of domesticated fowl should desire to perambulate upon a conveyance normally reserved for the usage of...yes, sir."

::cough:: No, I've never been a Trekkie <innocent>

So I'm craving the DVDs now. All seven seasons of TNG are available here, so I thought... why not? I'll go into Myers today and put season one on lay-by.

They didn't have season one in store, but they did have several others.

The cheapest of which was AU$189.

That was season 5; the other seasons they had in stock (I forget which ones they were) all had price tags set at $229.

Maybe I'm just cheap. I didn't look at the number of disks contained in the box set, nor did I look at the special features. I was concentrating more on trying to get the blood to start back up to my head before I passed out.

Am I being cheap? Am I asking for too much, if I want to pay less? Or do I start writing dirty letters to people who think fans will buy anything, no matter the price set?

... says the girl with a cube that has no purpose other than that if you fold it one way you see a picture of the Enterprise-D, fold it another way for two TNG cast pics, and when it's in cube form it has pictures of Deanna, Riker, Picard, Geordie and Data on the outside.

I think what pisses me off most of all is the knowledge that yes, one day I probably will pay the outrageous price being asked. Because sometimes, a fan's gotta do what a fan's gotta do.

BTW, if I say at any time in the next two weeks that I've bought a new CD (other than Ani's Little Plastic Castles because I've already paid for that so it doesn't count), DVD or book, hit me. Hard. Tell me how stupid I am and cut up my plastic cards (I don't have a credit card, thank God, but I take too much out of my bank accounts... I'm meant to be saving, damn it!). I bought two Ani CDs today (up up up up up up and Living in Clip, which I have a burnt copy of from Cat but I wanted the actual copy with tour book etc etc etc), and then when I bough Girl, Interrupted (which I've been wanting to buy for ages) I saw that they finally had X-Men 1.5 in store and... well... me = Rogue's bitch. Plus, there's the buckle to consider.

So shoot me, stuff me, hang me on the wall, but don't let me buy any more CDs. As I was leaving Sanity I saw PJ Harvey for the first time in my little country town (damn you, Alley!) and nearly bought... but I thought that $80+ on CDs in the one day was a little too much, even for me. As it is, I spent $122.85 on CD and DVDs today...

And that's almost enough to buy one season of TNG.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:55 PM [x] ::

l Sunday, April 06, 2003
If you've been on any LJ icon community of late, you'll realise that there's this obsession with "my fandom" icons.

And I couldn't resist.

and I think I broked Speedis, so if it's still down, go to the "icony goodness" link to the left and you'll see it.

I'm in a mood today... I don't know what mood, but it's a mood. I think I've got this anticipation thing going... yesterday, just as I was about to go and read the new part of Gia's Secret and Lies H's birthday dinner was served. I knew that when I got back to the computer Copper would be offline and so I promised her I wouldn't read it until we were both online tomorrow (she likes my continual comments/commentary for some reason) and now I'm dying here.

I do that a lot when I'm reading things online, sharing of either the amusing parts, the parts where I wanna flay Angel (and then bathe him in salt water and lemon juice), the parts where I'm just dying for Buffy (or abusing the author for not understanding her <g>), the "oh, my God, what's with this person and why don't they either get a beta or read through it after they've written this" parts, and so on. The "I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY JUST LEFT IT THERE!!!!!!" with crappy cliff-hangers.

And I'm not allowed to do that because I can't bloody leave my room (hence typing this up offline) as Dad has someone in his office and they haven't closed the door. As a result, I'm not allowed to walk around my own house, and if I do leave my room I have to speak in whispers. Sometimes having a minister as a father sucks.

I've got Vortex on tape, but haven't watched it yet.

I keep watching my Mirrorball DVD at the moment, and am now having this strange urge to do a Witness LJ icon songset. Just for the line "I won't weigh you down with good intentions"... I have this image of Willow and the Scoobs resurrecting Buffy. Of course, there's lots of other images I have in mind <g> but that's one of the main ones (along with "as we carried the weight and died for the cause", coz... I'm The Gift's bitch).

Everyone seems to be doing lists of their CDs on their blogs/site collectives... and I'm tempted, but have waaayy too many. The idea of typing up and categorising 250+ CDs gives me the shakes.

Sarah's so cute on this DVD... she keeps making eyes at Ash.

you know if I leave you now
it doesn't mean I love you any less
its just the state I'm in
I can't be good to anyone else like this.

when all we wanted was the dream
to have and to hold
that precious little thing
like every generation yields
the newborn hope unjaded by their years

I so need to get a life <sigh>

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 3:25 PM [x] ::

l Saturday, April 05, 2003
One of the reasons I wasn't online much today is that I went to see Maid in Manhatten with a friend.

Yes, I willingly saw a J.Lo film. Stop hitting me!! (I'm just thinking how quickly Miss Windy is about to de-friend me).

I didn't mind it that much. I mean, it was a romantic comedy, and it kept to the genre with no surprises. Ralph was purty (friend said she knew I chat to Americans because I actually called him "purty", not "pretty"), and I didn't expect anything more than I got. I think that expectations of a film is vital... if you go in there expecting mediocrity, then you won't be disappointed by it.

But there were three major redeeming features of the film.

First one was... Norah Jones' Come Away With Me. The big groin-rubbing scene, which means you know there's about to be some massive misunderstanding/revelation and this is all going to go to hell any moment (standard romcom features).

Second redeeming feature... Norah Jones again, with Don't Know Why. The big misunderstanding scene.

Third redeeming feature... Eva Cassidy's cover of Kathy's Song. The whole "life goes on but they're both miserable without each other" montage.

I can even forgive them the gazillion and one J.Lo songs for those three.

Big "squee" moments today... a). chatting to Copper, b). Indie's viginette, and c). Sam's Hey, Jupiter LJ icon songset.

What BtVS 'Fan Group' Do You Belong To?

brought to you by Quizilla

BTW. everyone should read today's Non-Sequitur.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 7:43 PM [x] ::

l Friday, April 04, 2003
Things I Should Have Learnt But Haven't:
When planning an "early" night, do not go to one of your favourite fanfic archives at 11pm. Just don't.

My grandparents are here for H's birthday tomorrow... should be interesting. Not really in the mood to deal with them at the moment, but that's because I'm tired and just grumpy. Love them dearly, but they are a lot to deal with at times.

I've been pretty teary the last couple of days, but tired, grumpy, hormonal, a few bad days, and the fact that I burst into tears whenever I see the face of Private Lynch.

I want a Best of Elton John.

I've actually been contemplating the fate of "rock legends" of late. I remember the last time Sir Elton was out here, people complained that he was playing too much from his new album (which was the reason he was on tour) and not enough of his classics. Bob Dylan had the same problem earlier this year, and I'm sure Paul McCartney could write the Definitive Works on the subject.

But these are all creative men who continue to release albums.

I know that if I went to see Bob, I'd want to hear his stuff from the 60s. If I went to see Sir Paul, I'd be after his Beatles catalogue (which was and always should be under the credit of Lennon/McCartney, full stop end of story).

Even people without the huge back catalogue... okay, so Tori still has a fairly extensive catalogue but nowhere near the 30+ years those guys do. Yet I Know I would be missing certain songs that she just wouldn't be able to fit into the show. I watch Sarah McLachlan on my Mirrorball DVD (the only way I'll ever get to see her <pout>) and I want songs she didn't play, and even seeing Savage Garden with all of two albums there were songs they didn't play from album number one I wanted to hear.

So where's the compromise between the "classics" and the new stuff they're actually promoting? Should these people have two concerts, one for the newer stuff and one for the classics?

Pity the superstar, pity those with the rabid fanbase, pity the cult figures. Pity the artists who are accused of "selling out" to the mainstream, for daring to become popular. Pity the people who are always accused of betraying the fans and still being creative.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:53 PM [x] ::

l Wednesday, April 02, 2003
Okay, for anyone who didn't know:

Three sleeps til Smallville season 2!!

Ahem. I'm actually rather sick and stuffed up with a head-cold at the moment, and I kinda forgot (due to tension in the house, which is another long story) to take my meds last night, so today was an interesting day. Although I got copious amounts of Lionel/Chloe written for that challenge by Molly and Miss Windy... I think I may just have to read through it again when my head's on straight. Although that may make it a lot more dull.

I have no idea what I'm typing as I type. God, I love being sick.

I'm in the middle of scanning around 15 pages of Empire magazine's X2: Evolution special... I had to create a new Geocities account to house it. Lots of Hugh... so I have to share. Will add a link when I'm finished.

On a bit of a scanning-run at the moment. Found a pic of Adrien snogging Halle at the Academy Awards, so that's a new LJ icon for me, and I've got some of Orlando as Joe Byrne in Ned Kelly which I'm making into LJ icons, too... LJ icons are way too addictive. There's nothing else that needs to be said there.

Found a new book by Camilla Gibb, who wrote Mouthing The Words at Collins today, so I put that on lay-by. Along with a copy of Stupid White Men, because I still can't believe I haven't read that yet. I noticed that Sanity had Ani's Living in Clip just in stock today, so I'll have to go in and get that next week, although Leading Edge has a copy of her Little Plastic Castles coming in some time then for me, too... at least I've already paid for the latter. I really shouldn't be somewhere around bookstores and CD shops every day, because I just can't budget where they are concerned.

which scooby are you?

Anyone who says I rigged the quiz will get a stern talking-to <glare>

As I didn't update yesterday, I'll just do the one opinion-article link today... and I'll say now that a). it isn't an anti-war one, and b). my ears are still burning.

Gerard Henderson, Rich voices of dissent, The Age

Alienated types tend to be relatively well-off and well-educated men and women who enjoy the freedoms and riches provided by Western societies and use their status to dump on politicians and, by implication, those who elected them.

Moore's entertaining Bowling for Columbine makes some telling, if unoriginal, criticisms of the gun culture prevalent in parts of the United States. However, above all, this is an exercise in alienation and, at times, self-hatred. According to the documentary, the US is responsible for most - if not all - of the world's problems. Moreover, Bowling for Columbine kicks down at most of Moore's fellow citizens who appear on the film - many of whom are of modest means and scant education. What (alienated) fun. Only to be enjoyed by those who can afford to pay cash at the cinema door.

Still buying his book, though.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:36 PM [x] ::


Name: Smurfette
Age: 21
Occupation: Here's a funny story...
Feeling: Nostalgic
Listening: Aimee Mann, Lost In Space
Watching: nothing
Reading: The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath
Surfing: Blogger
Chatting: Jen and Kendra
Eating: Condensed Milk
Drinking: Coffee
Wanting: To not have to pay a small fortune for this
Obsessing: Diana-love
Wishing: I lived in Sydney and could go to The Glass House tapings

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