[x] weblog |
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." -- Dr Martin Luther King, jr. [x] Amnesty International |
[x] June 2002 |
Sylvia Plath-inspired The Gift wall by TNS @ Dying of the Light |
Finish Buffy Defence essays |
Buffy Blogs
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"There's a fine art to growling. Most men will never get a real growl off in their entire pathetic lives... a real growl starts deep in the chest and rumbles up. If you growl when you've got someone pressed against you, they should be able to feel it. Feeling the way it rumbles is part of a growl -- but if you're really good at it you can get 'em from across the room, just by hearing it." |
l Friday, February 28, 2003 |
I always thought that the university student heading home with the trunk of his/her car filled with washing for mum was just a stereotype. I never did that once (in my all-of-one-semester at university), although I didn't have a car.
Then N came home for the weekend. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:07 PM [x] :: |
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<ot> actually rather disappointed in LJ's moods at the moment... they don't have one for "crampy, cranky, hormonal and ready to kill whoever decided it would be a good idea to give me a uterus". Very short-sighted of them. </ot>
When I was in town yesterday, I found the Disney version of Robin Hood on DVD for a pretty good special. Guess who owns a copy of it now <g> I © that film muchly... and if I ever get around to putting in this harddrive there may be cartoon Disney Robin Hood LJ mood theme coming out. I'm looking at moving the blog and getting it hosted somewhere... there may be a Robin Hood layout there, too. I remember watching that film all. the. time. on VHS as a child... The reason I was in there was because I had thing interview-thingamajig. It's this thing where they train you and they're hooked up with employers and find you a job... it's all very complicated and if we're chatting I may be able to explain it all properly, but unless I'm going to spend all day here it's not going to fit in an entry. Anyway, this program is funded by Centrelink, and it gives its places to the people who are most disadvantaged, and have the least chance of getting a job. Because I got good VCE (high school certificate) results -- I was in the top 15% or so in my year for my state -- that then put me at a disadvantage for getting this training. As a result, I actually had to talk about my depression and everything, placing emphasis on it, in order to make it so I have a better chance of getting this. Colour me stunned. I'm pretty open about it to friends and family and general acquaintances; if we have someone over for dinner I've never seen before I'll take my meds in front of them and I make no apologies for it. I'll mention doctor's appointments etc in front of people; if they take issue with it, fine, but it's a part of me and I'm not going to hide it. But it's not something you normally discuss with potential employers. "Yes, I've been on medication for major depression for the past two years, and suffered from it in an undiagnosed form for at least a year, probably longer, before that. I can pretty much trace it back to when I was twelve. Yes, it caused me to lose at least one job, drop out of university, go on sickness benefits for over six months and become suicidal (not necessarily in that order), but really, I'm not an employment risk." It was kind of twilight zone-ish. We've been having a bit of rain here both yesterday and today, and there's more scheduled -- yay!! On the other hand, it's been in the form of thunderstorms and lightning strikes have sparked more fires. I love a sunburnt country A land of sweeping plains Of rugged mountain ranges Of droughts and flooding rains I notice Dorothy didn't mention "and bushfires every bloody summer". I guess it's not as poetic. How's this for irony; heading back from fighting the fires, a fire truck was swept off the road by a flash flood and one of the fire-fighters drowned. I'm sad on the part of the woman's family; it's a tragedy, but it kind of sounds like something Alanis would sing about. On the more positive side, in over 50 days of fires it's the first person killed in this state. So... yay? Due to thunder, this all wasn't posted yesterday. The parents were worried about the storm and the computer... but because I don't have that same concern <g> there are now a number of new LJ icons up... including <gasp> some non-Buffy ones!!! And they're not X-Men, either :p There's even a Wil Anderson one, which can be customised upon request (as can the Lisa Simpson ones). I'm actually in the middle or reorganising the icony pages... A little plug in here... Leelee has a livejournal!!!!!!! Go support her!! I'd also like to point out to Leelee that it's quite a bit warmer than 12 degrees here and I'm still wearing a long-sleeved top and solid shoes, and my skirt is lined. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 2:51 PM [x] :: |
l Wednesday, February 26, 2003 |
Happy Birthday, DianaI gotta say, I'd forgotten what it was like. That first rush when you start reading fanfiction on a couple, when you're not jaded and you have nothing to compare it all with, when you can't complain that you've read every. single. decent. fic about them. The first serious flirtation/seduction of a new shimmering sparkling ship as you realise that this couple is going to make a serious indention onto the lack of free space on your harddrive. It's not too often I get this kind of reaction. I can have flirtation with fandoms, sit on the outskirts being there mostly being I'm like a boil on the behind of certain authors (hi, Molly, hi, Trix) yet not with the fully enthused. I've flirted with X-Files (okay, we had a hot and heavy affair going on for the summer following Requiem), Smallville (although my continuing childhood affair with Lois and Clark forbids me from getting more involved than some serious Chloe-worship), Harry Potter, and even Lord of the Rings (again, solely a case of drooling over Viggo)... but none of them really sucked me in. This has only been a couple of days but it's come up behind me and hit me over the head as no couple has since B/A. Two fandoms have ever been able to completely suck me in until I can't see straight; Star Trek and BtVS. I may just be sucked into X-Men now -- and I always thought it would be because of Patrick Stewart. But I'm on such a Rogue/Logan kick at the moment and... gah. Gah. It puts that "aaaaaahh" back into gah, I swear. I'm at that stage where you get online at 1pm and suddenly realise it's gone three in the morning and you don't know where the time's gone (okay, so it's like that every time I go to The Naughty Slayer...). But it's probably about time I found something new to obsess about, fandom wise, anyway. Or at least found a distraction; I can't see myself taking out a subscription to the comics any time soon, and if they twist everything like every other comic canon thing has (like putting Barbara Gordon in a wheel chair <sulk>) it might be best if I stick to the fanon side of things. BtVS is just making me more and more bitter and twisted. Last night as I started taping BtVS (Same Time, Same Place) both for H and in the hope that maybe, one day, I might be able to watch it... I realised the latter is never going to happen. They've killed the characters to me. I watched Giles with Willow, and I started on the same internal rant I had when the episodes first screened in the USA. Buffy comes back -- is pulled out of the only fucking peace she's ever managed to feel and he gives her a hug and friggin' leaves the country, because she should cope on her own. Willow is able to indulge in the meltdown Buffy's never been allowed -- is called "selfish" if she indulges in a tenth of the pain Willow was allowed to express -- and Giles becomes her father figure, running to the rescue. I'm still waiting for him to poison her and lock her in a house with an insane vampire. These characters are dead to me. I'm unable to feel anything but rage for any of them with the exception of Dawn and Buffy, and that's probably because I've only sat through a season of Dawn and I make myself look at Buffy through her own eyes because no one else takes the time to fucking think about her side of things. I saw an ad for the new season of AtS last night, sans sound. It was painful in that it still almost looked like the show I once loved. I refuse to watch it, Angelus returning or not. To me, bringing out Angelus is like showing more nekkid Spike. It's desperate, and doesn't make everything right in the series. Angelus is the AtS version of "CHEEKBONES!!!!!", and we shouldn't ignore it just because we like him more than we like Spike. Some series you know are in trouble because they have superstar cameos every episode, ala the last season of Ally McBeal. You know AtS is in trouble because they're bringing back their most popular characters in an effort to win back the fans they've pissed off so much. So I'm going off with my Rogue and my Wolverine, who have a star-crossed lover appeal with their own version of the B/A curse... not to mention sassy female with a big, protective brooding guy who can growl with the best of them. Maybe they'll help me let go a little, as I sit with my knees up to my chest tucked in front of the computer, getting bruised shins from where they press against the desk and wearing more holes in the computer chair. Pins and needles, here I come! :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 3:39 PM [x] :: |
l Tuesday, February 25, 2003 |
Fuck you, Johnny.
In the 1960s, education was declared to be for everyone, not just the rich. It wouldn't matter what class you come from, education was for all, and everyone had the opportunity to have a university degree should they get the marks required in their final year of high school. Students then pay back their HECS in their tax over x number of years. Now the Howard government wants to make it so that fully half the places at universities have to be full-fee paying placements, and should you go over the allotted course time (say, fail a subject and need to have an extra semester) you will need to pay for that up front. Australia is not a class society. This is making way for the rich to get richer, and the poor to be stuck in a rut that they will never be able to climb of from. Education is not just for the rich, Johnny. If your arse-licking stance on Iraq didn't turn me unequivocally off you and your politics (granted, not that I was fan before this) you've well and truly lost any respect I may have ever held for you over the gun reforms of 1996. I am positively shaking with rage over these proposed "reforms". I can only pray that Labour can garner enough support in the senate to block them, because if this is passed, heaven help Australia. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 2:51 PM [x] :: |
l Monday, February 24, 2003 |
Whenever something happens that upsets my balance, I do my best to avoid it. Escapism rawks my world!!
Seriously. I'm never as engrossed in fanfiction as when I'm at my worst. September 12th (September 11th occured at 10pm on the 11th here in Australia) as the TV had rerun on every channel of news that was unchanging and bleak, I spent in front of a computer reading Worlds of Longing for the first time. I still can't even look at that fic to this day. When I've been unable to leave my room or whatever, most of the time has been spent reading fanfiction. The only thing that kept me from jumping off a bridge during my semester at university was the B/A Fluff list. Whenever things get too bad, I escape into a world with my favourite characters so I can have my emotions manipulated by them, not by some serotonin shit in my head. It can cheer me up, and when it's angsty it's their angst, not mine. I don't know how or why it works, but it's my form of self-medication. Sometimes I don't know if it's any healthier than hard drugs, or alcohol or sex, but it's how I avoid what's in my own mind. Someone I've come to care about sent an email out to one of the lists I'm on today. I didn't realise until it was too late that she didn't actually realise it was going out to the lists, and by the time I did I... God. I still don't know how to react. I don't know what to say about something I shouldn't know about and she clearly didn't want to be common knowledge, and I don't know that I can't not react, if that makes any sense at all. So I went into my old tried and true method. It's worked with BtVS fanfiction, it's worked with X-Files fanfiction, and now I've discovered it works with X-Men fanfiction. And I still don't know if it's healthy. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:20 PM [x] :: |
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Woooooo!!! Blogger's back up!!!!
I © handbags. I'm one of those crazy people who will go into a handbag store and window shop for hours. I adore those tiny cute handbags that are so in fashion and have been for a couple of years now. But I can’t use them. The problem is, I’m not a small-bag person. I envy people who can walk out the door with a purse, keys and phone. I take that, but add on a dairy/daily planner, address book, pen, paper (notebook), Ventolin, my prescription sunglasses (for my short-sightedness), novel, diskman, CDs, mints, lip balm, water... and the list goes on. I don’t have a handbag. I have a carryall. My bag can put my back out if I lift it wrong. Am I alone in this, or is it a female thing? I remember a Cathy comic strip where they said that within every large-bag person there’s a small-bag person waiting to get out. I freely admit to being a hoarder. I can’t throw anything out. I collect and aquire junk. It multiplies; I swear, someone has to do a study on the breeding patterns of junk. It’s more fertile than rabbits. That’s the thing, I know a lot of it’s useless. But I can’t get rid of it. I have boxes and boxes of books sitting at the bottom of my closet that haven’t seen the light of day for well over three years, but I can’t give them away (never, ever throw books out). Clothing or shoes etc are fine; I’ll send it all down to the op-shop without a second glance. But when it comes to my clutter, heaven help the soul who suggests a spring clean/garage sale. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:59 PM [x] :: |
l Sunday, February 23, 2003 |
New little quotey section; I was watching The Body with the commentary, and oh. my. God. If you already have the DVD, listen to it. If you don't have the DVD yet, when you do, listen to it. If you have no intention of getting the DVD, you don't know what you're missing.
Kendra just pointed out that Buffy didn't have a b'day episode this year... traditionally it should have been during The Killer In Me. Significant? :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:40 PM [x] :: |
l Saturday, February 22, 2003 |
Rather Cute Thing Here Link.
Move the mouse over it's head, tail, in front of it's paws, over the ears... it's cute, in a weird, disturbing kind of way. Just making up for not posting any Jasper pics yet ;) :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 2:01 PM [x] :: |
l Friday, February 21, 2003 |
"The problem isn't 'what's wrong with Michael Jackson', the problem is 'why do we care?' " -- David Letterman
:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 4:33 PM [x]
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l Thursday, February 20, 2003 |
I know, I know, I said I'd be online to help with the missage (because I'm suffering from the missage, too), but other people decided they needed the computer with the internet connection. And they use it less than me, and what they needed it for was stuff other than a social life and it's not worth the hassle.
I'm going to start off by pimping my wonderful LJ icons that have caused Emily to want an LJ of her own... sweetie, LJ icons are the reason I wanted one, too... I was making LJ icons before I had an LJ, there's something totally addictive about them. I've also added a song-list so people can tell what songs go with what icons, and I've cleaned up some of the ones that were annoying me. Soon enough I'll be making more than just Buffy and Aragorn icons... I have requests for Legolas, and I can see I'll also be making actual Janis ones with pics of Janis and not just lyrics, and I'm suddenly also craving John Cusak icons... I Must Be Stopped. But not until I finish this first songset... The front page of the local paper is covered with what to do should the fires reach town... we've been blessed with cooler weather of late, but it's started to rise again, temperature-wise, so... The worst part is that we've been getting rain here, but it hasn't reached the fires. Dad's been going up there at least once a week now, and he'll be driving the whole way with windscreen wipers on... until about two minutes from the fire-front, where they haven't had a drop. It's just frustrating. It means that it's damp where the fires are heading, but... I want them out!! Apparently there's been over a million hectares burnt out by the fires. That's a lot of ground covered!! I feel the need to pimp Indie (not that she actually needs pimping, mind you) because I just read Broken and I'm still speechless. If you haven't read, I suggest you go and read it now. I think my dearest papa learnt a lesson tonight. He had the computer connected to the net when I sat down after dinner. Now, if you lot know me at all, you'll realise I can't resist an internet connection. It calls me. It taunts me with its presence. It calls me in that ghostly wail, "Smuuuuuuurrfy... Smuuuuuuurrfy..." (well, it says Sarah because I don't normally introduce myself as Smurfy around the place but for the purpose of this it says Smurfy, okay??). Anyway, so instead of the solitaire I was opening, I click on I.E. And promptly realise that there ain't no connection to the server being made, even if there's the little green flashy-things in the corner, and the flash once. Because nothing is happening. I point this out to my father, and he's going into grump mode. "I can do what I want on my computer." All that's missing is the green fuzzy fur and the trash can. I'm just saying there's not much point in having it connected when the connection is dead. A couple more minutes of this exchange, during which I'm getting frustrated because I was just trying to point out that the connection had dropped even if there's still the little boxes in the corner and he finally reveals that he's trying to send an email and it won't send. Glaring at me like it's my fault. I'm pretty grumpy myself by this time, and I point out that there's no information being sent between the server and our computer, as far as the server is concerned we're dead and gone and the only way to send his email is to disconnect and try all over again. He glares at me, and I leave. Because the only person who connects more than once to the internet is me, and I do it just to rack up the phone bill. The only reason it drops on me, you see, if that I may have two I.E. windows open, or have AIM and YIM going. Very. very. very. very. frustrated. And when I ask to go online (stupid computer that won't hold a connection) they'll be with the "you spend too much time on that thing". Do you know how many hours it takes me to sort through my inbox if I go 24hours without a connection?!?!?!?! I know, I know, this is why I need to move out. The problem is the economy sucks, my life sucks, and my general situation in life sucks. I live in a crappy country area with no jobs and when I actually get an interview it goes to some chick who's only going to be in this country for six months before going overseas for a couple of years and dammit, I could have done with that position and it's the only half-decent thing that's come up here in over 12 friggin' months. I'd move out of the area but every time I do that it seems within four or so months I'm in such a state of depression I have to move back home (come running home to mummy and daddy) because doctors are scared I'm going to harm myself. I just hate it when people assume or seem to think that this is all my choice. When I'm watching some fucking self-help program and they seem to think that depression etc is something you choose, that I want my life to be like this. I was watching something the other day when someone said that it takes "less effort" to be happy than it does to be depressed, that depression takes work. Can I swap heads with the sanctimonious bitch? Because I'm willing to give someone my thoughts, how I feel, and let them try to deal with it all for a day. "I would love to be upstairs watching TV or gossiping about boys or... God, even studying!" I would love to be able to "expand less effort" and be happy. And maybe it's true. All I know is that when it's just me and my thoughts... happiness is not only an effort, it's impossible. So fuck you, Oprah. Fuck you, Dr Phil. Maybe you can look on your spirit and lift yourself up out of this shithole, but don't you dare act like it's a life choice for those of us who find it a daily struggle to keep ourselves afloat enough to gasp a breath every couple of days. See, this is why I shouldn't go too many days without chatting to people. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:55 PM [x] :: |
l Wednesday, February 19, 2003 |
Posting this from the local library at the moment... I just came into town so that a). I could pick up AtS season 1 pt 2 (I'll get AtS season 2 next week, I've decided, and then Joss can go shove it where the sun don't shine coz I'll not give another cent to Mutant Enemy), and b). actually get some of the essay-things for Buffy Defense written.
I'm putting my tower in for repairs at the local computer shop sometime this week, and I'd like to get BD up before then. At the moment, every time I go to write a rant, I get most of the rant out of my system standing in the shower (I do my best thinking in the shower... just ask anyone who's ever read one of my snark-fics or heard of the spoonless theory!!) and then it doesn't sound as good when I actually type it up. So I'm making myself sit in coffee shops and not leave until it's written, otherwise I go and open Paint Shop Pro and get all distracted-like. Anyway. Because 99% of the time I post daily, and I haven't posted for a couple of days here, thought I'd just say where I was. Jen will be happy because I bought Nora Jones today, although I'm still on a Tori kick at the moment (like I'm ever off a Tori kick!!). Or will I see you dear and wish I could come back You found a girl that you could truly love again Will you still call for me when she falls asleep Or do we soon forget the things we cannot see :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 1:43 PM [x] :: |
l Sunday, February 16, 2003 |
Bored, so gakking from Starla who gakked from Di who gakked from someone else.
The Great Procrastination Survey of 2003 1. If you could be instantly fluent in one other language that you currently do not read or speak, which would it be? French. Clichéd but true. Either that or German. I don't know why. 2. If you could have the starring role in any film already made, what would it be? Anything that allowed me to make-out with Viggo? Probably The Princess Bride, because that would just be cool. 3. If you could receive one small package this very moment, who would it be from and what would be in it? I hear Copper's not that tall... If she won't fit in the mail, then an advance copy of Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. 4. If you could own one painting from any collection in the world but were not able to sell it, which work of art would you select? You just want me to show my lack of culture when it comes to art, right? 5. If you were instantly able to play one musical instrument perfectly that you never have played before, what would it be? I can already "play" (I use that term very loosely) the piano, but I'd love to be able to actually play it. If that doesn't count, the guitar or the flute (aren't I boring today?). 6. If you could possess one supernatural ability, what would it be? Does a high metabolism count as a supernatural ability? I think it would in my body <sigh> 7. If you had to choose the most valuable thing you ever learned what would it be? "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return." Wait, that's not me, that's Moulin Rouge. Uh...that everything comes with a price. 8. If you could have only one piece of furniture in your house, what would it be? Does a computer count as furniture? 9. If you could read the private diary of someone you know personally, whose diary would it be? I don't think I could. 10. If you could have one person you know as your slave (well-paid and cared for) domestic laborer for one month, who would it be? Someone who's better at it than me? Probably Jen because I'm meant to be her illegal alien maid. 11. If you could choose the way you will die, how would you want it to happen? Quietly and without fuss. 12. If you could wake up tomorrow to learn that the major newspaper headlines were about you, what would you want them to say? Something flattering. 13. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Take my Big Overseas Trip (aka Tour de Babble) 14. If you could choose the music at your funeral, what would it be, and who would play it? I don't know. I'm tempted to say Gloomy Sunday (Billie Holiday or Sarah M version) but that would just be sick. Probably the same could be said for Happy Phantom by Tori... Last Goodbye by Jeff Buckley... All I can think of are the ironic songs. Of course, Dad once conducted a funeral for this guy who shot himself when his girlfriend broke up with him (for some reason, she didn't show at the funeral. Can't imagine why). The music choices were Together Again, Always by Bon Jovi and as the coffin was lowered into the grave, Never Ever by All Saints ("when you gonna get me out of this black hole" etc). 15. If you could take away the vocal cords of any person, who would it be? George Bush. Or John Howard. Or Tony Blair. Or Powell. Or anyone with this bloody war rhetoric, to just get them to shut up for a couple of days. 16. If you had to describe your idea of the perfect mate, how would you do it? SNAG. Seriously, someone who accepts me as I am, can make me laugh and puts up with my many, varied quirks and obsessions. 17. If you had to have a personal friend redecorate your house, who would you pick to do it? Cat. I love her taste. 18. If you had to choose the worst home you've ever lived in, which one was it? I've never lived in a house that was actually falling down or anything like that. But I'd have to say the house in Mildura, or when I was living on campus. On campus because it wasn't the best period in my life, and Mildura because it's a sh*t place to live (great to visit but you wouldn't want to live their) and because the parish decided that neutral colours were "boring", they decided to paint the entire place pink before we moved in, knowing there were two boys of eleven and eight in the family. 19. If you could have prevented one thing from happening between you and a friend, what would it have been? Everything that caused the estrangement. 20. If you could learn the total number of hours you have spent in your life doing one thing, what would it be? I'm tempted to say "hours online", but that would just freak me out. 21. If you had to describe yourself as a child in one word, what would it be? Naïve (not that much has changed) 22. If you could own a single prop from any film ever made what would you choose? Aragorn's saddle. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:33 AM [x] :: |
l Saturday, February 15, 2003 |
I'm feeling all creative. I've made up some LJ icons with Janis lyrics on them, and I'm making some Dawn ones. But the cap I'm looking for isn't anywhere. Sigh. I have all the DVDs and I can't cap from them. But this whine is getting old, isn't it.
You may notice there's some changes to the side-section. It took me that bloody long to figure out the Aussie Blogs stuff from their instructions; I couldn't find the blasted code they wanted to me use. There will be a section for pictures of my cat (like you expected otherwise when I got a digital camera?!) but at the moment he doesn't like posing that much. Blank post, really. Nothing interesting to say. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 3:04 PM [x] :: |
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Ew ew ew ew ew ew ewwwwwwww!!
I'm hit number 21 on Google for "viggo rape fic". Going to go shower again now. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:43 AM [x] :: |
l Friday, February 14, 2003 |
I don't often read posts over at the Babble Board any more. I'm an open Buffy!Whore and a number of comments made every day manage to make my blood pressure soar. Also, until now have had no interest in following either show -- for me, the shows ended with The Gift.
But right now, today, I've been reading. And gushing. The "Buffy, still a heroine" topic I avoided for a couple of days. Then when I read... I'm busy with the worshipping of Clerky, Margot and Trixie. And then Margot and Clerky in the Buffy spoiler thread! Egad! It's times like these I actually like still being involved in the online fandom. And those times are few and far between these days, even if I'll never regret being involved in the first place. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:23 PM [x] :: |
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I'm sitting here in hysterics.
My favourite people at Boils and Blinding Torment have a selection of veryveryvery funny Valantine's Day E-Cards up. I'm not sure which is my favourite... there's so many to choose from!! I'm sorry I forgot to bring you roses for Valentine's Day... The True Love! one you have to see to get, and then... gah! I love these people. Our love is eternal... Just like Buffy and Angel's. Go visit!! http://www.boilsandblindingtorment.com :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:15 AM [x] :: |
l Thursday, February 13, 2003 |
I have this habit of living in places with strange statistics going for them.
Australia has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the developed world. I lived for five years in the place with the highest rate of teenage pregnancy within Australia. Mildura is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there. It's very isolated, so it has a lot of shops... for a country town. However, you were always moved on for "loitering". They were big on keeping the kids from loitering. I lived there from January 1995 when I was going on 14, until January 2000. There wasn't much to do in the town. You had the cinema, the locals clubs etc., the ten-pin bowling alley, the Murray River. In Mildura, you either got really good at ten-pin bowling, or you made your own entertainment. Erm... we won’t mention how I only ever get gutter-balls, okay? The cinema was only a twin-theatre affair, but it was really cheap. It was AU$7 for all tickets, adults and kids, to all sessions. They didn't have too many films come through; they had an extension a year or so before we left, but they mostly got the mainstream affairs. But I used to go every weekend, and I haven't been a regular moviegoer since. Why am I reflecting on this right now? I currently live in a town with the highest number of eateries per permanent resident in the country (it's a tourism town, so cafés/bakeries/restaurants are everywhere) but I still can't get a decent cup of coffee. Did I mention that I saw Elvis yesterday? He was flying above us, and everyone in the street stopped and stared. For those of you who are picturing a guy in a white-rhinestone jumpsuit flying over the town, Elvis is one of the water-bombing helicopters we use over here for bushfires. Speaking of which, I've been chatting to Mum and Dad about them -- mostly yesterday on our way into town, which is half an hour's drive away. We think there's now such thing as a "fire-fighter's tale", which is like asking a fisherman about the one that got away. We've been continually told the fires are two days away from where I live, but now we think it would have to be two days of 40degrees heat and very strong northerly winds. The conditions haven't been that extreme for a couple of weeks, so... Of course, I've just jinxed it all by saying that. LMAO!!!! Australia beat Britain in the soccer. What the?!?!?! And I love the captain of the Socceroos... he's lived in England for so long playing over there due to the fact we don't have a soccer program, he speaks with a British accent. Very amused. Poor England, as my Mum said as we watched it. The Ashes, the Davis Cup, and now the soccer -- the one area they were guaranteed dominance over us <shakes head> The question of who else was on the CDs I bought was raised, so here’s the song listing. Simply The Best Song Writers Disk One
Disk Two
Simply The Best Song Writers 2 Disk One
Disk Two
I only just managed to remember to tape AtS last night... I think I missed the first 15min. But I’m so going to wind up watching this season, aren’t I <sigh> Now who can I pretend Connor really is... :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:16 PM [x] :: |
l Wednesday, February 12, 2003 |
Ack. I have so much I want to say today and I haven't typed any of it up offline (normally I type the entire entry up in word to try and make sure it flows a little) and now... I have this computer online and nothing typed up or even really in notes-form. So I won't say anything I actually wanted to say and this will be a very dull entry. Sorry people.
Okay. Firstly. A message to Jen. I got the friggin' thing. Happy now?? It's cheaper than phone calls, I'll agree, and now I just have to figure out how to connect it up to the sound card. Today was the day with the doctor's appointment. 9.30am meeting at my local job network place after having my body clock so stuffed up by the not-withdrawals I managed to fall asleep at 7.15am. Fun there. Mum spent the morning filling out bureaucratic forms for N to try and get a small grant to help with living expenses when he goes to uni this weekend. They asked all these questions you need a crystal ball to answer, and then they have the question "Sex?" with a blank space next to it. No 'male' or 'female' to circle or tick. So what's the answer to that question? "Yes, please"? "Not enough"? "Whenever possible"? Before my doctors appointment, though, I went into some major retail therapy. When I do retail therapy, I don't buy clothing. I buy books, CDs, DVDs etc etc. Today, I bought AtS season one -- only part one thus far; part two wasn't in stock today. Now I just need to get the courage up to buy season two. But I'll have fun with season 1. Particularly IWRY. I don't fit the B/Aer stereotype in that I didn't even have a copy of the episode in the house; now I can abuse Angel to my hearts content. He turns back the day because "together they were strong" and Buffy would die if he wasn't there?? Well, buddy, it helps if you show your face over the next 18 months if you wanna help make it so she doesn't have to go and jump off a water tower. And please, can anyone blame her for going to Riley?! At least he managed to be beside her when she woke up in the morning!! At least, he was until he went and had vampire whores suck his blood, but let's not go there. Have I mentioned that when my meds are variable I have strange mood swings? The cover for the DVD box has Broody!Angel on it, and so I looked at it as I waited in the doctor's office, and I think I was almost committed. I had this remarkable urge to pick it up and start shaking the box, demanding to know where he left my Real!Angel and doing a Kate Winslet impression at the end of Titanic after Leo dies; "come back! Come back, real Angel, come back!" I bought the digital camera I keep wanting, so people who read this at the blog can be very afraid if they know how much I adore my cat. Not to mention the long-demanded microphone for the computer. Then there's the Simply The Best Songwriters volume one and two, which has the bestest song-list ever. But looking through the liner notes to volume two, which has Tori and Cornflake Girl on it, there's the following line: "Tori Amos has often appeared to use her songwriting as a form of therapy." Gee whiz, I never noticed that on any of her CDs. I wonder how they reached that conclusion?? I've been wanting to buy volume one of these CDs for a while, but then when I saw the songlist for volume two... well... just... amazing. And this is a very un-Smurfy entry. Sorry, people. This is why I type them up beforehand. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:17 PM [x] :: |
l Tuesday, February 11, 2003 |
Shane, Shane, Shane. Who's the silliest boy in world sport today?
For the heathen residents of countries that don't play cricket, Shane Warne is an Australian spin-bowler, and probably the best spinner in the world (it's pretty accepted, I don't think I'm making any controversial comment there). The cricket World Cup is just starting in South Africa at the moment. The World Cup is like the Olympics of cricket (at least one day cricket) and was going to be Shane's swan song. He was retiring from limited overs and just going to play test cricket and I'm just confusing everyone who doesn't understand cricket even more, aren't I. But today, on the eve of the start of Australia's World Cup campaign -- and Australia is currently the best one-day cricket team in the world, they won the last World Cup four years ago and it's pretty safe to say they wiped the boards in the recent World Series here in Australia where limited-overs originated -- Shane has tested positive to a banned substance. He was injured in the recent World Series in a game against England, and the only reason I can think of him taking a masking substance is to get fit in time to play in the World Cup. It's still the most stupid thing on the face of the planet to do. Should his b-sample also prove positive, he won't be remembered as the best spin-bowler in living memory. He won't be remembered for his massive wicket-toll. He'll be remembered for the disgrace his one-day career ended in, for it will be in disgrace. Who's the silliest boy in world sport today? That would be Shane Warne. My head still hurts like crazy, but I guess it's slowly hurting less. Very slowly. But I'm addicted to Blogging and... what do you call the LiveJournal thing? Lj-ing? It doesn't look nearly as good as saying "blogging", does it. The headaches have really stuffed up my sleeping pattern, too, as I sleep through the day and then wind up watching BtVS season 2 all night long. Oh, the humanity!! <g> Watching Shirtless!Angel and classic B/A scenes is so painful. Last night I wound up watching Surprise, Innocence, then backtracking and watching Reptile Boy (Emily's fault, I swear...) with the director's commentary firmly in OFF mode (because despite being classified as "suicidal" by doctors, I'm not so suicidal as to listen to Greenhack drool all over Cordelia and "her new series based in L.A." -- I like not having to tear my ears out) and Halloween -- today was Lie to Me and The Dark Age, and I expect to watch What's My Line, Ted and Bad Eggs tonight as the new series of BtVS starts (denial, thy name is Smurfy). Anyway, I turned off the DVDs at 2am and found a Video Hits special on the new Elton John/Leanne Rimes duet. I'm not into commercial radio, so this is the first time I'd either seen the video clip and actually heard the song. For the record, the video clip has Elton and Leanne shaking globes with classic "star crossed lovers" trapped inside; causing havok in their lives. Am I the only one who was looking and almost half-expecting there to be a tribute to B/A in those globes? I'm setting up my websites as quickly as I can, moving them from Liquid2K. I've succumbed and gone back to Geocities for the time being, because I can't find anywhere else at the moment that will let me upload what I want. I need it quickly because a). I want to be able to put my harddrive in to be fixed so it actually turns on properly, and b). I'm nominated in the Timeless awards for best humour (like it would be anything else <snort>) and judging is underway and my story isn't online right now. At least, I don't know what version people are hosting and the rewritten version are way better (smooches to Trammie). I just need to write a bloody archive fic now to tell people I'm up again. Uh... functional? No, that's just as bad. My websites are being hosted again, does that make it sound better? http://destined.to/smurfyfic :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:34 PM [x] :: |
l Monday, February 10, 2003 |
I'm not going to be around much over the next few days. I've kind of been forced by circumstances into going cold turkey on my meds and my head is spinning, every noise goes straight through me like fingernails down a blackboard and this computer screen is killing me. Not to mention my massive mood swings. I should be better by Thursday (meds! Please! Meds!) and I still don't get my doctor. She tells me it's not withdrawal symptoms when I'm like this, it's because my body is so used to having the meds. Ummm... then please explain what withdrawals symptoms actually are???
Had a big thing on how much I ::heart:: Putin and "old Europe" and the UN in general at the moment, but typing it up will kill me. Also had a thing about how if we get the fires here, it will be next weekend because Mum and Dad are going to be off helping N move into uni and it will be just me and the animals and Murphy's law much? But again, head hurts (note: this doesn't mean that the fires will reach me then, it was going to be a joking and tongue-in-cheek entry and please start breathing again). Will chat to everyone when my head isn't going to explode. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:42 PM [x] :: |
l Sunday, February 09, 2003 |
Yesterday, I spent some time with Copper discussing Surprise. I watched it again today, and spent the entire time lost in nostalgia and missage. If you're not in the mood for the sighs and whining of a B/A shipper, I strong suggest you skip this. It's maudlin, my meds are on a variatable dose so I'm with the mood swings and my response to this was to start with the brandy and Eva with Time After Time. You have been warned.
I miss so much. I miss Marti writing great scripts. I miss Oz. I miss Jenny. I miss the old days at the High School. I miss British!Giles. I miss Bitch!Cordy. I miss Sexy!Evil!Spike and I miss Dru and I miss Spike and Dru together. I swear, there is a conspiracy against me. Every time I get to the point where I'm asking myself why I'm shipping this couple when Angel makes my blood boil in such a not-good way, I watch an old episode. Or even what, to me, isn't such an old episode, like Forever where I just sit there and remember why I'm such a fan of this couple. Watching this episode (and feeling way glad I had a hard-copy of All The White Horses to read as I pause the episode) I remembered times when Angel wasn't a dork. The opening scenes where... sigh. And for the record, the caps are darker than the episode is on my DVD and doesn't cover half of it and I so need to be able to make my own screen caps. Sigh. I once thought that Time After Time was a definitive song with how Buffy and Angel -- particularly Angel -- would react to each other ("if you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting"). I guess Joss proved me wrong. "if you're lost, you can look and you will find me" -- because he was so there for her when her friends ripped her out of heaven. But that's another maudlin rant, isn't it. Just... when these actors were able to communicate so much in just a look. Able to communicate so much feeling in half a second. When I didn't have issues with every. single. character and I felt able to actually enjoy them. When I could ENJOY watching this show. When I could watch an episode and just feel complete and utter bliss, not snarking at the writers and not planning some parody/denial method simply in order to continue my love for the show (we'll ignore my snarking at the sudden Jenny-is-a-gypsy storyline and the stupidity of the clause, because that's just mandatory). When you could watch the show, and love the puns and the quirks and... when they all were there. When Willow fell in love with someone for their character and with their person, rather than because she's GAY NOW and a "breast woman" (for the record, Boils and Blinding Torment have a great essay up on this subject at the moment). When Xander and Cordy were continually snarking at each other, and Giles was the Sexy and ever so British Guy because "discretion is the better part of valor." And not ruined by the worst (and most out-of-character) ever excuse for exiting a TV series. I'm feeling rather maudlin now and listening to Eva, about to go and listen to Sarah M because I need to and we'll just leave this here. But waaahh! I miss it. Fires... not sure what the situation is, but it's not here yet. Things are tense here on a personal level. I think things will hit the fan pretty soon, and kind of dreading it. May have to goto Melbourne pretty soon to escape this for a couple of days. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:27 PM [x] :: |
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<kicks fateback> Okay, I'd finally -- finally given up on Liquid2K and I'd found another free server. But not only will they not let me change my password from the confusing default, they will only let me use said default if I copy it from the email they sent me confirming my account.
But I could handle this. Really. Then they decided to a). not let me create a sub-directory, then b). not let me upload any files. I "don't have permission to upload to this directory". Still looking for that free server <sigh> But refuse to use geocities, on moral grounds. Just adding in a massive ewwwwwwwwwwww -- I was linked to from an MSN search for "love kiddie porn only". Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:37 AM [x] :: |
l Saturday, February 08, 2003 |
I can hear my father practising hymns for tomorrows services on his guitar in the office as I surf random LiveJournals. I go to the journal of a woman who made one of the best icon songsets for The Gift I've seen, and I read this entry.
Suddenly sober and sobbing for someone I never knew. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:39 PM [x] :: |
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Firstly, the fires:
Haven't heard anything today, I think they're still on alert around Ensay etc, and Dad said when he got back last night that the fires were close there. He went within about 2km of them travelling back, and people who have been there refer to it as being like a cyclone of fire when it flares up. But still not near my house yet. I heard the Counting Crows version of Big Yellow Taxi in full for the first time thismorning; we don't get good radio coverage here, and when I manage to get some reception I try to listen to JJJ rather than the crappy country commercial radio stations. But featuring Vanessa Carlton? Exactly how much "featuring" was happening there?! I love this song, and have done so ever since I got my Lilith Fair DVD and they closed with it. I just don't think that Vanessa was necessary at all in that version of the song, given that she had virtually no input. Kind of makes me wonder what the studio politics were there that had her included in the first place. I really don't like Avril Lavigne that much. She's so completely manufactured it's not funny, and about as punk as my grandmother. And like so many manufactured acts, I'm so sure she has a massive input on the songs she "co-writes". Did you hear how her bass guitarist quit because it was all so fake? Okay, I don't claim to be punk. At all. Me and punk are like... two unmixy things. But I still know a bit of punk history, and if I was going to start releasing records and claiming to be this punk chick I'd at least brush up on who The Clash and The Sex Pistols etc are before giving interviews. However, every time I hear I'm With You I get sucked in. And I hate it and have to keep reminding myself who this is and it's so not fair. I can't even buy it as a single to try and get it out of my system because it's only being released over here on the album, not as a single. Anyone hearing the sound of cash-registers here? <sigh> Anyone who's reading this at my blog will probably have realised my ever-so-slight obsession with The Princess Bride. But I was being good; I hadn't watched the DVD in almost two weeks the other night when The Jungle Book was on. And I spent the entire length of watching that film complaining that Westley was playing the bad-guy (me? Encourage type-casting? Never!). And even when I saw the Sunday magazine had a front-cover article on Robin Wright-Penn I resisted temptation to get the DVD out and indulge. But last night there was nothing on the TV, and I thought that just watching a couple of scenes couldn't hurt... After watching the film about three times and having gotten out my copy of the novel again and... yeesh. Must. Resist. Must. Resist. The problem is, I resist by watching BtVS, and I'm not sure that's any healthier for me <g> Ooooohh... and guess what? Liquid2K has now changed the message they have up. Now they're "undergoing LARGE changes". Gee, I couldn't guess that given you've been down for four. friggin. months. ARGH!!! Was using Paint Shop Pro and couldn't resist making Molly some Tara-denial icons from Seeing Red. I like them :) :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 5:47 PM [x] :: |
l Friday, February 07, 2003 |
The phone is ringing off the hook.
Dad's up at the fires, I think I mentioned that earlier today. He called... about 45min ago now, to say that the fires have flared up again. Not where he is, but in a town he has to get through in order to get home. They're told residents in Ensay to stay indoors, be aware of ember attacks etc. We haven't been sure whether he'll be able to get home, and have had the radio running to try and keep up with what's going on. We think that the fires aren't along the highway, but there's no phone coverage there at the moment. The thing is, if the fires have flared badly, we don't know how long it could be until he'd be able to get home. I'm pretty much typing as much as we know at the moment here, so I can't really say much more. edited to say that Dad's home at 7pm, and that the reports may have been over-reacting due to the thickness of the smoke. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 4:18 PM [x] :: |
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Meant to put this in, because it's amusing. At least, it is to me.
We have a white-board calender on the fridge, as it's the only way we can keep track of each other (except me, but that's only because I have no life). Anyway, I was looking at it, and I noticed that on Sunday there's a marking for "B/S gp". WHAT? I start on an internal rant, SPUFFY GROUP?! Meeting in my house -- my house?! What the frell are these people trying to do to me, having a friggin' SPUFFY GROUP meeting here?! Do they want me to collapse from stress, break out in hives, go insane from all the redemptionista bullshit??? They KNOW I can't stay away, and they're having a group meeting here?? What are these people doing to me?! Then it clicks. B/S = Bible Study. Oops. Minister as father and all... Have I mentioned that I need a life? Yes? Just checking <sigh> :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 1:05 PM [x] :: |
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House hasn't burnt down yet.
No rain to speak of here :( but the weather has been humid. It's uncomfortable, but it's better in terms of controlling the fires. Dad's spending the day up around Swifts Creek/Omeo etc, so I'll have first-hand info on it all soon. For the Yanks who were complaining ::cough::Jennem::cough:: John Howard is our Prime Minister, and the Senate has never voted a no-confidence in a Prime Minister in Australia's history. Not even when the Governor General (the Queen's representative) sacked the government, was there a no-confidence vote given. It just proves that we're all anti-war :) We got the government's anti-terrorism pack in the mail today, so we're all laughing over it. "Let's look out for Australia. Protecting our way of life from a possible terrorist threat". Love the pictures on the front... BBQs and beaches. Swell, guys. Possible signs of terrorism. "Unusual videotaping or photography of official buildings or other critical infrastructure." Sure, folks, don't go on holidays and take photos, you hear? "Unuaual purchases of large quantities of fertaliser, chemicals or explosives." Well, fertaliser does only come in 10kg bags... "A lifestyle that doesn't add up." There goes my cover... Okay, admittedly some of these make sense, but in reality they're fueling paranoia. I remember watching someone on The Glass House whose name I forget, and he's of Arabic origin. He started out by apologising. For everything. For everything that has ever happened, and for everything that ever will happen, for ever and ever, amen. He also made a comment about how he'd hate to be an Arabic-American and actually want to get a pilot's license. The government claims that this won't fuel anti-Islamic sentiment, but in reality ever since the "national security hotline" was set up, it has. Maybe we need things like this, but sometimes, it can go too far. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 12:07 PM [x] :: |
l Wednesday, February 05, 2003 |
OMG!! The Senate has just passed a vote of No Confidence over John Howard and Iraq... H just changed the channel, though, to The Simpsons. It's a Historic Moment... have to go to see a news website now.
:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 5:02 PM [x]
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Okay, just letting people know... smokey, but nothing bad happening. And like I said, it won't be for a week or so, but... it probably will. Given the drought and all, the chances of us getting that rain is pretty remote.
I can just see that every entry until this is over will start "house hasn't burnt down yet". :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 4:58 PM [x] :: |
l Tuesday, February 04, 2003 |
Remember what I said earlier today about telling you all when to worry?
<sheepish look> Sitting around the dinner table, eating tortillas (wanna know who I thought of?) tonight, we had The Talk. The "what are we going to do" talk. Basically, the fires are going to hit my town. If we don't get three inches of rain in the next couple of days, it's going to go through Buchan and hit Orbost, and then it's not too far for the fire to go before it gets to where I live. However. Before the worriers start hyperventilating (breathe, sweetie, breathe) I live in the middle of town. I don't live on the edges, and I don't live in bushland. We're in an urban-type area with houses on all sides, and we have a not only tin shed and a tin roof, but the house is made of bricks. We've decided to stay on and protect the house. We're not going to evacuate. We think (and this is supported by our CFA friends) that the worst that we'll get here is an ember attack, so we're going to have a working bee around the house to make sure it's as right as we can get it. We're making sure we all have protective clothing (here's me without one single thing of 100% cotton apart from t-shirts, so guess who's wearing wool in 40 degree heat?). I'll do my best to keep you all posted as it gets nearer, but we've come to face the fact that yes, the chances are unless a miracle occurs we will have to fight this. I don't fancy the response I'll get from my family if I say "hey, the fire's bearing down on us, how about I get online to tell everyone it's started?" We'll probably know a couple of hours in advance, I hope, so I may be able to post something, but then we may be spending that time filling sinks with water and getting everything hosed down. I gave some links out last Friday; go here to see a map from then (and as such, long since outdated) with an arrow pointing to my location, and here to see updated versions of that same map. Remember that the CSIRO also has pretty good info if you're interested. The page I'm linking to there is meant to be the authority on bushfires in Australia. I know the maps kind of depend on you having a little bit of knowledge of the Victorian countryside, but if you use the first one as a reference to where I am, it may help a little. Just to reiterate those links, they are: http://www.geocities.com/funkypurplesmurf/fire_map.html for the map showing where I am; http://cfaonline.cfa.vic.gov.au/mycfa/Show?pageId=publicIncidentUpdates&audience=PUBLIC for the CFA's information, which includes maps; and http://www.sentinel.csiro.au for the CSIRO's information. Those of you who I've sent into a big state of worry, again I'll stress that what we're looking at for my house is really an ember attack. It's highly unlikely that the fire itself will reach us, but this is where we stand at the moment. It also won’t be for a week or so at least, okay? Anyway. Happier topics now? Please? I've just been reading The Good Fight by Felicity as I go through my short-fic files. Sobbing now. "It hurt to see her go, the end of the innocence I'd lost a long time ago. She did everything right, fought the good fight and at the end she got nothing and the world got everything. And nobody, not even me, said thank you." I was chatting to Jen the other day and she was complaining about a J/A fic that had her crying. My reaction was one of "that's not a regular occurrence with you..?" I cry over fic all. the. time. I cry over more fics than I don't. I'm a sad person, we've established that, moving on now... You probably all know that I'm a complete and utter Buffy!Whore and will defend my girl to the death. Those who have been following my Blog and not just the LJ in particular will be aware that I can take anything and turn it into a defence of Buffy. I'm also aware that not everyone who reads this are Buffy!Whores, or even watch the show (to the person/people who are in the situation, I pity you trying to follow my posts). I'm in the middle of reformatting sites, and I'm actually creating little There Is No Spoon icons for the clique I've been saying I'm going to make for the last year or so. I just need to find a server now, due to the suckiness that is Liquid2K. I shouldn't say that. Whilst it was still up, Liquid2K was fantastic in many ways. No pop-ups, no banner ads, no bandwidth limits, free... <looks at facts and then wonders why they went under> I'm also going to make a new page/site. A "defence of Buffy", arguing against those people who always get under my skin with their slurs against her character. Don't get me started, please, that's why I'm making this. So I can say when I can feel a rant coming on, "go to x page and you know where I'm going with this". To make it so people don't have to slog through my continual rants that can be bought about by the most innocent comment. Anyway. Like I said, I'm also getting that There Is No Spoon site off the ground at last. I'm aware that I'm filled with a hope I haven't felt since God only knows when with the "crumbs" being thrown to B/Aers at the moment (I don't see Willow/Oz fans getting crumbs, and we all know B/A is as extinct as they are). Perhaps it's the result of The Goddess Margot (yes, I'm standing in line to marry her and bear her 15 children) or maybe it's the hope of Emily et al getting to me at last, but my hard-worn defensive cynicism is being worn away. I refuse to get my hopes up but... they seem to have a will of their own. However, I'm still having fun with Animation Shop with No Spoon icons, because there's always something to be in denial about. I also know there's still an aura of "too little too late", as many people feel that it's coming after the complete and utter massacre of Angel's character and God, who would want Buffy to wind up with him?! So I'm going to make the clique anyway, even if it's to deny that Angel turned back the day, or that Buffy's still sleeping in Angel's apartment with him by her side as rain hits the window, or whatever. There's always something to be in denial about. And looking at the above statements, you know when I'm laughing at A/Cers for their level of denial ("if, in fact, he said anything...") there's something seriously wrong. I just need to be able to make my own screencaps. I'm going to go down to our friend's computer shop and ask if my computer would take a DVD-ROM drive, and if it can't I guess there's another expense for me seeing as I can't use a friggin' microphone, either. It would appear I need to look at the costs of a new tower then. I've just got expensive tastes at the moment, I think. Could people who would like me to call by on the overseas trip Jen keeps hinting at every. time. I. talk. to. her. please mark their general location on my Guest Map at the blog? Despite being taught more American history in high school than Australian (and people wonder why we rebel against American influences in our culture <sigh>) I don't actually know where all the American states are. I can't name them all, I can't locate them on a map and I just know that the number of them are in the low 50s somewhere. I would never pass an American Citizenship test, and would probably be laughed out of there the moment I let loose one political opinion. Seriously, I can't believe that I'm planning an international trip to the USA of all places. I always swore if I went overseas I'd do Europe. I want to do England and Scotland and Wales and the highlands where my ancestors come from. I want to do a trip around France, what I call my "Joan of Arc" tour (although I'm still going to get there in May 2031 -- it will be an early 50th birthday present for me). I want to do Germany, Italy, Greece, and the list goes on. I want to see the castle my family won in a horse race when the other guy fell off his horse, and lost when Ollie Cromwell found Charlie I sheltering inside ("really, Ollie, we didn't know he was there..."). But no. The chick who complained about the overly American/Earth influence in Star Trek and nearly not only started an international incident but still gets jokes about being tracked by the CIA and FBI today... is looking at the American holiday. Granted, I'll start in Canada and I'm not going to be doing the usual thing of the Grand Canyon, Disney, Statue of Liberty etc etc, but still. The ethics of being me go against it. Why didn't I just stick to Buffy Downunder etc, where I don't have to do the international travel and a visit to see the people would cost $500 max?? Anyway. Could people please mark their locations (or general ones, anyway) so I know where I'm looking at if I go see the travel agents to see approximate costs using the current exchange rate? I figure if I'm travelling over 13,000km from Melbourne to Vancouver anyway (I owe Lisa a visit) I might as well see everyone else living on the continent whilst I'm there. That's logical, right? Instead of travelling that distance several times over? Even if it means travelling to the other side of Canada and down the east coast of America and through the middle before leaving the west coast. I mean, if it was going to be the Good and Proper trip, I'd be going across the Atlantic, as well. But I'm afraid I can't afford that. I'm blowed if I know how I'm going to afford what I'm looking at, anyway, since no one seems to wanna employ me. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:31 PM [x] :: |
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Fire danger remains high, but it will not travel 50km overnight. The only worry here is embers, and even they will have trouble making it this far. You'll be hearing from me if it goes past too many towns; Buchan is currently in danger, which is one of the towns I mentioned, but my entries will be getting more than sombre, and more like panicked, if it gets too bad.
I know those of you who are worriers, and <stern look> I'lll let you know when it's time to be worried. We're about 1ft above sea level here, making it downhill to here. Fire travels uphill more easily than downhill, remember? At the Jumped The Shark website, I remember going through the M*A*S*H topic, and a common theme was that it jumped when Alan Alda was put in charge and the anti-war theme grew stronger and stronger. Something like "War sucks, we get it!" And yet watching it now, as we build up to a war with Iraq in maybe only a month or so, I watch it and feel that it isn't anti-war enough. Either that or we should be sending it to Dubya en mass. I'm thinking of trying to make my first ever wallpaper, and the unfortunate fact is I feel like making a Spuffy one. I'm thinking... caps from Seeing Red in the bathroom, with the words to either Shakespeare's sonnet #18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day) or Sonnet #43 from Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnets from the Portuguese (How do I love thee? Let me count the ways). You know, in this harsh, ironical manner. Guess who was at a Spuffy website and feels the need to snark in the form of wallpaper <sigh> Of course, I'm in a state of semi-permanent B/A bliss at the moment, because I keep making B/A LJ icons for Copper (who still hasn't started using a single icon from anywhere <pointed look>) and... B/A bliss. Although she thinks they're sad. I think that was because of The Gift ones... or maybe the Becoming ones... or all the Tori lyrics... maybe it's because of the IWR theme... Surprise... Revelations... Amends... Okay, so they're angsty. Sue me! Blame the relationship, not the icons! Over here, the channel 10 adverts between shows have their "network stars" on a white background, acting up until they come right in close to the camera and press either a blue button or a yellow outline (the channel 10 logo is a blue circle with a yellow outline and "ten" written in the middle). At the moment, they've got something similar for the new season of L&O:CI -- whatshisface who plays Goran on the white background talking to the camera in character and I can't help but squee every. time. I see the ad. On the same channel they're advertising the return of Charmed. I don't really watch this show, I'll admit, although I do follow it. I do, however, remember a quote from Joss Whedon when he was asked if he'd ever consider a crossover between BtVS and Charmed that they held crossovers every week when Charmed used the previous weeks' Buffy plotline. The opening tag line advertising the new season is that "last season on Charmed, Phoebe sent her husband straight to hell". Hmmm. That sounds vaguely familiar... :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:51 AM [x] :: |
l Monday, February 03, 2003 |
The last couple of days have been cooler, and as a result you could almost forget that the fires are still burning. No one was on high alert, and the winds were down... the conditions had improved ans it wasn't as scary.
Today the heat has risen, though, and again we're in a situation where I've been told to stay inside. We've closed all the windows to keep the smoke out, and once again, we can't help but be aware. Particularly as yesterday we spoke to one of our friends who is a CFA volunteer and been up at Omeo for some time, who told us that they're only 50km from where I live. The fires are only 50km away. I don't know where I thought they were, but I know that 50km is... I finally have a distance, and I thought it would have been more like 75-100km. 50km is a distance I don't like. Again, I stress that we aren't even on alert where I am. I haven't turned on the news today, but the winds aren't up. It's just warmer than it's been of late. But we need a decent rainfall. Nature started these fires, and only nature can put them out. It just would help if it hadn't been months since we got a decent rainfall. Summer is not rain season here; we don't have a monsoonal weather pattern. We get most of our rain in winter, and add to that the drought and El Nino... we just need the rain. My computer sucks more than normal today. Okay, adding to my Very Weird Searches collection... other than all the links I keep getting wanting to know something about Johnny Reznick and marriage (was he supposed to have gotten married or something?), I think that my Aragorn obsession led to me getting a Willow and Aragorn Fanfiction Crossover search. Personally, I don't really see them as a couple myself... :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:34 AM [x] :: |
l Sunday, February 02, 2003 |
Some searches I haven't seen linking people to my blog over the past 24 hours:
'Lleyton Hewitt looks like Frodo'. Personally, I don't think so, but whatever rocks your boat, I suppose... sex and the city queer as folk fanfiction crossover. Yeah, but who would Samantha sleep with?! :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 3:30 PM [x] :: |
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"The first five times we slept together, she called out "Angel!" in bed." -- Nico, 'What A Fool'
Memo A/C Shippers: Maybe he was just remembering the last time he lost his soul (yeah, right). But it is never A Good Sign when you fuck someone for the first time, and the first word out of his mouth is the name of an ex-girlfriend. I really should stay away from those places, shouldn't I... I refuse to get my hopes up, I know what happens when Joss disappoints me and I can't help but feel he's going to end it so no one is happy. If you can't please everyone, why not please no one etc etc. But I find that the denial of those A/C shippers in question out rates even that of B/A shippers. Off to listen to more Beth Orton. Falling from the western shore to find yourselves alone again/Wondering where you have been, Your lonely voice calls/across the starlit coast, Reaching out to be seen/She cries your name/three times again/She cries your name/How long can this love remain. That's right, there's a reason I'm going to A/C sites... they laughed at me, I'm laughing at them. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!! :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 1:27 PM [x] :: |
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Okay. Last night I had what had to be, officially, one of the weirdest dreams. Ever.
Just before I went to sleep, I saw a "coming soon" thing for Smallville, which Clark stopping Pete's car with his bare hands. Last nights dream? Chloe and Clark. And Oz. Yes, Oz from BtVS. In a love triangle. With Chloe and Clark. I'd also just read Indie's After Effects. Let's not go into how this effected the dream, okay? I'm not sure if it's weirder than the dream where me and Scully are in a VW Beetle chasing Mulder, but it's up there. And I even remembered to take my meds last night... do I blame the bananas? :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:44 AM [x] :: |
l Saturday, February 01, 2003 |
Nothing to say today... could people please tell me if they can view iframes in the little mini-poll thingy under the tagboard? You can tell if you can see iframes because the tag-board uses them. I just know that it's not "official" HTML and so not all browsers can see them... hence my question coz I wanna use them more if I can get away with it. I also know more than four people view this site :)
Got a Strange Search I haven't had before... "roberts nappies ab". Oookay. Most of the searches that come through here are for Smurfette, which is understandable. I've had a few for A/C stuff (ewwww) and some for Spuffy, although I had an anti-Spuffy one the other day which made it worth it. Willow/Tara and anti-war seem to be coming up a lot of late, also. Very strange. At least I don't get Dawny's. Those are just sick and twisted. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:07 PM [x] :: |
Name: Smurfette |
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