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"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." -- Dr Martin Luther King, jr.

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Thanks to Anna and Righteous Babe Records for many of these links


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Sylvia Plath-inspired The Gift wall by TNS @ Dying of the Light


Finish Buffy Defence essays
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Beta BL
Buy new shoes
Tidy room
Call Cat
Call Lizzie
Email Lisa
Arnotts icons
Find H birthday present


< # Buffy Blogs ? >
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- ? prozac nation # +
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"There's a fine art to growling. Most men will never get a real growl off in their entire pathetic lives... a real growl starts deep in the chest and rumbles up. If you growl when you've got someone pressed against you, they should be able to feel it. Feeling the way it rumbles is part of a growl -- but if you're really good at it you can get 'em from across the room, just by hearing it."
-- Diebin, Every Noisy Inch




l Saturday, November 30, 2002
As I continue to avoid that promised long-arsed update...

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 4:18 PM [x] ::

l Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Yes, long-arsed update coming... soon... eventually... midnight... ;) But this tickled my fancy.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 3:53 PM [x] ::

l Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Yes, i'm back... beware of long-arsed update tomorrow.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 12:18 PM [x] ::

l Wednesday, November 20, 2002

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:16 AM [x] ::

One sleep to go until the symposium!!!!!!!! This is my last posting here before I attend the thing -- I guess you guys will be glad I'll finally shut up on the subject <g> I haven't gotten to the stage of counting down the hours yet, but I'm getting close to it. My only disappointment now with everything is that my copy of Once More, With Feeling hasn't arrived in the mail yet. I'm catching a later bus in the hopes that it will arrive today, but... don't think it will <sigh>

Advent Workshop started last night... it went well. Mum and Dad didn't quote get a picture of the puppets I was using in time, but hopefully (fingers crossed) I'll have some pics soon enough. Of course, we don't have a digital camera, so the film has to be finished and developed first.

The older kids group is making a nativity scene out of dolly pegs. They're in a tent at the back of the church, and yesterday they made an angel, Mary and Joseph. To do this, they need to use craft-glue, and by the time we've finished we're all as high as kites on the fumes... by the power invested in me from the website Blogger, from this moment on, the tent will be known as the Chrome Dome <g>

I'm trying to convince Mum and Dad to let me build them an Advent Workshop website, with their resources. The problem is they've often had their scripts come back to them with someone else's name on top of them. I'm not sure that putting them on the internet wouldn't just make the problem worse, for some reason.

Last night was Crush on Smallville. I want to make LJ icons (I once said that I'd only ever want a LJ for the mood and music section... now I want one for the icons) with Lana and "have I mentioned my parents are dead?" That girl only gets more annoying the more episodes I watch...

Seriously, they had so many wonderful Chlark moments, and then the clunky C/L in the cemetery?! If I was Chloe I'd hit the guy (not that it would have any effect other than hurting my fist, but it's the thought that counts). And then they go and use Eva Cassidy's fantabulous version of Time After Time (such a wonderful B/A song) in the cemetery. Love the song to death, love Eva's voice to death... are they trying to drive me insane??

Have to go and read Molly's brilliant Chloe/Whitney friendships now. And harass her to write that bloody brilliant fic. Am I going to get as bitter over Chlark as I am over B/A? Heaven help me if I do. I refuse to. Nevertheless, Chloe's so easy to fall in love with... God Bless Chloe. If I said nightly prayers, she'd be in them... "God bless Mummy. God bless Daddy. God bless my dog. And God bless Chloe for the snark."

We had a blackout last night at 10.30pm. Every time I have a birthday or Christmas, my extended family have two solutions: candles or books. The candles actually come in handy at times like those, though -- I can make my room look like midday in the middle of the desert.

The amusing thing? Brother H was watching Buffy episodes on DVD; Mum, Dad and Brother N had joined him. When the power went off, they were watching The Prom. Sewer scene. Angel was doing the "sunlight and children" speech.

See! Even the electricity gets pissed at the hypocrite!! Of course, I’d have been just as happy if it had cut out about two hours earlier so that the last scene in Smallville was of Chloe and Clark holding hands in The Talon...

Should I shut up now? I have 15minutes free at Global Gossip now, so I may have to get into the city on Friday and post a wrap-up on the symposium. Or on Saturday morning to get at Babble Chat ;) One sleep to go!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:22 AM [x] ::

l Monday, November 18, 2002

What kind of BtVS fan are you?

This quiz is so accurate it's scary...

And hey! change a couple of answers I wasn't sure on and I get...

What kind of BtVS fan are you?

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:18 PM [x] ::

Well, we've had our first (and only) rehearsal of tomorrow's puppet/live action Advent Workshop-thing. I'm actually quite amused by the play my parents have written this year -- I think my watching of Smallville has seeped into their subconscious, because imagine Chloe being confronted by a bumbling, nervous angel telling her she's pregnant, and you've pretty much gotten what this Mary is acting like. Perhaps it's helped by the fact that the girl playing Mary is 16 and has a very Alison Mack-hairstyle.

Perhaps my obsessions are creeping through my mind and invading every aspect of my life. Or perhaps it was just coincidence.

Moment of surreal-ness. You know that "recently updated blogs" section on the Blogger page? As I was logging in, I actually saw one I knew... Maayan's Divine Collective was there. I've never actually seen a blog there before that I was familiar with... very strange experience.

Oh! And Boils and Blinding Torment have UPDATED with Top ten reasons why Angel the series sucks ass. Need I give thee another reason to go visit?

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:33 PM [x] ::

As an FYI, I’m going to be pretty scarce on the ground for the next four weeks. Even if I don’t get any callbacks for these jobs I’m applying for (pleaseGodletmegetaninterview) my diary is choca-block (choca-block, choca-block as a matter of fact... moment of Peter Combe’s Christmas Album madness there ;)).

Monday 18th (which was today) I had a presentation at a primary school at 9am. I jumped online for a couple of hours and had to go to help my mother with her Religious Education class at 1.30pm. We got back just before 3pm, raced around doing more organization stuff and had a puppet practise at 4.30pm for tomorrow’s Advent Workshop (I’ll explain in full detail about Advent Workshops at the end of the entry, okay? Just bare with me until then).

Tuesday 19th: 12noon to 1pm I have to help Mum with Religious Education again. Then we head to the Church to set up for an Advent Workshop, which starts at 4.15pm.

Wednesday 20th: I head to Melbourne for the Buffy Symposium (wheeeeeeee!!!!!!)

Thursday 21st: Buffy Symposium!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 22nd until Monday 25th: I’ll be catching up with friends for the last time before Christmas. I was going to be coming home on the 24th, but the family will be heading down to pick up Nathan’s car and I’ll catch a lift back with them (it may mean I’m away longer, but I’ll save AU$30 on the bus/train ticket back and that’s money I can use to send Tim Tams overseas for Christmas, okay?! -- Smurfy note: when in doubt, use the Tim Tams card).

Tuesday 26th: Advent Workshop in Lakes. Morning will be taken up with last-minute preparations, afternoon taken up with setting up at the church.

Wednesday 27th: 9am Religious Education presentation at the local primary school. 1hour story on the birth of Christ with puppets and songs.

Thursday 28th: was meant to have a doctors appointment in the morning, but that’s not going to happen because there’s another Religious Education presentation like the 27th at another local primary school. 2.30pm, head out to another regional centre for an Advent Workshop.

Friday 29th: I have library books due, although I don’t know when I’ll find time to read them. At 3.30pm, head to yet another centre for Advent Workshop.

Saturday 30th: Hey, it’s a free day!! I should make Babble Chat and catch up with everyone.

Sunday 1st December: The first Sunday in Advent. Start my yearly pilgrimage to Church over the next four weeks (I’m the Preacher’s Kid, I didn’t attend last Easter, I might as well make this one).

Okay, from then on it gets a little easier... I just have the one other Religious Education class to help with on the 3rd, and all the Advent Workshops have two further weeks to go. I’ve got a family Christmas on the weekend of the 14th and 15th, so I prolly won’t make any Chats then, and I’ve got my usual shit at Workways.

So I guess it’s just the next two weeks that are *really* hectic, and after that the only write-off days are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to keep this thing up-to-date, but I just can’t promise to be online at any time when anyone outside of my time-zone should be awake. I’ll be doing the Smurfy-scolding thing if you’re all on at 3am (or 6am, most likely) every night.

But can you all see why Christmas is such a big thing in my house? And why we’re all so stressed? ;)

Advent Workshops. Okay. Advent Workshops are a program my family have been highly involved in since their creation at Montrose Uniting Church in 1986 or so. They’re run for children of primary school age, and we tell them the story of Christmas. We use puppets and actors and crafts and songs, most of which were written especially for the program as most traditional Christmas Carols aren’t very child-friendly (or completely Santa-based, which is what we shy away from).

Week one, we’ll tell the story of the angel telling Mary she’s been knocked up without any of the fun. We use people for these, although I’m going to be one of the puppeteers for the “bookends”. We have a Dumb Dog (Shep), a cow (Holly) and a donkey (Noel) who’ll do the introductions and the finishes. I’m going to be the cow (I’m hoping that isn’t a reflection on me). We then send the kids out for the crafts, and then they come back in at the end for the wrap-up.

Week three is the three kings/wise men/magi/whatever, so we have the story told entirely by puppets. Again, I’ll be doing the cow with the dog and donkey, and there will be a lovely camel called Holly, too. The way we run it is about the same as the previous week.

Week two is the shepherds Again, puppets to tell the story, and we bring out the addition of a couple of sheep and two angels.

Week for is the nativity and the birth of Christ, when we bring it all together. We don’t have the story until after the crafts, when we have a highly pregnant Mary (the woman who played her in the first week) and Joseph coming into Bethlehem, we get one of the kids out to play the innkeeper, along with the shepherds, wise men, angels, sheep, donkey, cows, star, you name it. Anyway, Mary and Joseph get turned away by the innkeeper (all the time, a CNN-like production covering the census is happening... basic commentary) and then Mary goes into labour. She leaves the church (getting hassled all the time because it isn’t that hard to give birth) and comes in... with a live baby. Trust me, this is the hardest part of the entire thing, finding someone with a baby young enough to be Baby Jesus.

And so all the kids come in as the shepherds and wise men, and we have a real Kodak moment. Then we throw streamers, sing Peter Combe’s Happy Christmas To You and hand out lolly bags to all the kids.

And relax because it’s over for another year.

Each week there’s a different craft (based on the story) for the kids to do, and we have songs that we add verses on to each week. It’s a yearlong production, especially in Montrose where they have over 300 kids turn up (and the local primary school has about 250) and they have to turn people away. We always say that as soon as Easter is over in our house, it’s time for Christmas.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 2:24 PM [x] ::

Brother N’s gone down to the beach. It’s bloody hot today... and trust me, when I was inside a puppet theatre on asphalt with the sun beating down on top of me this morning, it was like an oven.

It’s at times like this I miss Mildura. Mildura had a nice heat -- it was a dry heat, so humidity was unusual, and there was an air-conditioned in every building. It made it a lot more bearable than it is here. Although it’s still cool inside at the moment.

But the primary school we were at sang the national anthem unaccompanied and sang it quite well. And they sang two verses (Australia’s national anthem has three verses, most people think it has two and only the first verse is ever sung). Love the line in the second verse that goes, “for those who come across the sea we’ve boundless plains to share”.

You know, unless you’re a refugee in need.

We’ve got an election coming up in my state. I’m torn a little with it all... the Australian Greens are fielding a candidate in every electorate in Gippsland for the first time, and I love their policies. They suit me very well indeed. But. Craig Ingram is the Independent and sitting member for the region, and he’s been fantastic for us... he’s also one of the three Independents keeping Labour in parliament. The last state election was held three days before I turned 18, and I just don’t know which one to vote for this time around.

I know that I don’t want to give my preferences to Labour, because despite them being the slightly-more-Left-wing party, there’s very little difference between them and the Liberal party. But I know that I really don’t want the Liberals back in, not after so many years of being Jeffed (Jeff Kennet was the last Liberal party leader, and... let’s just say I’ll never see eye-to-eye with his policies).

I used to be a supporter of the Democrats, but that was mostly because I admired the principles Nastasha Stott Despoja displayed. And after their self-destruction, well... I think only a great fool would vote for them at the moment.

So I’m still trying to decide. Brother N knows the local VicNats candidate (what a name, the VicNats... what was wrong with the National Party?!) so he’s made his decision. I’m still deciding, and I don’t know about my parents.

Speaking of Brother N, he’s got his license now and is going to be going back to Melbourne on Sunday to pick up his car. And I’m not jealous at all. I’m completely happy for him. It doesn’t leave me with any feelings of inferiority and inadequacy.

The Pope’s also a Hindu extremist and Darth Vader’s well known for wearing purple lycra. I’ll just go and gnaw on my liver for a while...

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:16 AM [x] ::

l Saturday, November 16, 2002
Because Copper is the bestest Mutual Groupie in the Whole Wide World, she sent me to a marvelous Wuffy piece. If Wuffy scares you don't go here to read Burn by Jenn, but the ending is so worth it. Highlight the text to read :)

He heard a knock on the door and stepped out of the water and draped a towel around him and padded to the door. Maybe it was Buffy wanting her things back. He stared through the peephole to see it was Angel.

He frowned, what the hell does he want?

He went against everything and opened the door.

"Can I help you?" he asked staring at Angel.

Angel just frowned and sniffed.

He couldn’t help the grin that creased his face.

"I just wanted to say thank you for your help the other day with the translation, I know you didn’t have too" Angel said still frowning.

Wesley chuckled and started to shut the door however he stopped.

"You are such a damn fool Angelus," He laughed shutting the door.

He heard the sound of a fist hitting the wall and knew Angel had left a nice size whole in his door. Yes, indeed Angel was a damn fool for letting that woman go.

He hoped it burned that son of a bitch to know he had just had his mate.

~~~ The End~~~

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 4:45 PM [x] ::

Today is such a glorius, beautiful day it's almost a sin to be inside on the internet. But then, it's a sin to not catch up with people, too.

The wind's kind of ruining it... but the sun is shining, the tourists are out and the weather's just the kind of thing that people dream about with Australia.

I bought the DVD player... and got Spiderman to the extreme. Yay me!!

Have other stuff I wanted to post, but Liquid2k is still down -- I can't connect to their database.

I hate typing straight into Blogger. I never feel right. Never mind. And nobody's on AIM... why is nobody on AIM today??

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 1:36 PM [x] ::

l Friday, November 15, 2002
Just finished watching Spiderman... when's the sequel coming out, again..? Definately getting the DVD player with the DVD and soundtrack ;)

"Now imagine she's white"... A Time to Kill was on tonight. I forgot. Unimpressed. Not sure even Spiderman was worth missing this film... always cry.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:15 PM [x] ::

Email with the symposium:

Greetings all Buffy fans and others,

You are registered as expressing interest/have registered/have paid/will pay on the day for our Buffyverse gathering this coming Thursday 21st November at Melbourne University, The Prince Phillip Theatre, 9am - 6pm, for a chatter in the caf, an elsewhere to be for the day.

If you DO NOT intend to attend, please email me so that I can give your seat to another demon, debarge, name-tag person, research mode person, zeppo, etc.

If you are attending, no need to email back , will greet you on the day (registration desk opens at 9am, Brunettis @ the Potter (on Swanston st) do good expresso pumps for breakfast - they open 7.30am and are closest cafe. Follow signs/balloons to theatre.

Lectures begin at 9.30am sharp.

So come on over for the uberbuffy event of the year, prizes for lookalikes, best costumes, etc., not to mention interesting analyses of one of television's most intriguing and clever series.

the fang-gang in the cinema dept.,
The University of Melbourne.

For detailed info on the symposium - look at our cinema journal website and click on the buffy images to access links:


And my t-shirt arrived in the mail today... suddenly very, very, very glad it did, too. Although my idea to get some label stickers to write something along the lines of "WARNING: Will bite if told to GET OVER IT" might be warrented ;)

In the "not happy, Jan" catagory, saw the Once More, With Feeling soundtrack for the first time today... after being told how many times it's not realeased over here and it's not going to be...? <sigh> But Amazon has sent it, it's on it's way, I paid $US... but I still haven't seen Music for Elevators anywhere, so...

I've been looking at DVD players again... will be purchasing it tomorrow, so whilst I will be at Babble Chat, don't know exactly when (note to Copper: you're usually on latter than me, I WILL be there!!)... there's some fly-buys stuff Myers sent to Mum that mean you get $10 off every $100 spent on DVDs etc ($20 per $100 on clothing) so... getting DVD player. At last. I'm hoping to get one with DVD/R and the one I want comes with Spiderman DVD and the soundtrack... sounds good to me.

"Liquid2k.com is undergoing new changes, we are trying to add, a new cluster please bare with us while this change is implemented thank you". Of course they are. <rolls eyes>

Gaked from Regala:

What's YOUR Writing Style?

brought to you by Quizilla

You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a sense for the different and challenging, Walt Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick to write something that the rest of the world doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate yourself from the average joe. An author with a true sense of self, you have confidence in your abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO YOU!

Not sure how they got that, be hey, whatever ;)

Russian Toffee

¼ lb butter
2 cups light brown sugar
1 tin (395g) condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla
½ tsp gelatine

Mix all ingredients together in saucepan
Boil together very slowly on the lowest heat lowest setting (if you have a gas stove, I'd recommend putting the saucepan in a dish of boiling water) until caramelised, stirring regularly.
Pour mix into a flat pan and refrigerate.
Once set, slice into fudge squares.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:26 PM [x] ::

Google hit of the day: cordelia erotic fanfiction. Seriously, I'm number 5 on the Google search. I'm scared. Very scared.

Okay, I'm hit five on the seventh page. Relief. Relief. Relief.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:22 AM [x] ::

"At least America learnt it's lesson and will never get involved in a pointless war again"
---- CNNNN on the Vietnam War

And I've been playing with the template pictures, came online because I wanted to show them off, and now I can't get into Liquid2K!! ARGH!!!!!!!! THEN I realise I can't even edit my template at all. Not happy, Jan.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:46 AM [x] ::

l Thursday, November 14, 2002

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:35 AM [x] ::

Not sure if I'm online for long today.

I went out to a local country primary school today... there's about 40 kids in the entire school. Real country... it's in a tiny town. Anyway, because my mother has a bad arm at the moment due to all the craftwork she's been doing, I went with my Dad to do a puppet show.

Why was I doing a puppet show? Because we were advertising Advent Workshops, which is a Christmas program we run with the churches. My parents have been very involved with it for the 18 or so years the programs have been running. So I did the puppets (it's because of the preperations that Mum's arm is so bad) and I'd forgotten a). how much fun it is, and b). how quickly your arm aches!! Try holding your arm in the air -- straight up -- and moving your hand about on a 45 degree angle (or else the puppet is a snob) for five to ten minutes, and see if you have any feeling left by the end!! The puppets tend to start out really high and visible over the theatre, but slowly they get lower and lower... <g>

But I have to help with the puppets at the local advent Workshop, and I'm going out to another couple of places to advertise... then there's the hour-long program we run at the primary schools... did I mention that Christmas is a hectic time for me? But I loves it... you just may get a bit about the amount of Russian Toffee (pure stress food) I'm eating.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:14 AM [x] ::

l Wednesday, November 13, 2002
And I just read Serena's journal, and I'm going to wind up watching season 7, aren't I? Sigh. But... but... I don't wanna!! I'll have to accept season 6 then, and my spoon still ain't willing to do that. I don't know if it's worth it, still. Besides which, they... Jonathan... nooooooo!!! One of the reasons (other than the Spuffy) I refused to watch season 6 is because I love and adore Jonathan, and they so can't have killed him!

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:06 PM [x] ::

<kicks HTML> I HATE HTML!!!!! ARGH!!!!!

Why this sudden dislike of HTML? The stupid page always gives me an error on "line 538", no matter where line 538 is. Before the Marquee was there (and it's a long one <g> I loves The Princess Bride) it was for the Rove Live link. So I took out the java making it so that you get the text "Rove Live" when the curser hovers over it; it liked me then and all was fine.

Then it was suddenly the HTML for the "Smurfy Cliques" link; which was fine. There was nothing wrong with it. So I simply moved the link for Maudlin Poetry up. It was fine; no errors found. Until I decided to change the link colour from red to brown. Then there's an error on the same line again. Do you wanna know what I wanna do to the stupid computer? Because it's so not pretty. It's row 538, character 18. It's a bloody "0" to specify the colour as black. And the error there is..?

Although loving the template :) I like this one... I get to have fun again. And take note of the icon change above the links from the B/A "Lying beside you in the dark, feeling your heart beat with mine... oh, wait..." to an Angel Dumbass one. I made the mistake of looking at some of the spoilers for the last CtS eppy. "We were"?!?!?!?! Thanks, Joss. Really. I think that beats Waiting to Claw Your Eyes Out and Wash Them with Acid. And Smurfy remembers exactly why she avoids all discussion of the current seasons...

Dumbass Angel. It fits. Check out the new Dumbass Angel icon (featuring Mr. Gordo) and other new, exciting features at Boils and Blinding Torment now (yes, I plug at any point I can. I love that site, okay?). Including Uncle Enos with "vengence comes in all kinds of hats" and two -- that's right, two -- Giles icons. Angelus and Willow... Tara/Willow (times two!!)... and even an Angel/Xander one!! Some great Joss wallpapers on Willow and Gay Now, too. Yes, I love Tara, but these are funny. Besides, can anything with Oz be bad?

Brother N has finished exams now and was on the computer (yet not online) all day. Proving yet again why I need to get my own computer fixed. I'm having problems turning it on at all at the moment, so there's some serious problems that I need to have looked at, so... I just hate not having my harddrive in my computer desk. Even if I can't use it to get online, I use it all the time anyway and I just need my computer. Drooling over brother N's laptop, though... you guys wouldn't mind if Tour de Babble was pushed back a little longer so I could get one, would you..? ;)

Brother H has continued working through my season 3 DVDs and watched Gingerbread and Helpless today. My bitterness, however, has bee brought back to the fore when my sense took leave and I looked at some of the reactions to the last TSFKAA eppy.

I didn't watch Gingerbread because a). by the time I realised he was watching it Angel had finished his original, only-to-be-repeated-in-two-years-time epiphany, and b). at the moment I'll watch M*A*S*H repeats over BtVS any day.

Then with Helpless... well... still not over my incredible bitterness over Giles acting like a father to Willow when he abandons Buffy to the fates because "she's so strong" (let's not get me started, hmm?) and after the "were we in love" scene, so not listening to "you walked down those steps... and I loved you". In light of it not being the eternal thing we always thought it was, it's actually quite sick that the vampire with a bicentennial fell for a fifteen year old. And I thought the average paedophile was sickening; now, the way he acted make that bloody "Insane Need" fic that's going around (AU, human Angelus forces 16-year-old Buffy into a marriage and proceeds to rape her on their wedding night) seem nice and healthy.

Okay, so I have issues. Apologies to those who don't, and are optimists. Special apologies to Kendra if she read this, because I swear I was getting over this all-consuming bitterness.

I guess this also proves that yes, something with Oz in it can be bad. Damn Joss to hell. It never was bad.

It actually makes me start to wonder, if all our anger towards Marti's cheekbones obsession and our hatred of Greenwalt was misdirected, and we should actually be blaming Joss not only for neglect, but for everything. Considering Waiting to Claw Your Eyes Out and Wash Them with Acid and Tabula Candy, well... And if it is him, I'm so glad that was the last time I'll ever be looking at the spoilers.

I'm going to be so much fun at this symposium, aren't I? <sigh>

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:34 PM [x] ::

l Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Watched Smallville tonight, and now I want Molly to be online. Except it must be... like... 3am for her, so that ain't gonna happen. I'm going to confess I'm heading over to Lex Slash as I type to get the names of the episode... it was Drone and yes, they showed the preview for next week's Crush. Inclusing the looks in the cemetary. I need to rant, and I need to rant now. I hate time zones.

In other amusing stuff, this exchange came over a late dinner as the family watched Smallville on the TV:

Brother N: So, Sarah, when's this show getting The X-Files soundtrack?
Me (totally confused): Huh?
Brother N: Well, they've stolen all the plotlines, the soundtrack's all that's left.

Maybe you had to be there...

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 7:48 PM [x] ::

Well, yesterday was very productive. I didn't get to chat with everyone because I had to go down to Workways for an appointment (Workways being the local Job Network people).

There are finally jobs in Lakes Entrance again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may be able to be employed again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may get to have money again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, if I'm actually employed I won't be able to chat like I have been, but it would mean that Tour de Babble could be more than a pipe dream. First on the savings list is the car still, but second on that list (ie right behind the car because my family would kill me if it was above it) is the overseas trip, aka Tour de Babble, for 2004-2005 winter. So, c'mon peoples, which is more important... me being able to get online between 12noon and whenever, or me being able to actually get to the USA/Canada area in two years time? It's going to be bloody expensive, you know. It's over AU$1500 just to fly to LA on via Budget Airfare, and I'd prefer to fly Qantas (because “Qantas never crashes”). Then I want you to look at the Australian dollar exchange rate... it's great for Americans visiting here, but it makes it a wee bit more expensive for Australians going anywhere overseas.

Although I had a sudden realisation hopping out of the shower this morning, and you're all going to laugh, but you'd probably think the same thing regarding Tasmania or the Great Barrier Reef.

I'm going to have a bit of difficulty driving out to Hawaii. Y'know, if I don't want to get really wet.

But then I covered it, because a lot of flights to LA or whatever from Australia have a stopover in Hawaii. So I'll just... extend that, depending on the islands I need to visit. If I'm travelling bloody 14,000km as the crow flies to start in Vancouver, I'm not bloody missing anyone!!

This layout was just going to be for the Remembrance Day period, but people say they like it and I'm a sucker for praise. So I'm trying to decide if I just put back some of my pictures or change the links colour and perhaps make the text a bit lighter... I don't know... And sorry, guys, but I'm a Christmas addict and I'm *so* going Christmas-y in December. I've got the template all figured out on my computer... and there's that one Faithgirl made me that I love and adore, too...

And yeah, I'm not sticking around to chat right now :( I need to go out. May be back in six hours or so, if that helps any...

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:42 AM [x] ::

l Monday, November 11, 2002
I was tempted today to write a long entry on the pointlessness of war and quote poems and songs. I was tempted to write a long soliloquy on how we should remember the cost of war as Bush waxes lyrical on Iraq. I was tempted to write on how we should remember the fallen of terrorism as well as war on this day. Then I remembered that, just as I realised two months ago today, three words sum up every tragedy of terrorism and war.

Lest We Forget

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:41 AM [x] ::

l Sunday, November 10, 2002
One of the worst sports to listen on the radio is cricket. It's right behind tennis. Tennis is horrible to listen to because it moves too fast, and cricket is dull because it moves so slowly, especially in tests. One-day matches aren't quite as bad, but it's still a problem.

Perhaps it's because I'm not much of a sports fan. All the same, I don't mind catching a little cricket on the telly. And that's not just because our Australian side is bloody good (do I crow over Matthew Hayden's test score, or perhaps just allude to England collapsing for 79 when chasing 464 in the second innings...?)

To me, when cricket's on the TV, it means it's summer. Or nearly summer, in this case. When the Aussies are playing at home, whether it is World Series or test matches, you know the weather's heating up. It's the season of icy-poles, BBQ dinners, beers and soft drinks. It's having family and friends over for dinner, late nights sitting outside burning citrus candles to keep the mozzies away in the extended daylight hours.

It's when the bloody birds in the bottle-brush outside my window wake me up at 5am every morning with their deafening screeches (love the lorikeets, but by God, those birds are noisy!!).

It means that school's nearly out for summer, and the kids are riding their bikes everywhere in shorts and t-shirts; the teenagers without helmets and hoping that there's no cop-car or well-meaning citizen nearby to get them fined.

I love the winter months, and always declare it to be the best time of the year... but the start of summer, before the mercury hits forty, I need the electric fan 24/7 and I see the first snakes, has to be pretty good, too.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 5:46 PM [x] ::

l Saturday, November 09, 2002
ter·ror·ism n.
1. The political use of violence or intimidation.
-- ter'ror·ist n. -- ter'ror·is'tic adj.

Note to ASIO: it doesn't say "unless you are a government insitution".

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 12:06 PM [x] ::

l Thursday, November 07, 2002
Bwahahahahahahahaha!!! In "something to cheer me up on an entirely crappy day" catagory, if you enter "calorie count mars bar" without, y'know, the quotation marks, in Google, I'm the second hit! As someone who linked here learnt. Anyone else find that vastly amusing?

Ooohh, and I'm number 3 on a Smurfette Google, too. See, little things can cheer me up :)

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 5:08 PM [x] ::

Airing dirty laundry in public only loses respect. It doesn’t do any good.

I thought that I’d survived the worst online life could dish up back in July/August. That nothing could ever touch that. Then I learn that it was just the beginning.

Yes, that was painful (more so for other people than myself) but I haven’t missed the person. This isn’t just a person, it’s something that’s a major part of my life and no matter how it’s resolved will never be the same. The reputation and feel of it will be tainted forever. It’s been thoroughly compromised. My life has been irrevocably changed, from the events of a single day.

Rest In Peace.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 1:22 PM [x] ::

Anyone want to tell me how to just...


:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:46 AM [x] ::

l Wednesday, November 06, 2002
It's A Hi-5 Christmas!!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!

Yes, I'm three-years-old at Christmas. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 1:13 PM [x] ::

I don't think I really watch an awful lot of TV anymore. And what I watch now is mostly documentaries on ABC or SBS. The only non-documentary or currents-affairs-comedy programs I really watch are Smallville, the occasional CI or SVU, The Vicar of Dibley, and Queer as Folk, when I remember it.

And we're nearly in summer over here. Which means, as it does everywhere else, repeats galore. Or really bad US programs that the networks can't be buggered screening during ratings (although there's the occasional gem in there that Aussie audiences didn't warm to).

But looking through the Wednesday TV guide in the Herald Sun, every. single. time. there's a program I want to watch, it's up against another program I want to watch.

For example, there's the eternal problem of SVU being up against the Thursday Night Comedy Fest on the ABC. CNNNN -- I just found their website, and it has their newsbar!!! Everyone has to visit that site and look at the newsbar... I don't know if it's Aussie humour, but it's bloody hilarious.

But take the Gough Whitlam special on Sunday night. For the Americans, Gough Whitlam was the most brilliant Prime Minister this country has ever seen, even if he ignored East Timor. He gave us free university, he made the health system affordable (Medicare), and hundreds of other stuff the Liberal party has been trying to destroy. He was Prime Minister when there was a difference between the Liberal and Labour parties, and the Labour party was the brilliant one (so I'm left-wing. Nyah!)

Anyway, 8.30pm on SBS is Gough Whitlam -- In His Own Words. 8.30pm Sundays is movie-night... oh-oh. But wait! There hasn't been a new film screening on a Sunday in weeks that I've been interested in! Why should this week be any different? Which is why Rachel Griffiths' Me Myself I is screening, along with The Talented Mr Ripley and American Pie. All films I love.

Wednesday there's a double episode of CI. Which is up against a new documentary series on Hitler's Women on SBS (and to rub salt in the wound, the first one is on Eva Braun, who has always fascinated me in a watching-car-crash manner), and the Bodyline special on the ABC (Bodyline being an infamous stage in cricket history).

But yeah. Add in Backberner, The Glass House, Smallville and The Vicar of Dibley and you have my viewing schedule. All of which is on a Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night. It would be an hour on Sunday (if I go with Gough, which I'm sure I will), an hour on Tuesday, an hour (two hours if I watch the CI double episode) on Wednesday, 90 minutes on Thursday, half-hour for Vicar on Friday, and then another half-hour at 10pm for The Glass House. Six and a half hours of TV a week in prime-time isn't too bad, is it? Although putting it all like that, there's still more than I thought I watched <sigh>

Although six-and-a-half hours is my average time online per day, so when you put it like that, the amount of time I spend in front of the TV is quite healthy ;)

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:22 AM [x] ::

l Tuesday, November 05, 2002
I've been reflecting on the nature of spin-off of late, as I slowly get addicted to the L&O series. I was never a fan of any of them, until one day I happened to flick over to SVU (which always sounds like a car to me...). I don't get to watch SVU as often as CI, as SVU is up against Thursdays Comedy line-up on the ABC, and CNNNN is the funniest thing ever. But I usually at least get to watch the second half of SVU as Small Potatoes, whilst being British comedy and therefore usually unmissable, hasn't sucked me in as hard as most of the programs at 9pm on a Thursday on the ABC. And I've never seen the original series. Ever.

Never watched an episode of Law & Order without a Special Victims Unit after the name or Criminal Intent. I don't usually go for cop shows. The closest I've ever gone is brief flirtations with Blue Heelers (although after we found out "Who Killed Maggie Doyle" I never watched it again) and Water Rats.

It seems to me that the L&O spin-offs do have a life of their own away from the original. They seem to have nothing to do with them, to my untrained eye. But am I like those who tuned into AtS in season three and therefore have no idea on how things are really meant to be?

When does a series get a life of its own outside of the original? Is it just the ever-present B/Aer in me that refuses to let that connection between AtS and BtVS go? I know that I would currently have even less than my current zero interest in TSFKAA (The Show Formally Known As Angel, for the uninitiated) if I didn't have that link of the characters.

Frasier has managed to have a life outside of Cheers. But again, I never really watched Cheers as it was on past my bedtime <g> I have vague memories of it, but vague is all they are. And I'm unfamiliar with American geography, but I think that Chicago and Seattle are some distance apart, right?

So what is it that makes the L&O series and Frasier different to CtS? Is it just my B/A heart that won't let go and "get over it"?

I don't think it is. I don't think it is, simply because BtVS is still going. I don't think it is because the effects of Angel's time on BtVS is still being felt, his name's still being mentioned (after how many years of "Angel who?") even if there's an attitude of ignoring Buffy's presence in history on TSFKAA (although the said re-emergence of Angel's name in BtVS history has to give some form of hope, right?).

I think that DB (who should have his lips sewn shut and be banned from ever giving interviews) can't be rooted in reality in saying that CtS and BtVS are completely divorced (love Molly's comments on that: "Oh, whatever. The fact that Angel sucks ass should prove that AtS is the spouse with the beer belly who got nothing but the smelly trailer home out of the divorce, while BtVS walked away with the Benz, the dog, and the joint checking account."). The reality is that Frasier was made after Cheers ended. The reality is that BtVS is still going, and it's set a mere two hours drive away, and there are too many factors they still have in common to be divorced. The fact that they can share guest stars in Dru and Faith, and crossovers in storylines even if the main starts aren't permitted that, continues to show that they are forever linked. And ignorant comments from what was once eye-candy can't change that.

Anyways. In other comments, yes, I was absent for any decent chat times today. I'm sorry. But there's some issues at home, and brother H was home from school due to the Melbourne Cup public holiday (go Damien Oliver -- I was cheering him on, like the nation, I suspect. Definitely good simply for the sentimental values, and I was in tears over his comments after the race) and was watching BtVS season 3 on DVD near the computer -- which included Dead Man's Party and my temper wasn't up to being anywhere near that today.

Want to change the template, and I've got the gorgeous one Faithgirl made me for my birthday sitting there. But I've made a special Christmas layout from this basic one which should go up around the end of November (Christmas lasts for nine months of the year in my family because my mother starts preparing workshops as soon as Easter's finished, so feel glad I'm going to wait until then), so Faithgirl's may have to wait until January. I'm hoping to be able to change over to Blog*Spot Ad-Free around then, so it will look a lot better if I do that, anyway. I have a feeling that the stupid ad-area would ruin how fabulous it looks, in any case. And I'm busy putting in little Easter Eggs anyway, so I'm having fun with that one. I've been having fun with HTML again. Sue me.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 7:18 PM [x] ::

l Monday, November 04, 2002
I was going to share a rather depressing email from RAWA, but then I saw this email from Sharon, and... well... it's so gorgeous and true and has to be shared with as many people as possible!!

"What does love mean?"


A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8-year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined.

See what you think:

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." -- Rebecca - age 8

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth." -- Billy - age 4

"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other." -- Karl - age 5

"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." -- Chrissy - age 6

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." -- Terri - age 4

"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK." -- Danny - age 7

"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen." -- Bobby - age 5

"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend whom you hate." -- Nikka - age 6

"There are two kinds of love. Our love. God's love. But God makes both kinds of them." -- Jenny - age 4

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day." -- Noelle - age 7

"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." -- Tommy - age 6

"My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night." -- Clare - Age 5

"Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken." -- Elaine - age 5

"Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford." -- Chris - age 8

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day." -- Mary Ann - age 4

"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones." -- Lauren - age 4

"I let my big sister pick on me because my Mom says she only picks on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I love her." -- Bethany - age 4

"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." -- Karen - age 7

"Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross." -- Mark - age 6

"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget." -- Jessica - age 8

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:42 AM [x] ::

l Sunday, November 03, 2002
LMAO!!!! I know they do this best at Boils and Blinding Torment, but I was looking at the stats provided by the Bravenet counter and I've got a link from someone searching for "ABC frozen cookie dough". Which is stranger beyond the "Oz BtVS Smut" I saw there a couple of weeks ago... most google searches are for "Smurf" or "Smurfette"... but "ABC frozen cookie dough"???????

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 6:32 PM [x] ::

Molly is upset.

And when Molly is upset, Smurfy is livid. Because she likes Molly to be happy.

The reason behind this is that someone Molly knows (and was a friend) described fanfiction as "fluff and nonsense that people wrote about fictional characters that had no point other than satisfying their carnal lusts for mindless entertainment. Heaven forbid any of us ever actualy think." All the time knowing that Molly is incredibly involved in fandom, and writes fanfiction.

Molly responds to this in her usual incredibly articulate way here and here, but I am going to join in Molly's "this POV sucks" chorus, because it's something I deal with all the time. I deal with it from my family, where I'm a running joke with my online life. My friends accept me, thank God, and they just know not to mention BtVS if they want the subject to be dropped within five hours. Although I do scare their flatmates who see my BtVS soundtrack and mention they like the show...

I guess I've been winding up to this, too, since Jennem showed me an email from a woman who's both B/S and A/C and is "disillusioned with fandom". Because I have met some of the most articulate, intelligent, creative and wonderful people I could ever hope to meet thanks to the Buffyverse, and B/A in particular.

I'll pick up a book based on BtVS at the local bookshop, and I know that I'll be able to find a piece of fanfiction dealing with the exact same issues with more depth, a greater understanding of the characters, and better grammar online. Take the much lauded Tempted Champions... I couldn't ever finish that because I'd read dozens of fanfiction that dealt with it all so much better, and with better use of spelling and grammar.

Fanfiction isn't something to be scoffed at. Take my symposium I'm so excited about -- they're devoted sections on it to fanfiction and the way it influences the show (and it can even be a mindless PWP, as that Bronze scene demonstrated to us all... why, oh why, couldn't they have taken a B/A CWC PWP with blood play instead??). And Melbourne University isn't just any little university around the corner; if Australia had an ivy-league, it'd be at the top of the list.

My life has been so enriched by fandom... yes, it's saved my life when my depression was at it's height, and I know that I have somewhere to go that will always cheer me up. Whilst I can say that Cat's love of Tori Amos and Ani DiFranco would have eventually made me listen to those wonderful women, I can say that things like Serena's All The White Horses made me buy their albums a lot sooner than I would have otherwise. I would never, ever have listened to Sarah McLachlan if it wasn't for the fandom that a). told me it was Full of Grace at the end of Becoming, and b). kept using her songs in fanfiction. And through Sarah McLachlan and Lilith Fair I discovered the Indigo Girls, and through them I am still discovering further artists. I have a CD collection I refer to as "The Bittersweet Legacy Collection", with CDs bought because Vatrixsta used the artist's song. I've discovered the Dave Matthews Band via Ducks fanfic, Something for Kate because Starla kept talking about them, Michelle Branch simply because of Goodbye to You... and it's not just music. Pablo Neruda, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Dickenson, Edgar Allen Poe...

Fandom brings together such diverse people, with the love of a television show in common. And we all have different backgrounds, from different parts of the planet. I find that it gives me a different perspective on global issues, rather than just what I'll see on the news every night. From the people who were in New York on September 11, rather than just the images on the screen. Talking to Anat, and how the suicide bombers in Israel are affecting her on a day-to-day basis, rather than what I hear on the SBS news. When something happens in the world, it effects me more because I know someone who lives there, rather than just seeing images on a TV set.

And these TV shows have depth, and deal with issues. Issues which I may not see on my own casual viewing, but when discussed with people in general come to light, and bring enlightenment not just on a world issue, but on literature and other more "intelligent pursuits and interests".

The poor woman simply doesn't know what she's missing.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:21 AM [x] ::

l Saturday, November 02, 2002
Dawny can take the blame for these....

What musical are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Why Will You Go To Hell?

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Your Inner Blonde is Pamela Anderson

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More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 2:25 PM [x] ::

Last night, I decided to watch Fantasia 2000 for the first time in a year or so. I love Disney, and I love classical music, so Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 combine two of my favourites together.

I love the new version; whilst the flamingos and Carnival of Animals and Daisy and Donald with Pomp and Circumstance would have to be my favourites, last night (whilst consuming kahlua) I was struck by their version of The Steadfast Tin-Soldier.

I love Hans Christian Anderson; he wrote some fabulous fairytales. But last night, for the first time in longer than I can remember, I put aside my B/A bitterness and watched something and felt happy again.

I watched this fable, and I saw the jack-in-the-box as Joss, and we can gather which characters I saw within the Tin Soldier and the Ballerina. The tin soldier who goes through so much, travels the world and all its perils... but still managed to find his way home again under the most unlikely of circumstances.

Yes, it's a fairytale, and yes, they wind up knocked into the fire and not the other way around like Disney showed (but then, Disney always gives fairytales that end with death a happy ending), but... for the five minutes or so that the short cartoon went for, I found hope and happiness within myself, banishing the bitterness. Which is pretty much a record for me at the moment.

As soon as the music stopped, however... ;)

Just look out for The Steadfast Souled!Vampire: A Smurfy Fable -- waiting to hit an inbox near you (as soon as I find my copy of the original fairytale)

Oh! And on The Glass House last night, the following exchange took place... guess who I thought of..?

Glen Manton*: "Take me to the gutter and I'll play there all day."
Wil Anderson: "That could be the motto of this show."
*Carlton footballer

ps. people who call mobiles at 2am with the wrong phone number when drunk should be shot.

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 12:08 PM [x] ::

l Friday, November 01, 2002
If you are reading this, you have to go and visit Boils and Blinding Torment.


Are you still here? Why are you still here? Do you need reasons to go? Because shame on you if you do!!

They're updated. They've got new icons!!!! And they do B/A in song!!!!!!!!! And they have a Riley Dumbass icon!!!!!! Wheeeee!!!!!! And real Dork!Angel Dumbass icons. Sweet and touching icons! More Crack!Whore icons!! Are you there yet?

They've recapped Selfless, too...

She brings up Xander giving poor little her the message “kick his ass” from Willow. Four or five years too late, guys. But whatever. Because it doesn’t matter. Years and years and years of a debate on message boards, oooooh—the lie, and it’s all wrapped up with a “hey, I never said that” from Willow, a moment of panic in Xander’s eyes and absolutely nothing from Buffy. It’s odd. And does nothing but throw fans a ridiculous bone of misplaced continuity, but eh.

Okay, guys, if you make it over here... yeah, I'll cheer when it screens. But WORD.

So go and visit! I have :)

:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 5:10 PM [x] ::


Name: Smurfette
Age: 21
Occupation: Here's a funny story...
Feeling: Nostalgic
Listening: Aimee Mann, Lost In Space
Watching: nothing
Reading: The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath
Surfing: Blogger
Chatting: Jen and Kendra
Eating: Condensed Milk
Drinking: Coffee
Wanting: To not have to pay a small fortune for this
Obsessing: Diana-love
Wishing: I lived in Sydney and could go to The Glass House tapings

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