[x] weblog |
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." -- Dr Martin Luther King, jr. [x] Amnesty International |
[x] June 2002 |
Sylvia Plath-inspired The Gift wall by TNS @ Dying of the Light |
Finish Buffy Defence essays |
Buffy Blogs
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"There's a fine art to growling. Most men will never get a real growl off in their entire pathetic lives... a real growl starts deep in the chest and rumbles up. If you growl when you've got someone pressed against you, they should be able to feel it. Feeling the way it rumbles is part of a growl -- but if you're really good at it you can get 'em from across the room, just by hearing it." |
l Wednesday, July 31, 2002 |
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi, oi, oi!!
Wheeeee!!! Go Australia! 30 Gold and counting!! 20 Gold *before* our swimmers got their togs wet! Although I think I'll be cheering for anyone *but* Grant Hackett -- now that he can't malign Kieran, he's moved on to Ian Thorpe < sigh > But I've heard that for 2006 here in Australia, there'll be a new handicap on the field. Australia (sans drugs) vs. the world (with drugs). What? The UN? They're yelling at us again? Woomera? Something about primitive conditions and our inhumane treatment of refugees? Yeah, mate, but 30 Gold!! And weren't the Olympics fantastic?! I've been on a bit of a Jane Austen kick at the moment... reading my Complete Works (yes, I own the complete works of Jane Austen in one volume) and frequent viewings of selected scenes in the Pride and Prejudice miniseries. Colin Firth... mmmmmmm… and apparently Starla agrees with me enough to convince Bulletproof to create a fantabulous wallpaper. I ::heart:: the guy's voice. I've had him asking "will you do me the honour of reading this letter?" when I get new emails for years (and yes, "will you do me the honour of making a comment?" is a blatant rip-off of that). In a random topic-switch, when I wrote Revenge of the Joss, I asked in the section where I listed the spoilers contain within, "anyone out there *not* know about B/S? If so, can I borrow whatever rock you're hiding under?" I received an email the other day (unexpected feedback!! Woo-hoo!!") where I was told that the rock's name was Bombay, India, where they are in the middle of season 5/2. I'm contacting Indian immigration in the morning. Even if they haven't won 30 Gold. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:03 PM [x] :: |
l Tuesday, July 30, 2002 |
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck this. The stupid program... UGH!!!! I've uploaded and deleted and... and... UGH!!!!!!!!
If you're still got the fucking banner, I apologise. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 12:12 AM [x] :: |
l Monday, July 29, 2002 |
"But in such cases as these, a good memory is unpardonable. This is the last time I shall ever remember it myself." -- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Is it Elizabeth talking about how she felt about Mr. Darcy at first, or is it M.E. talking about shoving Xangel/Croddy down our throats..? I was bored and did a bit of a revamp-thing on my website... nothing terribly massive, but I had fun. And here's hoping all the buttons here still show up after I did that... The sad part is I *knew* I should have been doing stuff around the house or writing feedback or trying to get JossBot finished < ducks flames from Goldy > and yet... all I wanted to do was avoid it all and fiddle around with layouts. Sigh. Have a doctor's appointment in the morning... fun and games. Have to remember to go and get make-up while I'm in town... I have very pale skin, and only a handful of cosmetic companies make a foundation light enough for my skin-tone, and the ones that do are only available a half-hour drive away. The wonders of living in the country < sigh > I like the proprietor of the local CD shop here. It's a small business, and... well... but she's *nice*. I actually feel guilty if Sanity or JB Hi-Fi have a fantastic CD sale on and I buy from them. I'll go into the shop and I'll sit and chat with her for *ages*. She'll tell me what's come in recently that I might like, and she always gets my taste in CDs right (I'm eclectic, but she knows my style fabulously well). She's actually got a couple of hundred more Ozzy Osbourne CDs than normal at the moment... I wonder why... < g > It's a typical country store, and there's a part of me that really likes that. I'll complain no end about living in the country at times, mostly because where I live work is just non-existent outside of tourist season (then there's the distances and the complete lack of public transport, but that's another story), but there's definitely an element of country charm around here. The local café I frequent (it's an antique-store with a café... the atmosphere is fantastic) knows how I like my coffee and I'll chat no end with whoever's serving me... I'm as ramble-y as this in RL, given the slightest encouragement, so I'll spend an age talking with them. Yes, country life has it's plus points, but then there are many a time I miss the city. Simply in distances and transport, it's local in terms of most of my RL friends... When I turn 21 in September, we're holding the "celebration" in Melbourne, because if we held it here, no one would show. Not that there's that much to celebrate about my life, but that way leads me to ice-cream binges and not-nice times, so we won't go there. For the moment. Although Monash University is doing a survey on depression at the moment with the help of beyondblue, which is the national depression initiative, on the general community's attitude towards depression, randomly sampling 20,000 people from the electoral role in my area. I was one of those who got a letter in the mail. Which is strange, because I have to write about my attitude towards depression when I suffer from it myself... :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:36 PM [x] :: |
l Sunday, July 28, 2002 |
I called my beloved cat Wesley this morning. Now I'm seriously worried...
I've just finished reading In The Company of Angels for the umpteenth time. I'd forgotten how amazing this book is -- it's just amazing, and I recommend everyone get their behinds over to Amazon and read every extract they have of it. I'm going to rave a little about it. I hope nobody minds, because it's my Blog, so nyah! This book is set on the France/Belgium border in 1941. Marie Claire is a young Jewish girl... she's seven years old, and you can guess where this is heading, right? Anyway, she's rescued by two Nuns, and as the story unfolds... oh, my God. Just read this. I don't want to give away the plot too much, because there's so many twists and turns... read it. At the start of chapter two, there's this little quote. And... "Today the trains have arrived and Marie Claire is confused. Everyone should be happy, she thinks. Now that the trains are here, she and Grandmamma will be taken to the farms where they will plant raspberries for tarts and strawberries for jam. And roses, hundreds and hundreds of roses. That's what the soldiers said. No one will be hungry again." (page 9) It's N. M. Kelby's first novel, and it's amazing. Just read it. One of my obsessions in life is history. I love studying it. I'm one of those crazy people who read history textbooks for entertainment. And one of my obsessions within history is the Holocaust. So this book... I want to spoil it!! Dammit!!! Okay. I'm off to Whedonverse Refugees to spoil people... but I recommend you read the book without spoilage. Because it's just amazing, and get thee to the local library and read it!! I read it when I was working at the library near my grandparent's earlier this year, and I bought it as soon as I'd read it. It gets better with each reading, I swear. The first chapter: Before the Germans bombed Belgium in 1940, Tournai was a city that creaked under the weight of it's own rich history. Conquered by the French, it was thought more beautiful than Paris. Conquered by the English, it was the favored city of King Henry the Eighth. It was also a city of God. One hundred bell towers, four hundred bells. So many churches, their spires teetering at odd angles, the eclipsed the narrow streets, streets filled with knots of nuns and priests moving about like so many bees. God was Tournai's main industry. The banks, the universities, the cafés, the souvenir shop which sold the nearly authentic relics: they all thrived on God. Survived by creating a city devoted to devotion. In Tournai, apparently, God was as common as air. The baker said he saw Him in a cherry tart. The milliner, in the eye of a peacock feather. The trash man said he saw Him tumbling down the alleyways in the white grease of the frietzaks, the abandoned paper cones, their twice-fried potatoes eaten long ago. These sightings of God were well documented in newspapers and radio broadcasts. They were proudly spoken of in the streets. "Did you know that the barber saw the face of the Virgin on the floor of his shop yesterday?" "No, but i heard the butcher found a small cross within the belly of a lamb." Everywhere, everyone saw God. How could they not? In Tournai, seeing God was a matter of civic pride. Then the bombs came. Then soldiers. Then silence. Now recruitment posters cover the church doors. Ersatz kommando der waffen! The Germans are asking for help. Support us! they say, and show the enemy in his "true light" -- a red devil, the Star of David around his neck. The devil laughs at the cross, crushes Belgium with his pitchfork. Some of the priests, their churches in rubble, ask their congregations to consider the Germans' position. Did not the Jews betray our Saviour? they ask. Ersatz kommando der waffen! Since the occupation began, it is said that God has not been seen in Tournai. It is believed He slipped away. Heartbroken, He eased himself out of the situation, unsure if He would ever return. (pages 1-3) :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:47 PM [x] :: |
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Last night I watched what would have to be one of the most powerful 90 minutes of television I have ever seen.
It was a documentary made in 2000 but screening on SBS for the first time. It was called Long Night's Journey into Day and it was about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in South Africa. I cannot help but feel that to talk about this would diminish the power it had over me. Suffice to say, should you ever get the opportunity to view this, take it with both hands. One of my family's friends is from South Africa. He left with his wife and children because of the violence and the Apartheid. I remember when it all ended, when the first election was held in which *all* citizens of the country could vote, he said that he never thought this day would come in his lifetime, and that now if had, he couldn't even participate in it (he had just been granted Australian citizenship). I look at documentaries such as this, I read The Power of One and Nelson Mandela's autobiography, and I realise exactly how horrible it was. And I thank God it's no longer in such a state, even if there is still an mind-blowing amount of violence in the country. I know the process is far from over, and that the aftermath is still being dealt with, but there's still a part of me that's grateful that such a horrific government policy no longer exists. And then I watch the world news, and I realise that just because it's been cancelled in one country doesn't mean that the rest of the world is in any better state of affairs. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:37 AM [x] :: |
l Saturday, July 27, 2002 |
Ack!! This is wrong! Wrong, I tell you!!!!!!! The computer problems are turning my hair white!!!!!!
Yes, I just found a white hair. I've found three other over the course of a year, but white hair!!!!!!! Not meant to happen!! I'm going to be 21 in September!!!! This is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing so wrong as finding a white hair at the age of 20. Find out which Garbage Pail Kid you are! Wooo-hooo!!! Garbage Pail Kids!!! Wheeeeeee!!! :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 3:02 PM [x] :: |
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My. Connection. Sucks. Even worse today. And it means that I have to miss Babble Chat again for the second week running, because there's absolutely no point in going. And AIM won't let me sign in again... I've signed in too many times in too short a period. Although this thing seems to behave better now that I'm not on AOHell... I hate to admit it, but there might be a factor there < sigh >
My computers sucks. Anyway. Deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Deep breaths. Calm. Had the driving lesson today... the instructor's been having problems with the clutch and the gearbox in his new car, but I gave both a thorough work-out. He says that I'd be okay if I had to drive to Perth and back... it's all a straight line. It's when I have to reverse part and do that fucking three-point-turns thing I get into trouble. And the government is only paying for one more lesson, next Friday, so I'm going to have to convince Dad to take me out a couple of times < sigh > If you think I get stressed over the connection, you should see me when I go driving with my father!!!!!!! Ooohh... just got a survey from Sharon in the email. Here goes: 1. Name: Sarah Eileen 2. Were you named after anyone? First name was after Abraham's wife, a little. Not completely influenced, I think my parents liked the name, but... And the middle name (as in, "I lean on the wall" -- and not the fucking wall either < sigh > There may be such thing as too much glutter...) was my great-grandmother's name. 3. Do you wish on stars? Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight... 4. Which finger is your favorite? Umm.... right index finger, I guess.... and bets are off for which finger J will say ;) 5. When did you last cry? When did I last read fanfiction.... 6.If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you? Umm... probably Amy Acker... I don't like Fred, unless she's with Wes because he cancels out her Fred-ness < g >, but she looks a little like me... and I babble, and she can play babble. 7. Do you like your handwriting? I print mostly, but I can handle it, unless I'm writing *heaps*. Because then it's just a scrawl. 8. Who are you jealous of? At the moment? People with a reliable connection < sigh > 9. What is the #1 priority in your life? Trying to get healthy again. 10. What is your favorite lunch meat? Meat + Smurfy = baaaadd. 11. Any bad habits? I may be a Virgo, but I'm as messy as hell. VERY messy. As in, nuclear-waste messy. I'm on the cusp of... uh... whatever the starsign after Virgo is... so maybe that explains it a little. Although one of my best friends in high school was born on the same day as me, and she's as neat as a pin. I think... 12. What store/ restaurant would you never be caught dead in? I try not to go into McDonalds, but they're everywhere. 13. If you were another person, would you be friends WITH YOU? Probably not. I'm shy, and take a bit to make friends. I can count the people in RL I talk to regularly on one hand. 14. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Not consiously... I'll echo Sharon and ask: where's 15??? 16. Do you pray? I try to. I'm not terribly good at it... 17. Have you ever met anyone famous? Umm.... the closest I've gotten to famous people is... uh... I saw the Queen when she was in Melbourne when I was four... I shook her hand and wound up on National Nine News (the camera man wanted me to yell out "Hey, Queenie, over here!" I didn't). And I sat next to John Farnham's drummer's mother when I saw Jesus Christ Superstar in 1992. 18. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? There better be one, at least metaphorically!!! 19. Are you trendy? Hell, no! 20. What do you do to prevent anger? Deep breaths. Breathe in, breathe out < g > 21. Are you passive or aggressive? Passive. Too passive. 22. Who is your idol? Nelson Mandela. 23. Who is your second family? The Babblers I'm missing in chat as I type this < sob > And my childhood best friend's family, because I grew up with her living around the corner and I think I spent as much time there as I did at my own house. I stay with them when I go down to Melbourne, and I think her mother is as much my best friend as she is. 24. Do you trust others easily? No. I learnt that the hard way < sigh > 25. What was your favorite toy as a child? My Sylvanian Families, My Little Ponies and my Cabbage Patch doll. 27. Do you like sappy love songs? *Adore* them. 28. Have you ever been on radio or television? That time I was on for the news.... 29. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone? Yes. 30. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Yes. 31. Do you feel understood most of the time? No way. 32. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach? How sore's the stomach? Uh... throat, I guess... 33. Have you thought seriously about committing suicide? Too many times to count. 34. Do you know what `sctief' is? Uh... no... 35. What is your nickname? Uh... Smurfy and MH online... Saz and Sazza in RL. 36. Could you be a vegetarian? Well, I *am* one... 37. Would you ever bungee jump? Not for me, thanks. 38. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? Sneakers, no. Doc Martins, yes. 39. What are you worried about right now? The state of the world gets me worked up on a regular basis -- and I don't mean 'worked up' in a good way. Glutter, people! 40. Do you ever wear overalls? Used to, but haven't for years 41. Do you think you are strong? No. 42. What is ur fav kind of popsicle? Popsicle?? Definately an American quiz. Uh... Paddle Pops. 43. Favorite Freezie? Rasberry. 44. Who is most likely to respond? No idea. 45. Who are your best friends? Pleading the fifth, here... (yes, I'll go American when it suits me. I never said I wasn't hypocritical < g >) 46. Are you a Christian? Yes. 47. Have you ever been to a concert? Yeppers. 48. What is your favorite tv show? < sigh > I'm still trying to find some to fill my broken, abused B/A heart, now I've fully given up on BtVS and AtS. Uh... M*A*S*H, Smallville, Queer as Folk, The Osbournes and Daria are the shows I like at the moment. 49. Gators or Seminoles? Erm... these are American Football teams, right? I'll say Gators, just so I don't affend GJ < g > 50. What is your favorite saying? "beyond the telling" today... I have favourite words that pass in fads. Ack!, horrid, and so on. I don't know what it is at the moment... people I email might know better than me ;) :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 2:13 PM [x] :: |
l Friday, July 26, 2002 |
Sometimes I wonder why I bother to go to bed on a Friday night.
I know that I only ever, really, get online at 10.30pm. I then probably get caught up in something, chances are I won't leave the computer until 2am or later, and then I try to get online as early as possible on the Saturday for Babble Board Chat, feeling guilty because it's taken me so long and everyone's been there for an age. Sometimes I wonder if I should just stay online all night or something, much like the European Babblers do... then I remember that I don't finish until 5pm or so, and realise that might be pushing the "staying-awake" and "wasting day" stuff a little too far. In any case, I've got an 11.15am driving lesson tomorrow, which means that I'll be later than ever. If I miss anyone completely, I'm sorry!! I'm also going to be upset that I missed you. Watching the Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony... heee... forgot we were hosting 2006 in Melbourne < sheepish > Yeah, I've had the odd tingle, but not the incredible reaction I had to Sydney. I'm not that excited, either -- Cathy's only in the 4x400m, and Kieran's still here in Melbourne. I think that the magic of the Sydney Opening Ceremony, for me as an Australian, was, as much as anything else, the enormous steps towards reconciliation that was taken there. So often Australian history in the classroom starts in 1788. Nothing existed before then -- even when I studied Aussie history (and I'm only 20) in primary school and my early high-school years, as far as the history texts were concerned nothing existed in this country before Captain Cook. Yet at Sydney, we acknowledge a portion of the rich heritage we have in this country. We acknowledge the dreamtime. Whilst I think... oh, my God. S Club?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That is just wrong. Just like a song called 'One Nation' was beyond wrong, given the Aussie connotations. Anyway. Where was I? Whilst, at times, I think that more could have been done at Sydney, the Dreamtime section (and, I'll admit, when the stockmen came thundering into the arena as the theme from The Man From Snowy River played... I'll admit to getting a shiver with anything to do with Banjo Patterson) and when Cathy lit the flame... amazing. I know I'll get more excited as the Games go on. At the moment, I don't think I've been hyped enough. There's such thing as too much hype, but I'm a little indifferent at the moment. We'll see how it goes. But I'll add a link anyway < g > I wound up watching the end of Pride and Prejudice instead. I think I have a thing for broody heroes who hook up with quipping females... But it's always drool-worthy BEN FOLDS WAS ON THE GLASS HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem. Wasn't impressed at all ;) But what was with the desk?! Was this The Glass House or The Panel?!?! :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:50 PM [x] :: |
l Thursday, July 25, 2002 |
J made my day and sent me this... those who know my computer will agree :)
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Because it's been a while since I posted a comic strip, and Foxtrot appealed to me today...
l Wednesday, July 24, 2002 |
What is it about celebrity and it's ability to affect us? Why is it that a TV show or a celebrity can affect us more than real life? What is it with this fascination society has with fame and the famous?
I caught the end of Oprah today. She had Michael J Fox on for his autobiography, Lucky Man. As I watched his tremors, his shaking magnified by sitting next to Oprah and highlighted somehow by her ability to sit still, I was in tears. At the same time on channel nine, there was a Spin City repeat screening, also serving to highlight how advanced his Parkinson's has become (am I the only one who watches repeats looking at how often her puts his left hand in his pocket?). How is it that people everywhere suffer from a disease, and yet it's really only as soon as a celebrity comes out and says that they, too, have said disease -- ala Michael J Fox, ala Christopher Reeves, ala AIDS in the 1980s -- that people start to show an interest, a compassion for the disease? Think Lou Gehrig -- the disease had a name before he suffered from it. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Sorry, just had to look that up and couldn't resist browsing through Encarta. I never claimed not to be a geek... It just puzzles me. And I know I fall victim to it -- ignoring a disease and the impact it has until someone famous is struck down with it. And somehow having someone famous suffer from a disease is the best thing that could happen to other people with the disease, because it's then that they get attention and vows to find cures. My childhood best friend's father has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's. I don't see him very often; he and his wife are going through a messy divorce, my friend lives with her mother and I've always been closer to her mother, anyway. Maybe it's because I don't see him often, the disease isn't really visible, I can't see how advanced it is... but he's still living with it. He's still living with that knowledge. And yet I can't feel the compassion for him I felt from five minutes of watching Michael J Fox on the TV. Why is it that we manage to feel so much for electronic images beamed into a box in our living room? I'll cry at anything on the TV, in the cinema... the people in the little box seem more real to me sometimes than people around me in my everyday life, which might explain my incredible anger when they're messed with by studio executives. More rational people around me keep saying that they're only fictional characters, but I don't see it. I can cry more at something that happens "on the box" than I do at something in real life to equal or greater tragedy. Is it because we form a "bond" with the characters? I don't know. I don't know where I'm going with this either, in case you were wondering. This is just random rambling on the subject... it intrigues me. And somehow the way we react to people who don't exist except in our minds, whose every word is scripted and in the end, we won't see running for congress or simply walking down the street one day, links in my mind with the way society, or so the trash mags tells us, want to know every detail of Brad and Jen's marriage. What is society's fascination with celebrities? Why do we want to know all about Michael's battle with Parkinson's, how Jen spices up her marriage, the latest thing with Elizabeth Hurley's battle with Steve Bing? Is it an indication that our lives are lacking something, that we are living vicariously through these celebrities, telling ourselves this could be us? It's like the fascination with programs like Big Brother -- do we all have an inner Peeping Tom? If we are to believe Marti's words about B/Aers (sorry, it all comes back to B/A < g >) being "old ladies clutching photographs of their high-school sweethearts", maybe people do live vicariously through their favourite celebrity. Maybe we're intrigued by the way the other half live, that they're only human and are fallible like the rest of us. I don't know. There are hundreds of psych papers pondering these same questions, I know. But watching Oprah today, seeing how people reacted to Michael J Fox's battle with his disease all the while knowing that there are hundreds of thousands of people out there suffering from the same disease and probably doing the same work for the cure, but unable to bring the same publicity to it... the questions just came to me to be asked. On a lighter note, there was an article in yesterday's Herald Sun I found mildly amusing in terms of relativity and thought that people who live in a colder climate than Australia might appreciate it. Now that's cold It was time for gloves and scarves yesterday as Victoria shivered to its coldest day in two years. The highest temperature in Melbourne was 10.8C at 2.15pm after an overnight low of 3.3C at 7.10am. Not since July 26, 2000 have we suffered such teeth-chattering chill, when the top was only 10.6C. Weather bureau forecaster Geoff Feren said the wind of up to 20 knots made the air feel icier. "It really adds to the discomfort. Once you get the wind blowing it removes the heat from your body and you tend to chill more," he said. He said a clear night sky followed by thick cloud cover created the ideal conditions for the snap cold. Today's top is expected to be a milder 15C. Okay. I am hereby simply wasting time before venturing out to put my computer plug in the phone line. Why am I avoiding this act? you may ask. Well, it's Wednesday. It is currently 10.50pm. My brother is sitting in the family room watching Angel. The episode in question is Tomorrow. You couldn't *pay* me to go out there if it is not an ad break. Does "shudder" begin to cover the reaction? I can do without the emotional scarring, between you, me and the gatepost, thank you very much. Do I venture out? Do I take the risk of it not being an ad break? Yes, the drama is building at Smurfette's place, ladies and gentlemen. Does she risk seeing Lorne tell Angel how he feels? Does she risk seeing St Croddy light up and float into the heavens, never to return again (she hopes)? Does she risk witnessing the vision to end all visions? Tune in next week, same bat time, same bat channel. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:21 PM [x] :: |
l Tuesday, July 23, 2002 |
An email I found amusing that's been doing the rounds lately (apparently my father's going to use it in this evening's bible study class):
Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a US radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. She also had a brief television stint but her main sponsor dropped out due to her views. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a U.S. resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative: Dear Dr. Laura: Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them. 1. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? 2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? 3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual cleanliness - Lev.15:19-24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense. 4. Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians? 5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? 6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? 7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here? 8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev.19:27. How should they die? 9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves? 10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? - Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14) I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging. Your devoted fan, Jim :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 8:15 PM [x] :: |
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Ugh. I had this whole new template set up... and then Liquid2k decided that it didn't want to work today, and now it's all stuffed up < sob >. No fair!!!!!!! So back to the old one we go < sigh >
:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 12:11 AM [x]
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l Monday, July 22, 2002 |
I need to make a confession.
I've never understood, not completely, the whole "no feedback to the lists" thing that every B/A list out there is so stringent about. I mean, yeah, I understood it on a level, but not really, if you understand. Couldn't see why it was so rigorously enforced. I've just joined a QaF B/M list. I now understand -- everyone feedbacks to the list, and the writers then reply to that feedback onlist, and... ARGH!!! It's driving me batty, and at the time of writing I've downloaded about 12 hours worth of messages. I'm going to have to change to either daily digest (which irks me) or check at Yahoo Groups, because I'm not going to survive otherwise. My connection won't, and my sanity won't. I hereby want to thank Rose and Serena for their stringent rules at BA Fluff, because if they were like this there... < shudder > I'm listening to that I Am Sam soundtrack again... since I got it out to post at the CUOWR I've been on a kick with them... it's nice to have a mix of Beatles music that isn't often included on the usual 'Best Of's... and besides, where can you go wrong with Eddie Vedder and You've Got To Hide Your Love Away?!?! Not to mention Sarah McLachlan's amazing rendition Blackbird... I got my end-of-financial-year stuff from Greenpeace today... you never realise how much you're giving them until you look at it all added up and then... okay. But it came with my copy of the True Food Guide: How to Shop GE-Free, so that's actually quite interesting to read. And yes, I changed some more of the formatting. Definitely never leaving Blogger -- ever. I think I'd cry if I started over ;) But there's a cute little picture of me in my kindergarten official photos, and the only reason I'd switch to LiveJournal (the subject of a bit of discussion earlier today) is to be able to have the cool little headlines, the moods thing and the music stuff. So I've been having fun with the format. Wheeee!!! Channel 10 is hereby forgiven for the horror that is Celebrity Big Brother, because Cruel Intentions screens this Sunday. Wheeeeee!!!!!!!!! Just briefly, Queer as Folk, the highlights: -- Brian, checking out the nurse as Ted lies in a coma!! -- Jennifer. "So do you have a boyfriend?" -- The Dildo Wars. -- Ted's Michael shrine. -- Michael/Emmett bonding. -- Brian having sex and getting Ted out of a coma (and later on, Ted's definition of hell). -- Michael. Michael in general. I love Michael. Why are all the great guys gay?! "I'm going to arrange the daisies." -- The whole mother-theme to the episode. Jennifer, Debbie, and Ted's mother (Margaret), and the different ways they handle things. -- The Michael/Debbie/Jennifer scene... "I don't know anything." -- Brian. Realising he *is* a heartless bastard. Or that's the way everyone sees him/ -- Michael. Just Michael. -- The ending. Brian: I want it to be you. Michael: What? Brian: I want it to be you. I'll put it in writing. Michael: I want it to be you, too. You pull my plug... Brian: And you pull mine. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:29 PM [x] :: |
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< sobs > I LOST MY POST!!!!!! *so* not fair. Serves me right for typing straight into Blogger < sigh >
A summary of what I said? Uh... Beth Orton rocks... connections suck... my parents computer rocks (although they're giving me hell now... < sigh >) and... forget the rest < sigh > :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 3:04 PM [x] :: |
l Sunday, July 21, 2002 |
Celebrity Big Brother started tonight. Why, oh, why, what have we done to deserve this?! Channel 10, shame on you!!
And then with the Commonwealth Games on 24/7 over the next couple of weeks... there goes the neighbourhood. At least I still have SBS and ABC. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:26 PM [x] :: |
l Saturday, July 20, 2002 |
"Whatever you have heard about Afghanistan is only a fraction of what we go through. Each one of our days is more bitter than you can even imagine. Under the fundamentalists, a woman is less than a bird in a cage. A bird is at least allowed to sing, but according to them, it is a sin for anyone to even hear our voice." ----- Nooria, Veiled Courage by Cheryl Bernard. Page 135.
D2: The Mighty Ducks screened here tonight. My entire knowledge of Ice Hockey is contained within that film and Champions, but even I had to laugh at some of the "legal" moves therein. And the saccharine sweetness... well... and the... okay, so it's a US film, but as someone from another country I rooted for Canada just for the sake of it in that film. You *know* that the USA will win, but I wanna see a US film where an English team wins something!!! Independence Day is on now. See above comments I just enjoy the Queen music in D2. I'm a sucker for Queen. Speaking of which, there's a Freddy Mercury documentary that's gonna start soon on SBS, so see me grin here. "It's the end of the world as we know it, it's the end of the world as we know it, it's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine". I'm actually on a Janis kick at the moment, though. I had something I wanted to type about... oh, yes, SBS. I was watching they're "viewer feedback" thing the other day, and every second called was on about Queer as Folk ("Daddy let me watch Letterman." "Traitor". I need to turn the TV off). Anyway, all these called were saying how they're children have TVs in their rooms, and how dare people show such TV programs at such a timeslot?! (10pm, for your information). Okay, have these callers actually tuned into SBS at 10pm on a usual night?!?! Do they know what SBS screens at 10pm on a daily basis?! SBS, for the international readers, is commonly known as "Sex By Satellite". It's the one that shows the "art films" from France which is pretty much pornography with a slightly larger plotline (they talk a bit more when they deliver the pizza). I got to see animated sex scenes at 10pm the other day -- I think the animator had fun there... Sex and the City is shown at 9.30pm over here. Queer as Folk at 10pm. Okay, so QaF is slightly more graphic, but... the double standards just irk me sometimes (sometimes? Okay, so double standards *always* irk me). :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:44 PM [x] :: |
l Friday, July 19, 2002 |
Because I don't have much to post today...
I don't quite get it. I am smarter, fitter, and bolder than my potbellied brother ever could hope to be, yet he gets all the fame, fortune, and glory, not to mention Peach's heart. If only I was the first player in Super Mario Bros... things could have been different. Maybe I can make a comeback, now that I finally have my own game.. but probably not. After all, I'm just Luigi. What Super Mario Bros character are you?
I'm Jean Grey Goodness Gracious, you're everyone's favourite do-gooder Jean Grey, also known as Phoenix. You look after your teammates, get along with everyone, have a wonderful man who loves you and have pretty much achieved perfection. But look out when you're PMSing and you become Dark Phoenix: a raging homicidal bitch with a knack for causing trouble. What X-Men Character are You? You are not a diarist, you are a columist. Your journal is a collection of essays that make people think. You are not afraid to share your views with the world! What kind of LJer are you? Erm, what Blog/LJ were *they* talking about..? Or did I fill out the form wrong? :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:30 PM [x] :: |
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Tonight I can write the saddest lines
Write, for example, 'The night is shattered and blue stars shiver in the distance.' The night wind revolves in the sky and sings. Tonight I can write the saddest lines. I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too. Through nights like this one I held her in my arms. I kissed her again and again under the endless sky. She loved me, sometimes I loved her too. How could one have not loved her great still eyes. Tonight I can write the saddest lines. To think that I do not have her. To feel that I have lost her. To hear the immense night, still more immense without her. And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture. What does it matter that my love could not keep her. The night is shattered and she is not with me. This is all. In the distance someone is singing. In the distance. My soul is not satisfied that it has lost her. My sight searches for her as though to go to her. My heart looks for her, and she is not with me. The same night whitening the same trees. We, of that time, are no longer the same. I no longer love her, that's certain, but how I loved her. My voice tried to find the wind to touch her hearing. Another's. She will be another's. Like my kisses before. Her voice. Her bright body. Her infinite eyes. I no longer love her, that's certain, but maybe I love her. Love is so short, forgetting is so long. Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms my soul is not satisfied that it has lost her. Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer and these the last verses that I write for her. ---- Pablo Neruda :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:49 PM [x] :: |
l Thursday, July 18, 2002 | ||
Blogger. Sucks. Arse.
Last week I said that The Letter didn't explore grief enough. They more than made up for it with The Beach. Which I keep wanting to call On The Beach, but that's an old movie set at the end of the world in Australia (and there's some really baaadd jokes to come from that) and isn't, in fact, the ER episode in question. I had to make two trips to burn the soggy tissues. Seriously. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:32 PM [x] :: |
l Wednesday, July 17, 2002 |
Eeyurgh!! My eyes! They're burning! No! Ew ew ew! Ick! Help!!! I went out to plug in the computer cord so I could connect and had my second encounter with AtS -- Fred talking about surviving hell dimensions and Angel (I agree with the width now, having seen him, BTW -- although he was broody at the time and still damn hot) saying he had to decide. Me: "la la la I can't hear this". I'm not related to the brother who likes this season, I swear.
Roger Ramjet and his eagles, fighting for our freedom. Fly through, in and out of space -- not to join them but to beat them. Roger Ramjet, he's our man, hero of our nation. For his adventures, just be sure and stay tuned to this station. So come and join us, all you kids, for lots of fun and laughter, As Roger Ramjet and his men get all the crooks they're after. Roger Ramjet, he's our man, hero of our nation. For his adventures, just be sure and stay tuned to this station. Come to Australia! We welcome one and all to our wide, open spaces -- we've got plenty of room! Everyone's welcome... ...unless you're a refugee and desperately need to be granted asylum. Sigh. They granted asylum status to *how* many at Naru?! Shame, Australia, Shame. All the while politicians are saying how we need more people -- telling everyone to procreate. Let's encourage today's youth to have more children to replace our aging population! Let's try and double our population -- we need more people! Never mind that the country can't support too many people -- yes, it's a large country, but do our politicians *really* think that desert can grow wheat? As it is we've already overextended our land and our farmers have enough difficulties with drought... sometimes I wonder. What land can be farmed has already been rendered barren by not being rested enough... what are the politicians on?! But check out the artwork on this BtVS Willow and Tara comic... anyone else think it doesn't look a thing like them? Okay, and I'm just going to add on the end here that Trammie is a Goddess and I want her to write! Dammit, woman, you need to write!!!!!!!! :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:02 PM [x] :: |
l Tuesday, July 16, 2002 |
Just in case you didn't know, J is a God. Because I adore Isobelle Carmody (I own too many of her books... I've been obsessed since I was 13) and wheeee!! Not impressed with Swallow -- I wanna be Dameon -- but I'm a Fareeker!! I'm an Empath!! Wheeeeeeee!!!!!
This charismatic gypsy is both mysterious and trustworthy. What Obernewtyn Character are you? Primary Ability: Farseeker Farseekers posses the ability to communicate over great distances via telepathy. They are great friends who know when they're needed, and seem to be able to detect others thoughts. Secondary Ability: Empath Empaths posess the ability to feel the emotions of others. They are gentle people, who encourage and nurture others. They percieve the world with their hearts and not with their minds. Empaths make great friends because they understand people. What is your Misfit Talent? |
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Now that fanfiction.net is, on the whole, pretty much up and running again, I've been doing a bit of "cruising" to see what some of my favourite authors have been up to.
Now, most people will know I have issues with anything post-5/2. Hell, I have issues with anything post-season 3 BtVS nowadays, but my spoon ends with The Gift and Plrtz Glrb. Unless it's inspired by really good fanfiction. HonorH is one of those authors who sucks me into even non-rewrites of 6/3. She always respects B/A, even when she's writing stuff about B/R or B/S. She doesn't ship, so none of it's fluffy for them, and it's always about B/A. So I like her, even if her Cordelia is sometimes rather... shall we say... following DG's characterisation. And she's very pro-brother/sister for Xangel/Croddy, and I've noticed has pretty much ignored season 3 AtS. Now isn't that interesting? Anyway, she's been writing couple of post-Grave POVs, and they're bloody marvelous. That’s Life -- go read now!! They've got a couple of Xander/Buffy refrences, but mostly in a "what-sort-of-crack-are-you-on-now" kind of manner, and if I'm not mistaken there's a B/A refrence or two thrown in for good measure. And a Farscape shout-out, too :) :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 12:51 AM [x] :: |
l Monday, July 15, 2002 |
"Christ, he'll probably grow up to be straight."
"All the more reason he needs his dad!" I have to teach my younger brother how to use the VCR. Seriously. I don't watch Buffy, but it's up to me to remember to tape it. Still. Tonight it's Seeing Red, and I didn't remember until after the opening credits the show was on. So I run, never mind that I was watching Queer as Folk at the time... ugh. I'm just sick of being the one who has to remember -- and, like, Seeing Red doesn't have *any* major plot developments. < sob > Tara!!! Received the following 'writerly inquisition' and thought I'd share. I'm bored. What's the first fandom you wrote fic for? Uh... I'm not sure. Either Star Wars or Star Trek: The Next Generation. I think the latter, as the old Star Wars ones when I was six don't really count... What's the most recent fandom that you've written fic for? Buffy the Vampire Slayer What's the title of your first fanfic? I have no idea. I don't think I gave it a title. Does it suck beyond the telling of it? Well, most of them centred around me, as the biggest Mary Sue on the face of the planet, saving the Enterprise. Because if Wesley could do it, so could I. But no, it was of fantastic quality... And yes, there are no longer any copies of the thing *anywhere* on the face of the planet. Is it slash or het? Het, although rather paedophilic in nature... What was your first 'ship? I've got no idea. What's your favourite 'ship now? Original!Buffy/Original!Angel. Or CLex. Or Brian/Michael. I'm trying to fill my broken, empty, abused B/A heart... What 'ship makes your eyes bleed and your loins turn into monkey guts? Does anyone need ask? Xangel/Croddy. What is your most common fic pairing? Buffy/Angel What pairing did you swear that you'd never write, but eventually did? Picard/Q (hey! It works!!!) What pairing do you swear you will never, ever write, even if your favorite character promised to make sweet love to you in their crypt/hotel/van/haunted apartment/prison cell/flat if you did? Xangel/Croddy. What's the wackiest fanfic situation you've put the characters in? Uh... you mean other than having them kept prisoner in a monastery as a demonic monk made a hash of his life? Or having Picard ask an 11 year old to save the Enterprise? Or Xander singing 'kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit' to the tune of Wagners' Ride of the Valkaries as Buffy battles the valkaries because there's no *way* she's just sitting behind them..? How many times has magic solved/created the main problem/plot in your fics? Uh... I'll get back to you... What pairing do you hate to admit to actually indulging in, against your better judgment? Giles/Smurfette/Wesley. It's a sickness, a sickness I say! Can you remember the first fanfic you ever read? Some of my friends' Star Trek stuff, I guess... How long have you been involved in Internet fandom? Five years, give or take. How long have you been involved in real fandom(s)? *Real* fandom? Define *real*. I collected cards, books, figurines... but didn't really have anyone else in RL. We had a mini-BtVS society in high school, if that counts... Ever written a cross over? Nope. Best crossover fic you've read: I don't really read them much... I can't think of many off the top of my head... there's a couple of BtVS/Smallville being written at the moment, and there's that 'coffee at 3am' one I forget the name of. What pairing do you want to write, but don't think you could? Pretty much anything that requires decent characterisation... Okay, who is it who's been extolling the virtues of Josh Groban? Because I bought his album today, and I need to gush about him with people < g > Ross: Oh y’know, I still—I can’t believe it. Joey and Rachel I mean it’s… It’s like you and me going out, only weirder! Monica: All right, I know you’re hurting, and-and I want to be supportive, but don’t say that again. Okay, am I the only person who immediately thought of Xangel/Croddy with that? :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:47 PM [x] :: |
l Saturday, July 13, 2002 |
I love this fake Harry Potter stuff -- it just keeps getting better!!
I Googled for Harry Potter and Leopard-Walk-Up-To-Dragon, the fake fifth book. Here's one of the more amusing things I've found, at a Canadian Newspaper website: July 6, 2002 A lot off the top By STEVE TILLEY Edmonton Sun A quote from a "boy's own handbook" circa 1908? The autobiography of Ain't It Cool's Mr. Knowles? Poorly written gay porn? Wrong, wrong and also wrong, literati! It's the opening line of the latest Harry Potter novel! At least it is in China, where apparently all the cool stuff happens. Except for the tanks running over people's heads part. Not a very good cosmic tradeoff, to be sure, but still ... you can buy the brand new Harry Potter book there! Read it again: YOU CAN BUY THE BRAND NEW HARRY POTTER BOOK THERE! Did you notice how the second time it was written all in capitals? Neat. The only catch is it's not an official Harry Potter book, but rather a fake written by a Chinese author and passed off as the fifth instalment in the series by Scottish MILF (mom I'd like to, um, fondle) J. K. Rowling. Its less-than-genuine origin is hinted at by the title: Harry Potter and Leopard Walk Up to Dragon. And you thought Goblet of Fire sounded silly. I love the Chinese. LOVE them. The book is apparently being sold in stores in Beijing, a city where you can buy knockoffs of replicas of fake counterfeit Rolexes, except the faces say Holex and the hands run backwards and sometimes they'll blow up and amputate your arm at the elbow. The cover of the book, which might have been drawn by my five-year-old cousin after a particularly heavy Dimetapp binge, shows Harry either riding or fondly caressing what looks like Newton on 'roids (I'm raging, Herc! I'm raging!) while battling the dragon from Disney's Sleeping Beauty. Is opium still legal in China? One would think. Those who've read the 200-page book say familiar characters from the series show up, but there are a number of, erm, irregularities. Like Harry being turned into a hairy dwarf by a "sour-sweet rain." And that opening line about Harry washing caked cream off his face, which is followed by: "To a grown-up handsome young man, it is disgusting to have filthy dirt on his body. Lying in a luxurious bathtub and rubbing his face with his hands, he thinks about Dudley's face, which is as fat as Aunt Petunia's bottom." Either I have some serious issues that need to be addressed or there are some major unsavoury overtones going on here. He's lying naked in the bath, scrubbing at creamy stuff and thinking about his cousin's face AND his aunt's butt? Stay tuned for Book 6: Harry Potter and the Intensive Psychotherapy. Or maybe it's just something being lost in the translation. The other day at Value Village I bought a Chinese-made notebook decorated with Peanuts character lookalikes, featuring dudes named Roli and Popa trumpeting slogans like, "Let's paly baseball!" [sic] and "Quick, get him on the phong!" [sic again] and something to the effect of, "Love is letting him win even though you could push him in the dirt and humiliate him." [sic 'em, boy!] Beats "happiness is a warm puppy" with a stick any day, doesn't it? "Fly the kite, Roli Brown! Your dishonourable encounter with tree is conveying harshly!" I'm hoping that before Harry Potter and Leopard Walks Up to Dragon gets crushed out of existence by J. K. Rowling's lawyers, some intrepid souls will smuggle copies out of the country and someone else will translate it into English. Even if this isn't an official Harry Potter book, I'm dying to know what happens next. Does the leopard get eaten after it walks up to the dragon? Does Harry ever go back to being a grown-up handsome young man after the sour-sweet rain turns him into a hairy dwarf? Does he ever get the creamy cake off his face in the bath? And, most importantly, does Aunt Petunia catch him doing it? See, kids? Reading is fun! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Tilley can be reached by e-mail at steve@compusmart.ab.ca LMAO!!!! Now I wanna read it, too, and... well... can JK emulate this for Order of Phoenix...? :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 1:23 PM [x] :: |
l Friday, July 12, 2002 |
Kick your computer for me. The connection sucks beyond the telling of it again. Heaven only knows what it'll be like tomorrow morning -- something tells me I'm downloading AIM onto my parents computer, and putting up with the "why are you spending so long online on a Saturday" looks [sigh]
:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:38 PM [x]
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My mother's second cousin or something has been visiting. We haven't seen her in 20 years or so, but she and her partner have been in town, and so they came for dinner last night and he played golf with my father today so she's been here again. Which can be awkward at times because Mum and I had no idea what to talk about. Add to that I was a little unimpressed in that I wanted to be online at the time -- although that's nothing unusual :)
Doctors are always asking me if I have a family history of depression. I'm usually able to name a couple of uncles who may or may not suffer from it... well, this cousin is manic-depressive bi-polar. I can now say in all honesty that, removed though it may be, there must be a family history on my mother's side. If I didn't already thank God every day that I'm only suffering a mood disorder and nothing as extreme as she is, I would now. From her tales of some of her hospitalisation (like when she was raped) to the eighty tablets she's been required to take on occasion... definitely of the grateful now. I cut out a new bear today -- this one's made of a blue chenille, which will be interesting because neither Mum nor myself have ever made one out of chenille before. But it's cute, and it's blue, so I'm happy I finally found a copy of Zoya's Story today, which is another book that's come out of Afghanistan on life there for women and RAWA. So I'm happy there. Well, not happy exactly, but glad I finally found a copy. I had a driving lesson today. Yes, I'm 20, and closer to 21 than I am to 20, and I don't have my license. Sigh. But the government paid for the lesson, so yay! They seem to think that having a license will increase my chances of finding employment. Of course, I don't know if they thought about the fact that it helps if you have a car when you have said license, but I don't think the government will pay for that [sigh]. But they're paying for four lessons, at which point I'll hopefully be up to standard -- I mostly have troubles with the clutch, reverse parking, three-point-turns... the tricky stuff [g] And apparently I look in the mirrors too much. I have to say, though, even if I don't have the car to go with the license, it will be a bit of a relief to just finally *have* the thing. And it'd be ultra-nice if I actually manage to get the license before my three-years-younger brother who'll be more than able to sit for the test the moment he turns 18 [sigh] I'm obsessed with The Secret Life of Us volume 2 at the moment. I've got most of the songs, disregarding Abby Dobson, on CD already, but it's so great to have them all on the one volume. So yay for TV soundtracks. Now if we could only get those two other Buffy soundtracks Chris Beck promised would be out in the fall of 2001 or whatever [sigh] I'd even pay M.E. for them -- one was meant to be songs from the TV series (duh) and the other just the score. Because Chris Beck wrote such horrible music... < /sarcasm > Random highlights from tonights episode of The Glass House: Wil: "Dave, let's face it, we don't know we don't have kids." Corrine on Wicca being the fastest-growing religion in the country: "These days, parents are more likely to trust their kids with witches than clergy." Wil, on how to punish children: "Eat your brussel sprouts or another Wiggle dies." Just a note that Wil's Cheryl Kernot jokes were actually funny, which is a first I've seen. Dave: "What, aren't feminists allowed to have sex?" WORD to Wil Gareth Evans "protecting his marriage". Corrine on Cheryl being stupid because she's a woman: "Let's not forget that Warrick Capper is a man." Canberra -- Political Temptation Island (anyone else having a very nasty mental image?) Wil: "I wouldn't sleep with Natasha, obviously, because although the sex would be good Meg Lees would be there the entire time telling you how to do it." Dave on The Osbournes: "Yeeeeaah, but nah!" Dave on the IVF mix-up in Britain: "You go to McDonalds, go through the Drive Thru, order a Big Mac and come home with a Quarter Pounder." The best of Tomorrow's Headlines: ABC Reaches 70: Hopes in future of even larger audience. I love that show. And apologies to all non-Aussies who didn't get any of the political jokes in there. Because thou hast the power and own’st the grace To look through and behind this mask of me (Against which years have beat thus blenchingly With their rains), and behold my soul’s true face, The dim and dreary witness of life’s race, — Because thou hast the faith and love to see, Through that same soul’s distracting lethargy, The patient angel waiting for his place In the new Heavens, — because nor sin nor woe, Nor God’s infliction, nor death’s neighbourhood, Nor all which others viewing, turn to go, Nor all which makes me tired of all, self-viewed, — Nothing repels thee, — Dearest, teach me so To pour out gratitude, as thou dost, good! ~~ Sonnet XXXIX, Elizabeth Barrett Browning :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:52 PM [x] :: |
l Thursday, July 11, 2002 |
When it comes to television shows dealing with death, I've felt for some time that Buffy and The Body was the best I've ever seen.I've gotta say that ER and The Letter didn't nearly reach the heights of the pure *exploration* of grief Joss did.I'm a Preacher's Kid. I know about dealing with grief. I've experienced it, and I've seen it in many, many forms, and the way The Body dealt with this, and the various forms grief comes in rates as one of the most powerful hours of television I have ever seen. It will never replace Becoming or such as my all-time favourite episode, but it certainly ranks up there as one of the most powerful (all we needed was Angel and I swear it might overtake them [g]). It was one of the few episodes I've actually made my father sit down and watch (sometimes he watches them with us) and he was in admiration of the way Joss portrayed the grief of the Scooby Gang.There were moments in The Letter, but I found that overall, they were just that... moments. Reading the letter aloud, some of the staff reactions, when Carrie mourned or when Carter put the stethoscope on... when Susan was crying with Carter... the instances where Carter played the role traditionally taken by Mark, and the powerful closing scenes where he was mistaken for Mark and the letter in the middle of summer. Perhaps I'm a sook, and I love to wallow in the pain. I love angst. But I found that, overall... there were instants, and it was a good episode, and I know they were showing them working with the grief, but... I'll wallow a bit more next week. Because I like to wallow. And then I can go back to watching the series perhaps once or twice a year (I don't think I've really watched an episode in full since Carol left, before Mark started dying in earnest).Anyway. Check out the new look! I've got a HTML-induced headache :)
:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:24 PM [x] :: |
l Wednesday, July 10, 2002 |
You know what I said about my computer behaving yesterday? It so isn't being nice today [sigh] I'm not even thinking about signing into AIM, it's too horrible.My computer is too horrible.Not AIM.Just so you know.Kick you computer for me. Or kick mine. I don't care. I just need to kick something.Of course, it does mean that I'll have an early night for once. Or what I now consider an early night... computers are evil.
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Damn this program! I'm trying to change the colours and it's NOT WORKING!!! But check out my new comments box, anyway :) :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 10:15 PM [x] :: |
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I've decided that LexSlash is a godly site. Because they have Smallville transcripts, and my audio cut for half the episode tonight. So I almost missed the "tell your sister I said hi" line. I can handle missing out on audio in Dawson Creek-ness scenes, but Lex?! Please. Although they don't have every episode yet [sigh]My computer was reasonably behaved tonight!! Yay!! At least, I managed to chat with Reg on AIM and it didn't cut out. Which is quite the novel experience.Have decided that I don't really care enough about Smallville, though, because I've discovered that, whilst I'm in it for the CLex, I can, in fact, handle any other ship, other than Clark/Lana. My old Lois and Clark fangirl won't stomach that one, I'm afraid. But I've been reading Molly's Clark/Chloe thing (C/C, I think, intrigues me a bit in that Chloe's a reporter, and Clark apparently hasn't shown any interest in joining her on The Torch... yet we all know he'll wind up at The Daily Planet), and I know that if it's the only way I'll be able to read V's stuff, I'll even go the Lex/Lana. Even if I do adore the CLex subtext. Because... well... let's face it, the storyline in thisevening's episode (or was that yesterday's now, given it's heading towards 1am?) was pretty much... well... lame. And given that it's lame in the third episode... well, it was a couple of C/C scenes and the scene with Clark/Lex/Lana that saved it from being a dysmal failure, IMHO. Although next week, with the first x-ray vision scenes, looks remarkably okay. And the comment in the preview by Lex, about not being a super-criminal or such? I'll admit to loving those little asides.Kicking myself for not taping Queer as Folk on Monday... will have to download transcripts for that, too. And get more blank videos. And screen caps. Because I need some new shiny obsessions to semi-fill the hole in my heart where by BtVS and AtS obsessions once lay. Yes, I'm still obsessed, it's not going away that easily, but I would like something to be obsessed about in a good, positive way.
:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 12:44 AM [x]
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l Tuesday, July 09, 2002 |
Sometimes I wonder if computers are more trouble than they're worth.
I'm going to have to put my computer in for repairs. It has to be the modem that's causing this continual drop-out status. I've reconfigured and reconfigured, and nothing works. And I'm *thisclose* to just shooting the thing (I've given up on simply kicking it). I have a problem. I'm addicted to bad fanfiction. I'm trying to get the unread messages in my inbox to under 300 (I'm a little behind at the moment [blush]) and there's this series I hadn't read. And it's *really* bad. And I can't stop reading it. It's so bad it redefines sad in storyline, and yet... I can't stop. I think I may need help. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:23 PM [x] :: |
l Monday, July 08, 2002 |
Monday again. Why is it that I always have Boomtown Rats songs stuck in my head on a Monday?
Monday's actually my TV night. I don't watch half as much TV for the rest of the week combined as I do on a Monday night. We've got Friends at 7.30, I may on occasions watch Malcolm in the Middle at 8pm, then I go to SBS for John Safran's Music Jamboree followed by Life Support, during both of which I'll flick to The Secret Life of Us. Then it's The Osbournes at 9.30, and Queer as Folk starts at 10pm and finishes at 10.45. Phew! That's one massive evening of TV. And I manage to avoid BtVS at 10.30, of course. Is it a bad thing when you've got "It's My Party" stuck in your head? Probably. Although I think it's worse when the lyrics get changed to the following: Angel and Cordy just walked through the door Like a Queen with her King Oh, what a birthday surprise Now Cordy's wearing his ring... I love my cat. His name is Jasper, and he's a Tonkenese -- that' a breed of cats developed by crossing Siamese and Burmese cats. In appearance he's more Burmese, although he has the voice of a Siamese and the ears. He's a solid blue, and we all love him to death. We have a number of bits and pieces on the fridge that relate to Jasper. "Dogs have masters, cats have staff". "My dog thinks he's human, my cat thinks he's god". An illustration of the cat telling the dog, "I was a dog in my last lifetime. This time I've come back as a god". They all fit Jasper -- he rules the roost. Let me give you a bit of history. Our last cat was one we got from a farm in the Mallee, a big dry area in North West Victoria near Mildura, where we used to live. The Mallee is a wheat growing area, although it's very rare they have a decent crop because the weather is so temperamental. Sooty was a farm cat, and you could tell he was part feral. He was *huge*, and decimated our local bird-life, to our despair. We'd put seven bells on his collar, and he still managed to silence them. We joked that we'd have to put a cow-bell on it. He'd bring home full-sized rabbits and eat them on the front steps (we didn't mind the rabbit killing as much due to their pestilence, it was the native birds we hated him killing -- and the gore he'd leave for us to find each morning). Sooty was a hunter. But at Christmas 1999, he simply disappeared -- we're fairly confident he was bitten by a snake. In February 2000, my Great Grandmother died at the age of 92. We knew it was coming, and were surprised she lived past Christmas (we were preparing to make a made dash from Mildura to Melbourne to see her, should her condition worsen -- my father's a minister, so Christmas is a work day for him). After the funeral, as my mother and aunt drove my grandfather back to the airport, my father, brothers and myself went window shopping before we, too, drove the 600-odd kilometres back to Mildura. And we saw Jasper, who was about 12 weeks old and so rather large to be in a pet shop. He was in a cage, and so we could play with him through the bars, and we all fell in love with him. We don't normally buy cats like that, but we made an exception here because he was so gorgeous, and we all missed having a cat around the place. We won't mention how interesting the drive was back to Mildura in the extreme heat of February in Australia and a small kitten. Who we couldn't drug. Anyway, I'm rambling again. I was playing with Jasper today, and you could tell he had me under his paw. I was rolling a small yellow foam ball for him (we call them Jasper's balls, because the other ones are at the vets) and I think I chased the ball more than he did. But heaven help me if I stopped rolling it! He'd go and hide behind the furniture, and I'd have to know exactly where he'd hidden to roll the ball past him. Sometimes he'd try and ambush the ball, sometimes he wouldn't. But even if he didn't chase it at all, he'd run off behind another piece of furniture and expect us to play the game again. We have this monstrosity of a scratching pole in our house. It's nearly six feet tall. Because they're so expensive to buy, we decided to make it ourselves, and it turned out bigger than we thought. It's got three levels above the floor, and a platform at the top where Jasper sits and lords it over us. It's actually worrying when he's hyped up (which is fairly regular, because after our experiences with Sooty Jasper's not allowed outside at all) he's sitting at just the right height to swipe at the top of your head. This is Jasper and Bonnie, our Pomeranian, on his scratching pole. Bonnie's on the second level above the floor, and Jasper's on the second. There's just a platform above him. Yes, I'm obsessed with our animals -- they're my babies. And yes, a Pomeranian is meant to be fluffy. When we moved to Mildura, we had Bonnie and Trixie, Bonnie's mother who's dead now, clipped by a professional pet groomer. We said not to use the shears, so she used the shears and poor Bonnie's fur has never grown back properly -- she's starting to look a little fluffy now, seven years after the fact, but she still doesn't look like a proper Pomeranian. Her skin was black with the damage done. Jasper on the scratching pole. I love my cat. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:20 PM [x] :: |
l Sunday, July 07, 2002 |
I can't believe the number of quizzes I'm taking at the moment. Quizzes must be stopped. They're evil, and every time I'm online at the time as certain other people who will remain nameless but know full well who they are I seem to take more. But I shall be strong and not post the results of them here. I hate posting quizzes here, and yet I seem to have posted quite a few in recent history.
My family and I go through patches where we're as close as anything, and patches where we can't stand the sight of each other. I think we're in the latter stage now, and it's probably not helped much by my ability to spend hours online during the day. I think they understood it more when it was from 11pm until dawn, sadly. Perhaps because they didn't realise exactly how long I was online for then. But time zones suck almost as much as my connection does. And my connection sucks beyond the telling of it, as those who were in the Babble chat with me yesterday will understand. I think I was logged into that five times over at one stage. Stupid program that tells you "that nickname is logged in by another computer". No, it's logged in by *this* computer but the connection sucks beyond all imagination. I'm changing servers, though, so if it continues to drop out after that... well... I guess I'll have to put my harddrive into the local computer shop. Which will suck even more, because then I'll have to use the family computer. Lleyton Hewit's playing in the Wimbledon final tonight... I really, really, really, really can't stand him. I know it's incredibly unpatriotic, but I have to go for the other guy. Besides which, it's the other guy's first time in Wimbledon, and he's made the final. I think it'd be great if he won. So nyah! :p Just finished writing my Send In The Clowns thing. I think. I don't like it, but I don't like anything I write that isn't humour, so... Now I have to decide if I want to submit it for public scrutiny, my gut feeling being one of no way. It's at my site, if anyone's interested, the link's at the top of the links section. I don't recommend it. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:49 PM [x] :: |
l Saturday, July 06, 2002 |
I don't know whether to laugh or cry... it's sadly accurate
Diva of the Sewers (Perverse Ignored Dysfunctional Adult) Your inner child is the Diva of the Sewers (PIDA) --singing songs of a golden era, when people ate dirt and had to sell their limbs for Burger King cash. She is frequently seen drunk at the wheel of your psyche and likes to crash through the plate-glass window of your emotional storefront. Think of what the child of Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor would have been like and you have your girl. Whether you are talented or not at singing doesn't matter. Your inner child is covered in ooze. That matters. The inner-child-computing-device recommends getting your inner child to a celebrity detox center immediately. [sigh] yes, I have issues.... :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 2:26 PM [x] :: |
l Friday, July 05, 2002 |
I keep *telling* you people I'm innocent [g] which Cruel Intentions character are you?created by switchico Annette Hargrove - You are daddy's perfect daughter. You are the girl-next-door that guys would want to bring home to their moms. You are sweet and you are pure. You are willing to wait for the right guy. Just don't turn your back on him when he shows up. You have the tendency to become the next Kathryn so be careful. :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 3:31 PM [x] :: |
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My connection sucks beyond the telling of it. My computer sucks. I've dialed up... like... six times, and it held for three seconds each time. There should be an international kick your computer day. And I just want to shoot it. It played nice yesterday, but today... ugh. Technology sucks sometimes.Mum and I went and hired out all these 3-night DVDs today... Dad's got a late meeting, and we're having a girly bonding night, which should be fun. Chick flicks. My brothers just rolled their eyes when they saw the selections, but we should have fun. It's been a while since Mum and I had a bonding mother-daughter time, and I think we need it.Ugh. Dropped out again. Well, it lasted a while there... just shoot the computer. Sometimes I wonder why I bother.
:: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 3:11 PM [x]
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l Thursday, July 04, 2002 |
I *so* hate Steve Irwin. In case you didn't know. The anti-quiz girl posts two quizzes in the one day. I'm slipping... You’re Michelle Branch! You’re the ‘girl nextdoor’ type of gal. You’ve got a down-to-earth feel about you, and you’re not afraid to be original. You’re still trying to find yourplace in life, but that doesn’t mean you’re not enjoying the trip. Rich and famous? Sure! But you’re not gonna let that go to your head. ;D What Kind of Pop Princess Are You? Quiz by Jonah Which of the Disney Princesses are you? You are a true bookworm and dream of a life better than the simple, quiet one you lead now. Your good looks can attract the town jerks, but you manage to ignore them most of the time. Sometimes you feel like you're surrounded by idiots. So what are you waiting for? You don't need your father to be kidnapped to get out and see the world. Although you can be stubborn, you're also very compassionate and see beyond people's façades. |
l Wednesday, July 03, 2002 |
I feel the need to rant on AtS today. Because Connor's back on AtS here in Australia tonight (and I'm strangely having no desire to watch it) and I'm just frustrated at the moment. Because I realised tonight, as I was reading fanfiction, I would be more willing to see B/Oz or B/Wes than I would be to have Angel crawl on hands and knees and beg Buffy to take him back.
I've often read fanfiction where Buffy is paired with someone other than Angel, but reading fanfiction and seeing it is totally different. I would never, ever want those pairings to appear in my television set. I would have washed my eyes with acid before seeing the B/S stuff I had read -- and trust me, I still would. I never watched any of season 6 (OMWF notwithstanding) with a major aim of avoiding such a sight. But I'm more than willing, at this point in time, to see any pairing *other* than B/A put into canon. Quite frankly, Xangel can *have* Croddy. At this point in time, they deserve each other. I don't want him near Buffy -- he's hurt her too much already. I thought it would all be worth it. I thought that all the pain, all the suffering would be worth it because, in the end, we would have our happily ever after. We would see them sail off into the sunset (or the moonlight). I don't even want that any more. Xangel has proved to me that all he's ever been is Liam. That dark, sensitive, brooding, Billowy-Coat-King-of-Pain thing was, like Angelus said, a phase. He's proved to me that Parker, standing next to the dork, is, in fact, a prime specimen of the male sex, and I would take being used and abused by Parker much better than I would by having five seconds of heartbreak with Angel. I excused Angel turning back The Day That Wasn't as being a true indicator of his love for Buffy. Now I see him as being even more of a dick than insecure Riley. It would have only been a matter of time before he was playing at Mr. Macho and getting his blood sucked. Hey, he was *already* playing Mr. Macho and going off to fight the Moira Demon -- he was just as bad as Riley! What is it Buffy said to Riley in ITW? That he couldn't handle that she was stronger than he was? "That's what this is really about, isn't it? You can't handle the fact that I'm stronger than you." Hate to say it, but it could be just as easily said to Angel in IWRY. I can't see anything but that Angel was lying the whole time. He's not worth all the pain that Buffy's gone through. Just kill him already for the break-up speech in The Prom. I used to think that Angel meant that he didn't want Buffy to spend her life with him because he thought she could do better. Now I know that he just couldn't wait to get out of her life. Or so it seems in retrospect. I'm reading Lela Rose's 'Healing' in her Revelations series. Angel thinks that... oooohhh... he's back to being Nice Angel again (kind of) and I'm calling him a selfish bastard. 4 weeks? FOUR WEEKS?!?!?! I could kill him. Honestly. I watched Becoming today. I cheered when Buffy sent him to Hell. Full-on cheered. I wanted to redub Buffy so she was dancing on his grave. He's *so* not worth the pain. To make matters worse, I don't think that the bastard's deep enough to even begin to comprehend the pain she was in as she did it. Maybe I can change ships to B/Faith while I'm at it... At least it's taught me something, this whole unpleasant experience. It's only a TV show, and always go the unconventional ships, unless the pair are named in the title (I think it was pretty safe to ship Lois and Clark when the series is named that). It's only a TV show, and yet these characters have meant more to me over time than anything. I guess that's why I feel like they've been murdered. And I'd post this elsewhere but I know that certain people who will remain nameless but have a 'le' in their surname will make me feel better about it all, and dammit, I have a right to be bitter!! :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 9:20 PM [x] :: |
l Tuesday, July 02, 2002 |
Yes, CLex arrived today. Some random thoughts: For some reason, thought this was on channel 7, so started to record and then realised it was Better Homes & Gardens. So missed the first... like... five seconds :( Lana annoys me already. But CLex or not, soft spot for Chloe. Instant bonding here. Lex... mmmmmm... stuff Chloe!!! Is it just me or is Lana very Dawn-like in appearance? Long shiny-shiny hair and all. First kiss... mmmmm... nothing subtexty-romantic there -- snerk! Unless you go by the camera work and all... all you need is birds singing in the background! Daddy don't like the boy!! Truck... quite the love-gift there! "Actually, it's in the storm cellar." Love the line. I gotta say that CLex had better make up for all the 'Dawson's Creek'-ness I can see coming my way. "It's not your fault" in the cemetery. Erm, meteor shower much? "Dad wants to know if you're upset about a guy" -- he answered *very* quickly there!! Okay, Lana and Clark had a good moment in the cemetery, but I still don't like her, dammit!! And her boyfriend's evil. Wheeeee!!! CLex! Bald *is* beautiful. People can't fly – exhilerating -- *nothing* subtext-y there. "we have a future" Hooyay! "It's all my fault" -- Dawson, here we come! Kryptonite < sigh > They destroy every other piece of canon, but they gotta keep the Kryptonite. And ain't Lex a clever boy. And when he rescued Clark... yummmmmm... The trucks at the end -- LO friggin' L!!! Oh, God. Can I cope with the Dawson-ness? CLex had better make up for it!!!! Kryptonite bugs?!?! What the fuck?! Sigh. I miss the Daily Planet and glasses. Butterflies... rock stars of the insect world. I like! CLex... jealous Lex... wheeeeeee!!! "At least I got a hand shake this time." Is it bad when you're rooting for the bad guy? Dammit, Clark, you're meant to let the car explode with him in it!! "As soon as you start breaking the laws of gravity, we're definitely in uncharted territory." When's the x-ray vision starting? And I thought he wasn't going to fly? Lex and Lana... I can see where Vatrixsta's coming from here. Still prefer my CLex, though. "I know the feeling" "with the right guy" CLex -- wheeeeeeee!!!!! CLex... battle of Troy... looks... Lex... mmmmmmmmmmm... Kryptonite -- Lex knows. And no, the necklace doesn't *give* the power, it *takes* it. Okay, Greg's just plain creepy now. Noo... he had *no* idea he could see her house through the telescope... Greg... shower... skin... ewwwww!!! "This from a man who's been hiding a space ship in his cellar for the last 12 years." Here's Dawson. Again < sigh > Chloe. Again. If I can't have CLex, give me C/C. The only good C/C left. I can see where Yahtzee was coming from in Lando Calrissian now... "You're not the only one who's changed." Are they going to have the red kryptonite, too? Oh, ewewewewewewew!!! Bugs!!!! I *love* the soundtrack to this show. What can go wrong with ending each eisode with a B/A song? Overall, though, I gotta say that if the CLex hadn't been hyped, I wouldn't be watching. Not the most fantastic show I've ever seen. But the CLex is there and I want it!! Onwards to the surveys. Very confusing they were, too. 1. Time is relative; what time do you want it to be? Coffee time. But it's always coffee time, anyway, so... 2. While you're at it, go ahead, change your name to the one you always wanted? Maia. I don't know why. I think she's the Greek Goddess, wife of Vulcan, but that's about all. I just like the name, and the spelling. 3. Speaking of relativity, ever dreamed about Einstein? Huh? Nooo.…. 4. On the subject of names, do you know your Star Wars name? Yeah, but it's only from the name generator that the people who want me to take this thing made me curious about... 5. If you answered yes to #4, do you embrace your inner geek and take her/him out for regular exercise? Embrace your inner geek! I do. 6. Have you always lived on Earth? No. I'm going back to my Trek geekdom with this and I could talk about my Betazoid life... 7. Do you believe in extra-terrestrial life? Yes. 8. Well, they believe in you, and now they've invited you to their home world. With no guarantee of a return ticket, would you go? Maybe. Depends on what they were like, and how much my life sucked at the time. 9. If you could live anywhere on Earth, where would you live: Australia. Melbourne. The Dandenongs. In the mountains. 10. Are you now, have you ever been, or do you dream of being an Elvis impersonator? Nooo.…… 11. Who might you have been in a previous life: Joan of Arc... although I was born 9 months, almost to the day (pretty much exactly, if you take in time differences) that John Lennon was assassinated on. 12. What was your birthday: 21st September. And I'll even tell you that I'll be as old as the date this year. 13. Are your favorite things animal, vegetable or mineral: I'm vegetarian, if we're talking about food. 14. Bright, shiny or glittery: The Glittery Glutter! 15. Time to go shopping. Boutiques, the mall or online: The mall. 16. Actor/celebrity that tempts you enough to consider changing your sexual orientation, if just for one night: Erm... haven't thought about this one before... but probably Eliza. 17. Character -- book, film/TV -- that you really, really wish was real, if just for one night: Angel, BtVS seasons 1-3. And I know I have no chance of making him perfectly happy < weg > Yes, I know I'm betraying my Watchers... 18. Rich or famous: Rich. Who'd want to be bloody famous?!?!?! 19. Famous or infamous: Infamous. 20. Would you spy for your country? No. 21. If you are, or have ever been, a spy for your country would you admit it? No. 22. Least favorite colour: Don't really have one. Uh... vomit? I don't know. In terms of wearing colours, bright red *so* doesn't suit me. 23. Food you hate most: Meat. 24. Worst movie(s): Reckless Kelly 25. TV show(s) you detest: Big Brother/Survivor 26. We've all got guilty pleasures. Film/TV or book series that, rationally, you know is so bad it can curdle milk but you can't help but to watch/read anyway: Mills and Boons. I can't help it. And TV shows? Days of Our Lives and Entertainment Tonight. 27. Actor and/or celebrity you would pay to slap: Jack Nicholson 28. You've been offered a job that pays obscenely well. It's in porn. Would you accept the job offer? No 29. Didn't say you had to star. What if it was in production, advertising, sales and distribution...? No 30. If the opportunity arose, and you could get away with it, would you commit immeasurable acts of violence -- so horrific as to permanently scar the homicide detectives who will later work the case -- on Harry Knowles? No. But then, the name doesn't ring a bell, so... is he a US politician or something? 31. If not Knowles, then who : I'm tempted to say Noxious, but I won't. 32. Do you believe that the base ingredient in both Coke and Pepsi is carbonated battery acid? Wouldn't surprise me. 33. Remember the cartoon strip the above question references? No. 34. Last comic book you read: It was either Garfield or Footrot Flats. Or does a Buffy comic count? 35. If you could be any comic book hero or villain, who would you be: Batgirl!! 36. Rice, potatoes or bread: Potatoes 37. Whipped cream, chocolate sauce or melted caramel: ALL!!!!!!!!! 38. Who would you most like to lick #37 off of: Wesley and Giles... preferably at once... 39. Addicted? Coffee. And the Babble Board. 40. Conflicted? Always 41. Ever poked a badger with a spoon? Spoon? I see no spoon! And we don't have badgers in this country, either. 42. Can you name the person #41 references: Unfortunately, no. 43. Think he's a god? I'm getting lost here... 44. Think you're a god? God, no. Goddess, yes. 45. Ever been one toke over the line? No... 46. Ever been one toke over the line while sitting downtown at a railway station? Heeeelllpp!! I've been confused by the quiz! I keep telling you people I'm an innocent!!! 47. Have you ever done anything for which you *should* have been convicted? See my plea of innocence above. 48. Planning to take over the world? That's for me to know and you to find out... 49. What're you gonna do with it if you're successful: That's for me to know and you to find out. 50. Are you only happy when it rains? Yes. And it never friggin' rains down here. WE NEED RAIN, DAMMIT!!! Okay, so it's been raining lately... but please, someone break the drought good and proper! 51. Most importantly, apples or oranges: Apples. Even if it's not the inside joke... :: Smurfette blogged for peace @ 11:00 PM [x] :: |
Name: Smurfette |
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